Chapter 92: The Rescue


Dabi dashed through the dark streets, the glow of the capital city faint in the distance as he followed the trail of Loira's aura. Her presence flickered, fading in and out like a dying ember, but he knew she was still alive. The weight of Zarek's malevolent energy loomed just beyond his senses, pushing him forward. He was close—closer than ever—but he needed help. Zarek wasn't an ordinary foe. He was a seasoned Abyssal Knight, far stronger than Dabi at this moment, and Loira was likely in worse shape than he feared.

As he reached the outskirts of the city, a faint buzzing broke his focus. His communication crystal vibrated in his pocket, the faint blue light signaling an incoming call. Dabi tapped the crystal without slowing his pace, his eyes still scanning the rooftops and dark alleys ahead.

"Zen?" Dabi's voice was rough, edged with urgency.

"Dabi!" Zen's voice crackled through the connection, full of relief. "I've got news. I spoke to Elder Wanka."

Dabi's brow furrowed. Zen's tells dabi that his family elder, Wanka, is a legendary Abyssal Knight, a powerhouse whose name was whispered with reverence. If he is offering to help, that could change everything.

"Elder Wanka? He's agreed to help?" Dabi's pace slowed as he processed the information. Having an ally like Wanka was no small thing.

"Yes," Zen confirmed. "He's ready and waiting. You just need to send him your location. He's one step away from breaking into the Master Realm. You won't find anyone better equipped to handle Zarek."

Dabi clenched his fist, ok got it' I will send my location to you soon. Zen tells dabi Elder Wanka is level 198, nearly at the peak of the Abyssal Knight rank. His power was on par with Zarek's, perhaps even stronger. 

Rank System-

1. Gatekeeper (Level 50–99)

-Dabi level 80

2. Rift walker (Level 100–149)

3. Abyssal Knight (Level 150–199) 

loira level 150 

Zarek 188+ boosted 

Elder Wanka 198 

4. Master (Level 200–299)

5. Grandmaster (Level 300–399)

6. Voidbreaker (Level 400–499)

7. Saint (Level 500+)

Inside Dabi's mind he thinks -This was the best chance Dabi had of saving Loira and stopping Zarek.

"Good. Tell him to hold on," Dabi said, determination hardening his voice. "I'm tracking Loira and Zarek right now. Once I find their location, I'll send it to you."

Zen agreed, and Dabi disconnected the call. His heart pounded as he pushed forward. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes. Every second Loira remained in Zarek's grasp was a second too long.

After another twenty minutes of intense tracking, Dabi's senses flared. The trail of Loira's aura led him to a crumbling, abandoned building on the outskirts of the city. The stone structure was partially covered by overgrown vines, its windows shattered and dark. Zarek's sinister energy pulsed from within, thick and oppressive. It was the perfect place for someone like Zarek to hide.

"This is it," Dabi muttered under his breath. He pulled out his communication crystal and sent Zen the location. "I've found them. Tell Elder Wanka to meet me here."

Dabi steeled himself, slipping into the shadows near the entrance of the building. His instincts told him that Zarek wouldn't be alone. He needed to be cautious—rushing in would only get him killed.

Thirty minutes passed, and the pressure mounted. Dabi's every nerve was on edge, his senses tuned to any shift in the air. Finally, a figure appeared in the distance, moving with an almost casual grace despite the oppressive aura surrounding the area. Elder Wanka had arrived.

Elder Wanka's presence was overwhelming. He stood tall, his silver hair flowing like a river in the wind, his eyes cold and calculating. His aura was controlled, yet the power simmering beneath the surface was undeniable. Even without moving, Wanka exuded strength, a calm confidence that spoke volumes.

Dabi stepped forward, greeting the elder with a respectful nod. "Elder Wanka. Thank you for coming."

Wanka gave a short nod in return, his sharp gaze surveying the building ahead. "You say your friend is inside? Zarek has her?"

Dabi's expression darkened. "Yes. Zarek took her, and he's likely not alone. I tried contacting her, but there's been no response. I think they've used a magic barrier to suppress her powers."

Wanka's lips pressed into a thin line. "Then we must move quickly. If Zarek is as powerful as you say, we cannot waste time."

Dabi agreed, but there was still caution in his voice. "Loira's being held inside, We'll need to break her free, but the moment we do, Zarek and his men will know we're here."

Wanka stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Chains of that kind are difficult to break. I can shatter them with my aura, but it will create a significant disturbance. Be ready for battle the moment the chains are destroyed."

Dabi nodded. "Understood. I'll cover you while you free Loira."

 It wasn't long before they found her.

Loira was chained to the far wall of a dimly lit room, her wrists bound by glowing, enchanted shackles. Her head hung low, her silver hair falling over her face, but Dabi could see the rise and fall of her chest. She was still alive, but barely. The sight filled him with rage, his fists clenching as he fought the urge to rush to her side.

Wanka approached the chains, examining them closely. "These are indeed high-level magic chains," he muttered. "Breaking them will require a substantial amount of force."

Dabi moved beside Loira, his heart pounding as he saw the bruises on her skin, the toll Zarek's imprisonment had taken on her. He knelt down, gently brushing her hair aside.

"Loira," he whispered. "It's me, Dabi. We're going to get you out of here."

Loira stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering as she tried to focus on him. "Dabi…? You came…" Her voice was weak, barely more than a whisper.

"I'm here," Dabi said, his voice thick with emotion. "And I'm not leaving without you." Dabi try to break the chain but he failed , he isn't strong enough to break the chain. 

Wanka stroked his chin thoughtfully. "Chains of that kind are difficult to break. I can shatter them with my aura, but it will create a significant disturbance. Be ready for battle the moment the chains are destroyed."

Wanka straightened, his aura beginning to swell. "Stand back, Dabi. I'll break the chains, but it will make a lot of noise. Be ready to fight."

Dabi took a deep breath and nodded. He rose to his feet and stepped back, preparing for the inevitable confrontation. His hand hovered near the hilt of his sword, his senses on high alert. He could feel Zarek's energy closing in, drawn by the disturbance they were about to cause.

Wanka's aura surged around him, a swirling vortex of power that crackled with intensity. He raised his hand, gathering his energy for a powerful blast. The air in the room vibrated as the elder's power reached its peak, the sheer force of it almost overwhelming.

With a single swift motion, Wanka released his attack.

A shockwave of raw energy exploded from his palm, slamming into the chains that bound Loira. The shackles shattered instantly, the sound of the blast echoing through the building like a thunderclap. Dust and debris filled the air as the walls trembled from the force of the impact.

Loira collapsed into Dabi's arms, freed from her restraints, but the cost was clear.

"They're coming," Dabi said, his voice low but tense.

Wanka nodded, his eyes sharp. "Prepare yourself. Zarek won't be far behind."

As if on cue, the ground began to tremble. Heavy footsteps echoed through the corridors, and dark energy flooded the building. Zarek's aura was unmistakable—cold, suffocating, and filled with malice.

Within moments, Zarek appeared at the entrance of the room, his dark eyes glowing with rage. Beside him stood his ally, a shadowy figure cloaked in darkness. The air grew thick with tension as the two sides faced off, the silence before the storm.

"Well, well, well," Zarek sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. "I see you've brought reinforcements. How cute."

Dabi's grip tightened on his sword. "It's over, Zarek."

Zarek's grin widened. "Oh,

Dabi… you're in over your head."

And with that, the final battle was about to begin.