Chapter 89: Seeking Help


The wind rustled through the trees as Dabi opened his system interface. His fingers hovered over the options, his body aching from the recent battle. His heart pounded as he scrolled through the list of items, desperately searching for something to help him recover. He knew time was of the essence, and Zarek wouldn't be far behind.

I need potions—high-grade ones, Dabi thought as he tapped into the system shop. With a few swipes, he located two high-grade recovery potions. The glowing blue vials appeared in his hand, and he quickly handed one to Loira.

"Here, drink this. We need to recover fast," Dabi urged, popping the cork off his potion and downing it in one gulp.

Loira nodded, taking the potion with trembling hands. She was still shaken from the intensity of the battle. "I don't know how much longer we can keep running," she admitted as she sipped the potion, the energy immediately coursing through her body.

As the healing energy surged through them, Dabi could feel his muscles mending, the exhaustion lifting just enough for him to think clearly again. "We can't waste any more time," he said, urgency threading through his voice. "We need to get to my siblings' school before Zarek finds us again."

Loira stood up, her strength returning. "Right. Let's go."

They hurried through the streets, the echoes of the battle still fresh in Dabi's mind. Each step was a reminder that their enemies were still out there, lurking. The thought of his siblings in danger fueled his every movement. The school was in sight now, but as they approached, the courtyard was empty.

"They've already dismissed the students," Loira said, scanning the quiet grounds.

"Then we'll take them out on sick leave," Dabi muttered, rushing into the main office. After explaining the situation briefly and fabricating a reason for his siblings' sudden departure, Dabi was able to sign them out early. Soon, Eli and Mira came running toward him, their innocent smiles cutting through the tension that weighed on Dabi's heart.

"Brother!" Mira called out, her face lighting up as she ran into his arms. Eli followed, beaming with excitement.

"We're going home early?" Eli asked, looking up at Dabi with wide eyes.

"Yeah, something came up," Dabi said, trying to keep his tone light. "You'll be staying somewhere else for a while, okay?"

Mira and Eli exchanged curious glances but didn't question it. They trusted Dabi completely.

As they walked back, Dabi's mind raced. Loira and I can't defeat Zarek on our own. We need help. But who? The only person Dabi could think of was the headmaster of Astral Heaven Academy—the most powerful figure he knew. But as they reached the academy grounds, his heart sank.

The gates were closed, and the halls were eerily quiet. Dabi approached a guard standing near the entrance. "I need to see the headmaster. It's urgent."

The guard shook his head. "I'm afraid the headmaster is out of the capital for something important. He won't be back for a while."

"What about my class teacher?" Dabi asked, his voice filled with desperation.

"Also on leave for the semester break," the guard replied, offering a sympathetic nod.

Dabi's chest tightened. This can't be happening. He had no one else in the capital to turn to—no powerful allies, no noble connections. His mind raced, trying to think of another option. And then it hit him. Zen.

Zen was a fellow student, a trusted friend from a lesser noble family in Darkwood City. While Zen wasn't the most powerful person, his family might have the connections they needed. And more importantly, Zen could be trusted to protect his siblings.

"We need to go to Zen's house," Dabi said to Loira, his voice resolute. "He might be able to help."

They made their way through the city until they reached Zen's modest home, a quiet residence tucked away from the bustling streets. Zen, who lived alone, greeted them with a look of surprise when he opened the door.

"Dabi? What's going on?" Zen asked, stepping aside to let them in.

"There's no time to explain everything right now," Dabi said, his tone urgent. "But we were attacked. Zarek, an Abyssal Knight, came after me at my home. I need to keep my siblings safe, and you're the only person I trust."

Zen's eyes widened, and he immediately ushered them inside. "Of course. I'll protect them. You can count on me."

Dabi glanced at his siblings, who were sitting on the couch, watching the exchange with wide eyes. He knelt in front of them, his voice gentle. "You'll be staying with Zen for a little while, okay? He's going to take care of you, and I'll leave Fen and Whity with you to keep you company. They'll look after you."

Mira's eyes lit up. "We get to play with Fen and Whity?"

Dabi smiled, though it didn't quite reach his eyes. "Yes, but you have to listen to Zen, okay? No trouble."

Eli nodded. "We'll be good."

Where are you going? Mira asked. Dabi's reply - me and loira will go for the dimension gate for training. We will be back soon. 

Eli asked why we can't stay at our home like always. Dabi said me and loira were training in the training room we broke something. The house needs to be fixed. Eli asked will our house be better after the fix. Dabi replied yes of course. Eli said I am very happy we will have a new house. 

Dabi ruffled Eli's hair and stood up, turning back to Zen. "They're still very young," he said quietly. "Don't mention anything about the attack in front of them. I don't want them to be scared."

Zen nodded firmly. "I understand. I'll protect them, Dabi. You don't have to worry about that."

"And I'll leave Fen and Whity here to help," Dabi added. "They'll keep an eye on things while I'm gone."

Zen smiled. "They'll be in good hands. My family elder is currently in the capital. I'll contact him and let him know about the situation. He'll send help."

Relief washed over Dabi, though the weight of the situation still pressed heavily on him. "Thank you," he said, clasping Zen's shoulder. "I don't know what I'd do without you."

Zen shook his head. "We're friends. You don't have to thank me."

As Dabi prepared to leave, he cast one last look at his siblings, who were now distracted, playing with Fen and Whity in the next room. Their laughter brought a bittersweet smile to his face. They're safe for now, he thought. But Zarek won't stop until he gets what he wants. I need to figure out how to defeat him.

With a heavy heart, Dabi turned to Loira. "We need to go," he said quietly. "We have a mission to complete."

Loira nodded, and together they left Zen's house, stepping back into the chaos that awaited them.

This battle isn't over, Da

bi thought as they disappeared into the night. And I need to be ready.
