

In a dystopian world ravaged by powerful demons, humanity has developed a groundbreaking technology: Demon Masks. These masks, forged from the essence of slain demons, grant incredible powers to those who are compatible. However, the bond is permanent. Once a mask accepts its wearer, it becomes part of them, fusing with their soul. The only way for a mask to be used by another is if the bearer dies, releasing the mask to the next potential candidate.

If someone who is incompatible tries to wear a mask, they will be overwhelmed by the demonic energy and die a gruesome death. Because of this danger, wearing a mask is both a coveted honor and a death sentence for many. The government openly promotes this program, leading to a new society where Mask Bearers are both revered and feared. They are the front line against the demons, but they also represent the fine line between humanity and monstrosity.

Plot Overview:


Humanity is on the verge of extinction due to repeated attacks by powerful demons. These demons are growing stronger, adapting, and humanity has no answer to their relentless onslaught. In a desperate bid, a breakthrough is made—a scientist discovers how to break down demon essence and forge it into powerful Demon Masks. These masks can give humans the powers of the demons they are made from, turning them into humanity's best weapon.

The government sanctions the creation of many masks and builds a social structure around them. Entire academies and organizations are formed to train Mask Bearers, and wearing a mask is seen as a way to achieve status, power, and purpose. However, masks are extremely dangerous—those who aren't compatible die horrific deaths.