My stomach twisted into knots, threatening to unleash their contents as I faced Kyle. 


Of all the things I expected to go wrong when I accepted to attend this dinner party, running into my ex husband was not one of them.

My palms grew slick with sweat as I tried not to watch Kieran make small talk with my father, and my eyes darted around the room, never settling on one spot.

I needed to escape, to get out of here. Standing in close proximity to Kieran was a bad idea.

But my arm was still in father's elbow, and I had no way out. 

My breaths began to come out in gasps as panic enveloped me. A crippling sense of anxiety crawled over my body, and I found it hard to breathe. 

Get away.

I needed to get away. 

My thoughts swirled in a maddening vortex, impossible to quiet. I didn't even dare to look at him, to join the conversation. 

Panic clawed at my chest as I looked around frantically, trying to find a way out of here when my eyes landed on a very familiar person.

I almost staggered under the weight of the relief that slammed into me, and I felt a smile creep on my face as I turned to father, excusing myself.

I didn't look back as I walked away, despite the fact that I felt Kieran's burning stare across my back.

Orion face lit up when he saw me, and he pulled me into his familiar bear hug that dissolved the rest of my panic immediately.

"Hello, Princess," he grinned. 

"Princess huh? It seems everytime we meet you always have a new nickname for me," I teased as we took our seat.

He tipped his head back and laughed, a beautiful sound that lightened my heart.

But I could not help but wonder.

I had never heard Kieran make such a sound before. Not with me, never with me. 

I bet Amelia had made him laugh countless times. Maybe that was part of the reason why he never fell in love with me. 

Speaking of which…

I glanced around, my eyes scanning the crowd for Amelia. But she was nowhere to be found, which meant that Kieran was here alone tonight.

My heart started to soar at that thought, hope rising in my chest. 

Maybe they had broken up. Maybe he had finally decided to let go…

'Snap out of it, Edwina. What the hell are you doing, thinking in that direction. He didn't even spare you a glance back there. Don't break your heart all over again by entertaining the hope that you might still have a chance with him.'

The voice in my head said, and I heaved a sigh of regret and embarrassment. 

The voice was right. Kieran had only stared at me with mild surprise as though taken aback to see me, but not concerned.

This was the first time he was seeing me after five years, and not even a spark of curiosity flitted across his face.

"Hey. Come back to me, Ed. Where'd you go?" Orion said softly, his voice bringing me back to the dinner party.

I had gotten so lost in my head that I forgot he was here with me. 

"Sorry. I was just…thinking about something," I smiled at him.

He squeezed my hand. 

"From the look on your face, I'm sure you don't want to talk about it. But I want you to know that I'm here, alright? Let go of your worries. You can deal with whatever it is later. Enjoy the party with me, princess," he coaxed and I smiled.

Locking away that part of my heart that was still so hung up on my ex husband, I gave Orion my full attention.

He made me laugh a lot, and for a moment, I saw how beautiful he was. Orion was a gentleman through and through, and I might have considered giving him a chance if my stupid heart was still not hung up on my ex husband.

Time passed in a blur, wrapped in the cocoon that was Orion as the party progressed. 

I was grateful that Father didn't bother to come and get me for more introductions, and I was midway through a story when I saw Orion's gaze hardened.


Orion had been reluctant to leave when I asked him to fetch me a drink, but I told him I could handle it. 

And my stupid heart had started to flutter again under Kieran's gaze. His hair hung over his eyes as he tried to find his words, and I fought the urge to lean up and run my hands through them. 

Only for him to say those damning words. 

The hope in my chest died a second death, and I stiffened, embarrassment flooding through my enore body as I realised the implication of his words. 

Kieran thought I would disappear for life and not appear before him again. He had been disappointed to see me. 

Storming away from him, I found father and told him I was leaving.

The grumpy old man didn't even spare me a glance before he turned back to his conversation.

Orion had offered to drive me home, and I was grateful for his silence during the drive. 

"That was your ex husband, right?" he asked when he was parked in front of Father's mansion.

I turned to stare at him. It was difficult to see his expression in the dark, but I had a feeling that he was frowning.

"Yes, he is."

"I always told you that guy was a jerk, Edwina. I was happy for you when you guys got divorced. Why does he still affect you this much?" Orion's words were tender, but I felt the hurt he was trying so hard to hide. 

"He doesn't affect me, Orion."

"He does! You left the party for him. You shouldn't have to do that."

I sighed.

As much as I liked Orion and was aware of his feelings for me, Kieran was a subject I never want to talk about.

Not to him. Not to anyone.

"Drop it, Orion. There's nothing there. I left the party because I was tired, okay? Thanks for the ride," I said, patted his hands and got out of the car. 

He didn't drive away immediately.

 It was when I closed the door behind me, tears filling my eyes that I heard the crunch of gravel beneath his car as he drove away. 


I waited up for father.

I was undressing when it occured to me that Father could have warned me about Kieran. 

He could have told me that the Partnering company was my ex husband's.

But he didn't, putting me in a very uncomfortable situation.

So I waited, determined to give him a piece of my mind. 

It was past midnight before I felt his presence, and although I knew waiting for daybreak would be the reasonable thing to do, I still flung my door open and stormed to his study.

"How could you do that to me, Father?" I asked immediately I walked into the study. 

He raised his eyes to meet mine.

"What are you talking about?" 

He knew. He knew what I meant. Yet he still wanted me to say the words all the same.

"You could have told me, warned me about Kieran. If I had known, I would not have…" 

"You would not have gone to the event?" he interrupted, lacing his fingers on his table before leaning forward. 

"Your divorce with that man was five years ago. Should I let go of a perfectly good and profitable business partnership because you can't let go of your past?

This is business, Edwina. I expect you to use your head and be logical. Emotions will not help you in this situation, and I expect you to be smart. If you make any decision that will sabotage my company because you can't keep your emotions separate from business, there will be consequences."

I raised my eyebrows.

"And who said I have decided to accept your offer?" i asked. 

Father leaned back in his chair. 

"If you decide to refuse the offer, no problem. I want you to know though, my offer to make you legitimately mine will be off the table. I will take away your position as the CEO of the New York branch, and I will withdraw each and every of my support from you and your son. 

I will not acknowledge Noah as my grandson, and the moment you step out of that door, you become a stranger to me."

I gaped, his words slamming into me like a boulder.

"But…that's not fair. You can't do that to me," I stuttered.

"I can and I will. Like I said, this is business."

Father was so cruel. His words landed with the precision of a knife, twisting my skin and drawing blood. 

I wanted to walk out of the door. I wanted to stand my ground and refuse the offer if only to avoid seeing Kieran for the rest of my life. 

But I thought of Noah, my son. Would I really subject Noah to pay for the consequences of my action just because of a man?


I would do it. 

For Noah. 

I would stand my ground.

 A grown woman like me should not be scared of anybody. Not even my ex husband who was, and is still a jerk. 

I swallowed.

"Fine. I'll do it. I'll take up the position as the CEO of the London Branch, move back here and start working with the partnering company."

Father smiled at my words, pleased with my decision.


I walked out of the study, dragging my feet back to my room.

I suddenly

felt exhausted, and I wondered when my life would finally belong to me.

Would a time like that ever come?

A time where I don't have to live my life according to my father's instructions?