Chapter 86: Shadows of a Hidden Threat


Dabi had been looking forward to this month-long semester break. After weeks of intense training and Studying at Astral Heaven Academy, a respite from the relentless pursuit of knowledge and combat was a welcome relief. With his siblings finally settled into their new routine, he felt a sense of tranquility wash over him as he returned home. The familiar warmth of their shared space enveloped him, a stark contrast to the cool, austere halls of the academy.


This morning was no different. The sun poured in through the kitchen windows, casting a golden hue over the breakfast table. Eli and Mira were already up, chattering excitedly about their day ahead. They were still adjusting to the new school but seemed to be thriving under the care of their nanny, who had quickly become a crucial part of their lives. Dabi was grateful for her presence; she kept things running smoothly, allowing him to focus on training and his responsibilities at the academy.


After breakfast, he watched as his siblings donned their backpacks, brimming with books and supplies. They exchanged hugs, promising to behave, while Dabi smiled, his heart swelling with pride. "Be good, and listen to the nanny!" he called out as they walked out the door, herding them along.


Once the house settled into its familiar quiet, Dabi took a deep breath and headed to his training room. This was his sanctuary—a place filled with the remnants of his training, where he had honed his skills and pushed his limits. He had designed it to maximize his training, but it lacked the mana stones. mana stones were rare, and Dabi had to be prudent with their use, especially now that Loira needed to absorb mana to recover.

As he entered the training room, Dabi's gaze fell upon Loira, who was meditating in the center of the space. The ethereal glow that usually dimmer but it's bright today, a testament to her need for mana vain injury. Dabi sees she almost absorbed the mana stone, and mana vain recoverd a bit. She looks better than before.

She just needs a boot to fully absorbed the mana stone, Dabi took a seat nearby, hoping to lend her some of his energy through their bond. He closed his eyes and focused on channeling his mana toward her, feeling the familiar warmth radiate between them. The connection was fragile, but he felt it strengthen as he concentrated.

However, just as he began to relax into the meditative state, a shiver of unease coursed through him. Dabi opened his eyes, scanning the room. The sensation of being watched returned, stronger than before. Just as he dismissed it as paranoia, a figure emerged from the shadows—a cloaked figure dressed entirely in black, the hood concealing their face. Dabi's heart raced as the intruder stepped forward, a confident aura radiating from them. He instinctively took a defensive stance, prepared for a fight.

"Who are you?" Dabi demanded, his voice steady despite the growing unease in his gut. "What do you want?"

The figure chuckled, a low, rumbling sound that echoed ominously in the training room. "I am known as Zarek," the intruder replied, his voice smooth yet threatening. "I've come to deliver a message to hand over someone one… but I didn't think I will find what I was looking for.

" Dabi echoed incredulously, eyes narrowing. "What could you possibly want?"

Zarek shifted slightly, the fabric of his cloak swirling around him as if alive. "I seek the gatekeeper, Loira. Hand her over, and I assure you, no harm will come to you."

Dabi's blood ran cold. "You think I'd just hand her over? You must be out of your mind."

Zarek raised a hand, his voice calm and calculated. "You misunderstand my intentions, Dabi. I am not here to kill you or to engage in senseless violence. My mission is straightforward. If you cooperate, I promise to leave without further conflict."

"And if I refuse?" Dabi challenged, muscles tensing as he prepared for the worst.

Zarek's expression shifted slightly, a flicker of amusement crossing his features. "Then we will have to see just how strong you've become. I would rather not fight you, but I will if necessary."

Dabi's heart raced. He knew that this was more than a simple confrontation; this was a threat that loomed over not just him, but Loira and his siblings as well. "Loira!" he called, hoping she could hear him even in her focused state. "We have company!"

As Zarek prepared to unleash another wave of dark energy, Dabi turned his attention back to the intruder. "I won't let you take her!"

"Very well, then," Zarek replied, shrugging off Dabi's declaration. "I anticipated this response."

With that, the atmosphere shifted, thickening with tension. Dabi's instincts kicked in, and without hesitation, he lunged at Zarek, channeling mana into his fists. He had faced foes stronger than himself before, but the threat of Zarek was different. He could feel the weight of the impending fight, a gravity that pulled at him.

Zarek sidestepped Dabi's initial attack with effortless grace, his movements fluid and precise. "You're quick, but speed alone won't be enough," he taunted, striking out with a dark tendril that emanated from the depths of his cloak. Dabi barely dodged, feeling the rush of air as the tendril sliced past him, sharp as a blade.

Dabi's mind raced as he refocused, scanning for weaknesses. He couldn't let Zarek overwhelm him. He launched into a series of attacks, combining his speed with his space control. Dabi distorted the space around him, creating openings and bending the trajectory of his punches. With each strike, he aimed to break through Zarek's defenses.

Zarek responded with counterattacks that were both swift and devastating. He wielded dark energy like a weapon, using it to reinforce his defenses and strike back. Dabi found himself on the defensive more often than he liked, dodging and weaving as Zarek's attacks came at him like a storm.

"You're strong for a child," Zarek remarked, his voice surprisingly calm amidst the chaos. "But your technique is lacking. You need to learn control—there's more to combat than just raw power."

Dabi's frustration boiled beneath the surface, fueling his desire to prove himself. He refused to back down, even as the fight escalated. "I won't let you take Loira!" he shouted, determination surging within him.

As the fight continued, Dabi felt the mana around him responding to his emotions. He channeled that energy, drawing upon the very essence of the training room. With a burst of focus, he unleashed a concentrated wave of mana that surged forward, seeking to overwhelm Zarek.

Zarek smirked, extending a hand to absorb the attack. "Impressive, but futile." He redirected the energy, sending it back at Dabi. Caught off guard, Dabi staggered backward, barely managing to deflect the incoming surge.

Regaining his balance, Dabi's mind raced with strategies. He couldn't let Zarek get the upper hand. He needed to find a way to outsmart him, to turn the tide in his favor. "Loira!" he called again, desperation creeping into his voice. "I need your help!"

In response, Dabi felt a flicker of energy behind him. Loira, having sensed the disturbance, emerged from the training room, her eyes wide with concern. "Dabi!" she exclaimed, taking in the scene before her. "What's happening?"

"Zarek is trying to take you!" Dabi shouted, sweat trickling down his brow. "We need to work together!"

"Dabi, I'm—" Loira began, but her words were cut off as Zarek seized the opportunity. He lunged at her, dark tendrils reaching out like grasping claws.

"No!" Dabi roared, rushing forward. He couldn't let Zarek lay a finger on Loira. Just as he intercepted the attack, a searing pain shot through his shoulder as one of the dark tendrils found its mark. He gasped, staggering back but refusing to fall.

"I won't let you go!" Dabi grit his teeth, forcing himself to stand tall. The pain was sharp, but it fueled his determination. He could feel Loira's energy fluctuating, and he knew she was still weak from her previous injuries.

Zarek's expression shifted from amusement to annoyance as he assessed the two of them. "How quaint. You think you can defeat me together? Very well, let's see what you've got."

As Zarek prepared to unleash another wave of dark energy, Dabi and Loira exchanged a quick glance, their resolve unyielding. They would protect each other at all costs. Drawing upon their combined power, they launched an assault against Zarek, a coordinated attack fueled by determination.

Dabi focused on his space control, manipulating the battlefield to create openings while Loira conjured powerful bursts of energy. But as the clash began, Dabi noticed something alarming—Loira's movements were slow and sluggish, her energy wavering. She was not fully recovered, and every blast of energy she sent out seemed to sap her remaining strength.

"Loira, are you okay?" Dabi shouted over the chaos, concern flooding his mind.


I'll be fine!" she insisted, though the strain in her voice betrayed her. "