I considered spending the next day in bed, torturing myself by going back to the conversation I had with Kieran at the dinner party last night.

I was due to fly back to New York tomorrow to tie up some loose ends and come back here with my whole life in a suitcase.

I wasn't sure how Noah would adapt to a new environment, since he basically spent the four years of his life in New York. But he was excited when I told him the news.

Bored out of my mind, tired of thinking about Kieran over and over, I decided to go out. 

Orion would have done a great job of taking my mind off things, but the words we exchanged last night was like a rope between us. 

I knew he was just worried about me, and that I should apologize and let him know I didn't mean to snap at him, but I didn't have the energy for that right now.

So I picked up my phone and dialed my best friend.

Harriet picked up on the second ring. 

"Hey girl," she squealed, clearly excited at my call. A smile tugged on my lips at how happy she sounded.

Damn. I missed her so much.

"Hello, my darling," I smiled back, the tension immediately dissolving from my body at the sound of her voice. 

"What's up? You good? How's Noah?" she asked rapidly, not giving me time to answer a question before asking another. 

"Will you let me answer your questions?" i teased and she laughed, a joyful sound that trickled down my spine. 

"Don't blame me, my love. It's been so long. When was the last time I saw you?" she whined.

"Well, what do you say we catch up today?"

Seeing Harriet will make me feel incredibly better, and I suddenly couldn't think of something else.

"You're in UK?" she asked, her voice tinged witj disbelief.

"Yeah. Flew in few days ago. Had a meeting with dad and whatnot," I said apologetically. 

"I'm tempted to be dramatic, but I'll give you a chance to come and make it up to me. I'll send you the location of my new Meetup spot. Meet me there in an hour?" she asked. 

I was already on my feet, padding over to my closet to chose a dress. 

"Bet. See you in a bit," I said and hung up. 

The thought of seeing Harriet soon lightened me up considerably, and I hummed as I got dressed. 

One hour later, I was squealing like a ten year old while jumping around with my best friend.

"Girl, damn. Look at you. New York is good on your skin," Harriet smiled as she took me in, and I smiled, a large grin that took over my whole face.

"Please. Don't exaggerated. You look delicious too," I winked and she laughed, linking her arm with mine as we sat at a table.

I looked around.

The place Harriet had chose was a restaurant, but the ambience made me feel so comfortable. It was in an open space, flower beds placed strategically between the tables, soothing our senses with a beautiful scent of roses and tulips. 

I let Harriet fuss all over me, giving her full rein as the waiter came to take our order. 

We made small talk as we ate, and I was so sated and happy with my best friend.

Harriet told me about her life in my absence, and I told her in return of how life was for me in New York. 

I FaceTimed Noah, and Harriet was so happy to see my son that they spoke for hours, putting me on the sideline. 

We were sipping orange juice when Harriet brought it up. 

"So. What did your father wanted to talk to you about?" she asked.

I tensed slightly.

"Oh. Nothing much. He just wanted to move back here."

"Oh? That's strange. You just left for New York few years ago. Why the sudden request?"

Harriet's brows furrowed with concern.

"It wasn't a request. It was an order," I said sadly.

My girl sighed as she took my hand in hers, squeezing to show her sympathy.

"You'll be alright though?" she asked and I nodded. 

Harriet continued to look at me in a way that made me suspect she had something else to say. 

"Is there anything you'll like to say?" i asked gently.

"There's something you're not telling me, right?" she asked back.

My body went rigid. 

Talking about Father's order had automatically made me remember that I would be working directly with the bane of my existence.

But I didn't want to say anything to Harriet, so I didn't mention him. 

It seemed I didn't do a good job of hiding my emotions though.

"I…I don't want to talk about it, Harriet," I said.

Harriet patted my hand.

"It's about Kieran, is it not? I saw the news," she said.

The panic I thought had disappeared creeped back into my body.

"On the news?"

She nodded.

"Your father must not have told you. The media broadcasted it this morning that you'll be working with Kieran. People are speculating about if this was a way of rekindling your romance," she said.

Holy hell.

Father must have contacted the media team to leak the information to the public. 


Any plan I had of staying out of Kieran's way as much as possible while avoiding public attention just went out for the window.

Kieran must have known about the news then, and I wondered how long it would have taken for me to know.

"Hey. Hey. Come back to me," Harriet said softly. 

"I am very worried about you. Do you think you can handle this? Working in close proximity with Kieran?" she asked. 

Harriet was the only person I could be honest with, so I told her the truth.

"No. No I don't think I can handle it. But father is not giving me a choice," I whispered.

Harriet sighed again.

"You think you'll be able to keep Noah away from him?"

That was my biggest concern. 

What if Kieran ran into me and my son? What if someone saw us together and leaked the information, ruining the peace I had managed to attain?

"I don't know. I should try, I guess. I can't let him take away my son."

"Then you should tell you father you can't. Stand your ground. Don't let him keep making you do things you don't want to do," my best friend said. 

I shook my head.

"It's not as easy as that, Harriet. Father won't take no for an answer. And I can't…I can't keep running from my past. Sooner or later I would have to face him. I have no other choice," I said. 

Tears was beginning to fill in my eyes. 

Harriet stood up to come and sit beside me. Pulling me into a hug, she patted my back as tears slipped down my face.

"It's alright. I understand. I just wish you don't have to do this," she said. 

Harriet had always been there for me, and her worrying about me only made me cry harder. 

She held me for a while, and when I finally managed to compose myself, I sat up. 

"I won't run from Kieran anymore. I ran from him five years ago, but I won't run now. He's just a business partner to me, no matter what the public says."

Harriet stared at me for a long moment before she nodded.

"You need anything? I'm here for you," she said. I nodded. 

A sheepish smile split my lips.

"Sorry for going all teary on you earlier. I promise, I gave up on my childish wa

ys," I said and Harriet smiled. 

We stopped talking about Kieran and my father, and Harriet ensured that I forgot my worries for a while before I went back home.