Chapter 91: The Ambush


The sky above Capital City had shifted to an ominous gray, casting long shadows over the landscape as Loira tread carefully through the dense forest to the south. The air was thick with tension, and every step she took was met with a growing sense of unease. Zarek's aura had been faint but unmistakable, a dark thread leading her deeper into the unknown. As she pressed on, her mind remained on Dabi's words—No fighting alone.

Yet, as the shadows stretched longer and the forest grew denser, a chilling certainty crept into her mind. Zarek wasn't just running. He was waiting.

Loira's fingers twitched at the ready, prepared to summon her magic at the first sign of trouble. She could feel the darkness around her, the aura becoming stronger with each passing moment. Her steps slowed as she reached a small clearing, the trees thinning just enough for a narrow beam of sunlight to cut through the gloom. And then, in that fleeting light, a figure appeared.

'Zarek, Hahaha! Got you. '

He stood tall and imposing, his features twisted with malice and his eyes glowing faintly with an otherworldly light. His presence was suffocating, filling the space with a dark energy that made Loira's skin crawl. He didn't speak immediately, only watching her with a predatory grin that set her nerves on edge.

"Going somewhere?" Zarek's voice was low and menacing, a growl that seemed to echo through the clearing.

Loira's heart skipped a beat. She had been right—it was a trap. But now, she had no choice. She had to fight. Her hands glowed faintly as she began summoning her power, eyes locked on Zarek.

"You won't escape this time, Zarek," Loira said, her voice steady despite the fear crawling up her spine. "Dabi and I will stop you."

Zarek chuckled darkly, his gaze narrowing. "Dabi? That boy is running in circles, chasing shadows. You're the one I've been waiting for, Loira. You can't imagine how long I've a hunter. Now you want to hunt me. What a joke! I've waited for this moment when you fall in my trap."

Loira's expression tightened, her magic flaring brighter as she prepared to attack. "You'll regret waiting," she said, her voice sharp as steel.

Without warning, she launched herself at Zarek, her body moving with a speed that defied the eye. A blast of magic surged toward him, crackling with raw energy. But Zarek was ready. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a shield of dark energy, absorbing the blow effortlessly.

Loira didn't relent. She darted forward again, her magic swirling around her as she unleashed a flurry of attacks—blasts of light, arcs of elemental power, and strikes aimed to exploit any weakness in his defenses. Each time, Zarek countered with an ease that made her blood boil.

"Is this the best the last of the gatekeepers can offer?" Zarek sneered, his voice dripping with mockery. "I expected more from you, Loira."

Loira gritted her teeth, sweat beading on her forehead as she dodged one of his retaliatory strikes, a pulse of shadow magic that tore through the trees behind her. Her breath came in sharp gasps, but she wouldn't give up. Not now. Not after everything she'd been through.

"You'll see what I'm capable of," Loira growled, summoning all her strength. She raised her hands and called upon a wave of space magic, warping the very air around her and sending a blast of condensed energy toward Zarek.

The attack hit its mark, Zarek's shield cracking under the force of the blow. For a brief moment, Loira saw him falter. Her heart leaped—she had him.

But before she could follow up, a shadow moved behind her. Loira's senses flared, but it was too late. She felt a sharp pain in her neck, a cold, metallic prick that sent a wave of numbness through her body. Her vision blurred, and the strength drained from her limbs. As she stumbled forward, she barely registered the figure behind her—another man, one she didn't recognize, holding a syringe that glinted in the fading light.

"Got her," the man said, his voice cold and detached.

Loira's legs buckled as the poison from the injection spread through her system. Her vision swam, and she fought to stay conscious, but the world was spinning too fast. She collapsed to the ground, her magic fizzling out as darkness consumed her. The last thing she saw was Zarek's looming figure, his cruel smile the only thing that remained clear in her mind.

"Take her," Zarek ordered his accomplice. "We need to move quickly before Dabi realizes what's happened."

The man nodded, lifting Loira's unconscious form with ease. Together, they vanished into the shadows, leaving no trace of their presence behind.


Meanwhile, Dabi was racing through the eastern forest, following the faint trail of Zarek's aura. The cold night air bit at his skin as he moved swiftly between the trees, his mind focused on one thing: finding Zarek. Every instinct told him that Loira was in danger, and he couldn't afford to waste any more time.

"I should have heard from her by now," Dabi muttered to himself as he leaped over a fallen log. He had been trying to contact Loira for several minutes, but there had been no response. A sinking feeling began to form in his stomach. Something was wrong.

Dabi paused for a moment, closing his eyes and extending his senses. He could still feel the faint traces of Zarek's aura, but it was fading, almost like it was a decoy.

"Damn it," Dabi cursed under his breath. "He's playing with us."

He opened his eyes, his gaze hardening with determination. Loira might have found Zarek already. She could be fighting him right now, and he was wasting time chasing a false lead. He had to find her.

Dabi quickly changed direction, heading south toward where Loira had gone. He pushed himself to move faster, his heart racing with worry. If Zarek had set a trap for her, Loira could already be in serious danger.

As Dabi neared the southern edge of the forest, he tried contacting Loira again. "Loira, can you hear me? Where are you?" His voice was laced with urgency, but there was no answer.

The silence only fueled his anxiety. "Come on, Loira… pick up."

When there was still no response, Dabi's worst fears began to take hold. He could feel it in the air—something had gone horribly wrong.

"I need to find her," Dabi muttered, his jaw clenched. "Zarek must have done something. I can't let him get away with this."

With renewed determination, Dabi continued his search, his eyes scanning the dark forest for any sign of Loira. His heart pounded in his chest as he ran through the trees, his mind racing with possibilities. What if he was too late? What if Zarek had already captured her?

No. He couldn't think like that. Loira was strong—stronger than anyone Dabi had ever met. She could handle herself. But still… something felt wrong.

After what felt like an eternity, Dabi emerged from the forest into a clearing. The faint traces of Zarek's aura were still present, lingering in the air like a dark cloud. But there was no sign of Loira.

"Loira!" Dabi called out, his voice echoing through the clearing. But there was no answer—only the cold wind rustling through the trees.

Dabi's fists clenched in frustration. He couldn't shake the feeling that he was missing something. Zarek had clearly planned this, leading them both on a wild chase to separate them. But why? What was his endgame?

Suddenly, Dabi's senses flared. He felt a surge of dark energy coming from the direction of the city—Zarek's aura. It was faint, but it was there.

"Damn it… he's not here," Dabi muttered. "I've been chasing a decoy this whole time."

Without wasting another second, Dabi turned and sprinted back toward the city, his mind racing with thoughts of Loira. She was in danger—he could feel it in his bones. Zarek had taken her, and Dabi had to find them before it was too late.

As he ran, the cold night air stinging his face, Dabi's resolve hardened. Zarek may have gotten the upper hand this time, but Dabi wasn't about to let him win. He would find Loira, no matter what it took.

And when he did, Zarek would pay.
