Chapter 87: The Clashing Powers


Dabi's heart raced as he looked at Zarek, the looming threat before him. The battle had escalated quickly, and he could feel the weight of their situation pressing down on him. Every fiber of his being urged him to fight, but the pain in his shoulder throbbed painfully, a reminder of the dark tendril that had struck him moments ago.

Loira stood next to him, her aura flickering like a candle in the wind. The worry etched across her face reflected his own fears. They were at a significant disadvantage, and the urgency of their situation weighed heavily on him. Dabi reached into his pocket, pulling out the one-time healing item he had obtained during a level 80 mission. It was a rare treasure, infused with powerful energy capable of restoring vitality.

"Loira!" he exclaimed, holding it out to her. "Use this. It'll help you recover."

Loira hesitated, her eyes scanning the item as if weighing its worth. "But Dabi, what about you? I can't let you sacrifice your resources for me."

"Just take it!" Dabi insisted, pressing the item into her hands. "We need you at full strength. If you can regain your mana, we might stand a chance against Zarek."

Loira nodded, her resolve shining through her momentary doubt. She uncorked the healing item and lifted it to her lips, swallowing its contents in one swift motion. Almost instantly, a soft glow enveloped her, and Dabi could see the mana flowing through her, gradually stabilizing her energy levels.

"Let's check our statuses," Dabi said, reaching out to the system interface that hovered in his mind. He focused, pulling up Loira's information.


Loira's Status:

Condition: Injured

Level: Unknown

Mana Vain Recovery: 10% ( 90% Damage)

Battle Power: Level 150


Dabi's breath caught in his throat as he processed the information. Despite being a Gatekeeper like himself, Loira was still at a significant disadvantage. Zarek, on the other hand, was no ordinary opponent. Dabi quickly pulled up Zarek's status.


Zarek's Status:

Level: 188

Role: Servant of Unknown

Power Boost: By the Master


Dabi's mind raced as he compared their levels and abilities. Zarek was not only one rank above him but had an overwhelming level advantage as well. He could feel the weight of the fight bearing down on him. The stark realization that they were facing someone far stronger sent a chill down his spine.

"Loira," Dabi began, trying to keep his voice steady, "Zarek is level 188. He's an Abyssal Knight, which means he's skilled in battling within chaotic dimensions. We're going to have a tough fight ahead of us."

Loira's expression hardened, her determination resurfacing as she processed his words. "I can handle it, Dabi. But we need a strategy."

Dabi nodded, appreciating her resolve. "Here's the rank system we should be aware of."


Rank System:

1. Gatekeeper (Level 50–99): Mastery over basic dimensions and portals. Ability to open and close minor gates and navigate simple dimensional spaces. Foundational skills in dimensional magic.

2. Rift walker (Level 100–149): Ability to traverse dimensional rifts with ease. Can manipulate dimensional energies to create paths through space, allowing for quicker travel and evasion.

3. Abyssal Knight (Level 150–199): Skilled in battling within the depths of dimensional chaos. Possess advanced combat techniques and are adept at surviving in hostile dimensions.

4. Master (Level 200–299): Command over complex dimensional energies. Can create and control advanced constructs and manipulate time and space to a greater extent.

5. Grandmaster (Level 300–399): Command over entire dimensions. Can reshape realms and influence their laws.

6. Voidbreaker (Level 400–499): Breaks through the void's boundaries, nearing transcendence. Manipulates chaotic energies.

7. Saint (Level 500+): Transcendent beings that can alter reality and possess mastery over all dimensions.


"Based on this system," Dabi continued, "Zarek is one rank higher than us. Although your battle power is formidable, there's a significant level difference. We need to play smart if we're going to win this fight."

"I understand, Dabi," Loira replied, her voice steady now, filled with newfound resolve. "I'll hold my ground and support you. Together, we can take him down."

As Zarek watched them, a twisted smile played across his lips. "Are you two finished with your little pep talk? Because I've had enough of this banter." His voice dripped with condescension, and Dabi could see the flickers of dark energy beginning to swirl around him.

"We need to be careful," Dabi whispered, watching Zarek closely. "He's ready to attack."

"Let's move!" Loira shouted, and they both sprang into action.

Dabi charged forward, channeling mana into his fists. He aimed to close the distance between them and Zarek, hoping to land the first blow. But Zarek was quick, his dark tendrils flaring to life as he countered Dabi's approach.

Loira followed closely behind Dabi, gathering energy for a supportive spell. Her form flickered with light, and Dabi could feel the warmth radiating from her as she prepared to unleash her power.

"Get ready!" Dabi shouted as he launched a punch aimed at Zarek's face. The tendril met him mid-air, colliding with his fist and sending shockwaves reverberating through his arm. Dabi staggered back, pain coursing through him, but he didn't let it stop him.

"Now, Loira!" he called, urging her forward.

With a quick motion, Loira unleashed a burst of mana energy toward Zarek. It surged forward, illuminating the dimly lit room in a brilliant light. Zarek was caught off guard for a moment, the energy slamming into him and sending him staggering back.

"Nice hit!" Dabi cheered, adrenaline pumping through his veins. But his celebration was short-lived as Zarek quickly regained his composure, shaking off the effects of the attack.

"Impressive, but you'll need more than that to defeat me!" Zarek snarled, his dark energy swirling ominously around him. He thrust his hand forward, releasing a wave of chaotic energy that surged toward them.

"Dodge!" Dabi yelled, and they both leaped to the side just in time. The energy wave slammed into the wall, leaving a scorch mark that blackened the training room.

"We can't let him control the battlefield!" Dabi shouted, determination igniting within him. He could feel his mana reserves dwindling, but he refused to back down. "Loira, keep the pressure on! We need to push him back!"

Loira nodded, gathering her strength once more. "I'll try my best!"

With a fierce resolve, Dabi moved in again, closing the distance. He ducked beneath a tendril aimed at him and delivered a swift kick to Zarek's midsection. Zarek grunted, stumbling back but quickly retaliating with a dark arc that caught Dabi off guard, throwing him against the wall.

Dabi felt his breath escape him as he crashed into the solid surface, the impact reverberating through his body. "Damn it," he muttered, forcing himself to stand. He pushed against the wall, drawing on his remaining mana to stabilize himself.

"Dabi!" Loira shouted, panic lacing her voice. "Stay focused! You need to—"

"I know!" Dabi snapped, cutting her off. "I just need a moment."

But Zarek wasn't waiting for them to regroup. He lunged forward, dark energy coalescing into a dagger-like form. "Enough of this!" he roared, aiming directly for Loira.

"Loira, watch out!" Dabi shouted, feeling the panic rise within him. He summoned what little mana remained to propel himself in front of her, ready to take the blow.

Suddenly, Loira's eyes blazed with determination. "I won't let you hurt him!" she shouted, her voice ringing with conviction. Gathering the remnants of her strength, she unleashed a powerful beam of energy directly at Zarek, who was momentarily taken aback by her fierce resolve.

The beam struck Zarek squarely in the chest, knocking him back several paces. "You little—" he growled, struggling to regain his footing, but the attack had clearly injured him.

"Dabi, we're safe now!" Loira said, panting heavily. "We can turn this fight around!"

"Not so fast!" Zarek snarled, pushing himself back to his feet. "You think you can take me down with mere luck?"

Dabi clenched his fists, his body trembling with exhaustion. "Loira, don't push yourself too hard," he warned, concern flooding his thoughts. "You're still injured, and it's hard to find mana stones. They're costly, and using too much mana could damage your mana veins further."

"I know," she said, her voice wavering. "But we can't let him win. We have to end this fight."

Dabi felt the weight of their predicament. It was a delicate balance of pow

er, and they were both teetering on the edge of defeat. He looked at Loira, her determination fierce despite the toll the battle had taken on
