Chapter 88: The Tides of Battle


Dabi's heart raced as he surveyed the scene around him, the once-familiar interior of his home now transformed into a battleground. The walls trembled under the weight of powerful energy surges, and the air crackled with magic as Dabi stood ready, his spirit pets, Fen, Whity, and Nyx, poised for the fight ahead.

"Zarek is coming! Prepare yourselves!" Dabi shouted, the urgency in his voice echoing against the walls. He felt the cool touch of the floor beneath his feet, a reminder of the safety that was quickly evaporating.

Fen, his baby Fenrir, growled softly, his fur bristling with tension. Whity hovered protectively, its elemental energy glowing with a vibrant light, while Nyx, the void beast, lingered in the shadows, ready to strike.

Moments later, the door burst open with a crash, and Zarek stormed in, his dark presence filling the room. The Abyssal Knight's eyes glowed with malice, a twisted grin on his face. "You think you can hide from me, Gatekeeper? I will have your power!" he declared, his voice a booming echo that sent shivers down Dabi's spine.

"Stay back!" Dabi yelled, stepping forward, channeling his energy as he summoned his pets. "We won't let you take anything from us!"

The first strike came from Zarek, a wave of dark energy hurtling toward them. Dabi barely managed to sidestep, the blast colliding with the wall behind him, splintering the wood and sending debris flying. "Fen, distract him!" Dabi commanded, his mind racing.

With a fierce bark, Fen lunged at Zarek, darting beneath the enemy's legs and nipping at his heels. Zarek roared in frustration, swinging his sword to swat Fen away. But Dabi seized the moment. "Whity, now!" he shouted.

Whity unleashed a series of energy blasts that illuminated the room, striking Zarek and forcing him to stagger back. "Foolish child!" Zarek growled, anger flashing in his eyes. He retaliated with a powerful thrust of his blade, sending a shockwave that knocked Dabi and his pets back against the wall.

"Loira!" Dabi called, panic surging as he realized he was alone against the dark knight. He had sent Loira to prepare for their escape, but now he could only hope she was safe.

"I'm here!" Loira's voice echoed from the hallway, and she rushed into the room, her hands glowing with magic. "I'll help you!"

"Together!" Dabi shouted, determination igniting within him. They needed to find a way to defeat Zarek and protect their home.

Loira conjured a barrier of light, positioning it between them and Zarek. The energy flared bright, but Zarek merely smirked. "You think a simple barrier will stop me?" he taunted, gathering dark energy in his palm.

"Dabi, we need to create a diversion!" Loira urged, her voice steady despite the tension. "If we can pull him away from the door, we might be able to escape!"

"Right!" Dabi agreed. "Fen, keep him busy!"

Fen lunged again, darting around Zarek with surprising agility. As Zarek swung his blade, Dabi and Loira prepared their attack. "Now!" Dabi shouted.

Loira released her barrier just as Dabi summoned his own magic, combining their powers into a dazzling explosion of light that momentarily blinded Zarek. The Abyssal Knight stumbled, swiping at the air, his fury palpable.

"Let's go!" Dabi shouted, racing for the door with Loira at his side.

They burst through the doorway, and Dabi's heart sank as he spotted Zarek recovering behind them, a look of unrelenting rage on his face. "You cannot escape!" he roared, charging after them.

"Quickly, to the back hills!" Dabi urged, leading Loira through the yard toward the dense trees beyond their home. They sprinted into the forest, the sounds of their footsteps mingling with the rustle of leaves.

As they reached the back hills, Dabi turned to catch his breath. "We need to find a place to regroup," he panted. "Zarek won't stop chasing us."

Loira nodded, her eyes scanning the surroundings. "There's a cave up ahead. We can hide there for a moment and plan our next move."

They sprinted toward the cave, its dark mouth looming ahead like a sanctuary. As they entered, they took a moment to catch their breath. "This should buy us some time," Dabi said, his voice low as he leaned against the cold stone wall.

Suddenly, the earth trembled, and Zarek's voice echoed through the trees. "You cannot hide from me, Gatekeeper! I will find you!"

Panic surged through Dabi's veins. "We can't stay here. We have to keep moving!" he urged, stepping deeper into the cave.

But just as they prepared to exit, Zarek burst into view, his dark aura pulsating with rage. "You think you can run forever?" he shouted, his sword raised.

"Loira, create a rift!" Dabi yelled, his mind racing. They needed to escape again, and fast.

"I'm trying!" Loira exclaimed, struggling to gather her remaining energy.

"Fen, hold him off!" Dabi commanded, the fear for his siblings creeping back into his thoughts. Zarek followed them home, he must have kept an eye on for a long time. What if he attacks Eli and mira . We need to find safe place for them. 

Fen leaped forward, growling defiantly as it clashed with Zarek. The beast's agility allowed it to dodge and weave around Zarek's strikes, but Dabi could see that Fen was growing weary.

"Whity, give Fen support!" Dabi shouted.

Whity swooped down, unleashing another barrage of energy blasts at Zarek. The Knight staggered, but the blows barely phased him. "You are nothing but children playing at war!" Zarek bellowed, redirecting his focus back to Dabi and Loira.

"Loira, do you have enough strength?" Dabi asked, urgency lacing his voice.

"I can create a rift, but it will take all my mana," she replied, panting.

"Do it! We have to go!" Dabi urged, feeling the weight of desperation pushing him forward.

Loira focused, her hands trembling as she summoned a rift. Energy swirled around them, creating a shimmering portal. "Now! Jump through!" she shouted.

Dabi didn't hesitate. He grasped Fen and shouted, "Whity, come on!" before diving into the rift.

They emerged on the far side of the hills, panting and disoriented but momentarily safe. The forest stretched out before them, a familiar refuge that felt increasingly distant with every moment.

"Keep moving!" Dabi called, looking back to ensure Zarek hadn't followed. But the Abyssal Knight was relentless. Just as they thought they had bought enough time, Zarek's booming voice echoed through the trees.

"Flee all you want; you cannot escape your fate!" he shouted, his dark energy surging as he closed the distance.

Dabi felt the ground tremble as Zarek pursued them. "We need a new plan!" he shouted, adrenaline coursing through him. "We can't let him catch us again!"

Loira, still reeling from the exertion, struggled to keep pace. "I'll try to summon another rift!" she gasped, determination shining in her eyes.

As they ran deeper into the forest, Dabi's mind raced. How do we stop him? Zarek's relentless pursuit felt like a nightmare closing in. They had already fled twice; each moment was fraught with danger.

"Fen, distract him again!" Dabi commanded, knowing they needed every advantage they could muster.

Fen growled and dashed toward Zarek, who was closing in. The little Fenrir charged with surprising bravery, darting back and forth to confuse the Abyssal Knight.

"Loira, are you ready?" Dabi asked, casting a glance back at her. He saw the strain on her face but also the spark of resolve. "We need to make this count."

"I can do it!" she replied, channeling her remaining mana. The air around her shimmered as she gathered energy, her aura flaring to life. "Just give me a moment!"

"Make it quick!" Dabi shouted, feeling the ground shake as Zarek approached.

Zarek raised his sword, dark energy swirling around him like a storm. "You cannot hide forever! I will crush you!"

"Now!" Loira shouted, her voice strong despite her fatigue. She opened the rift just as Zarek swung his blade. The energy cut through the air, barely missing Dabi as he dove through the portal with Fen and Nyx, feeling the world shift around them.

They landed hard on the other side, sprawling onto the forest floor. Dabi's heart raced as he looked around, disoriented but momentarily safe. "We need to find a way to defeat him," he panted, glancing at Loira and his pets.

"I don't know how much longer we can keep running," Loira replied, breathless.

Dabi felt the tension gnawing at him. Dabi and loira sits on ground. They finally out of the zarek sight. Zarek tells them he will be back soon. Zarek is also very injured.

Dabi suddenly jump and shout we need to go to the Eli and Mira schools now. He might attack them. 
