My heart was pounding like crazy. 

I had a meeting with the partnering company team today. Which automatically translated to me having a meeting with Kieran.


The bane of my existence.

Father gave me a few weeks off, to go back to New York and do whatever I had to do. 

It was hard, saying goodbye to the team I had worked with for five years. 

Julia, my personal assistant, almost cried at my going away party, and I promised to check up on them regularly.

I also reminded Julia to keep looking, keep digging for whoever was responsible for the information leak, and with a couple of shots, I said my final farewell.

Packing was hard. I had to select whatever would be useful for me in the UK and what I had to give away. 

Noah was as happy as I've ever saw him. He went around telling anyone who would listen that he was going to London. 

At least one of us was happy about it his new development.

Harriet was there to meet us as we alighted from the airport.

She had only ever seen Noah through FaceTime, and it was hilarious to watch her reaction to seeing my baby in real life. 

Father's offer came with a house, and Harriet and Noah's chatter filled the car as she drove us home.

Orion had offered to come pick me at the airport again, but I refused. I could not risk him knowing about my child. 

He was offended, because he thought I didn't want him to come pick me up because of our argument on the dinner night.

We had both apologized for what happened that dinner might, but my refusal at his offer made him conclude that I was still mad at him. 

Which drew another wedge between us. 

In my hearts of heart, I hoped that when the time came, Orion would forgive me for keeping a very important part of my life from him. 

It was impossible to keep Noah hidden, sooner later the secret would be out in the open. 

I mean, I can't keep him as a secret forever, right?

"Your father owns magnificent houses, damn," Harriet exclaimed as we drove through the gate, whistling as she took in the massive house. 

I smiled.

"I had the same expression when I saw it, trust me," I said as we got out of the car. 

The house was considerably smaller than Father's own house, but it was still a hundred times better from where I stayed with Noah in New York.

She stayed and helped us get settled in. I was grateful for her presence, when have I ever mot been grateful for the gift of Harriet?

When Noah was busy shooting aliens on his iPad, she drew me to the sitting room. 

"You sure you'll be alright with Kieran?" she asked, worry evident in her voice and face.

I drew her into a hug. 

"You don't have to worry about me. I'll be alright."

I was not alright.

I definitely was not alright.

The meeting would start anytime soon, and even though Kieran wasn't here yet, I could feel the panic already enveloping me. 

If the mere thoughts of seeing him made me as panicked as this, how would I react when he eventually walked in?


I wasn't ready to do this. Seeing Kieran, sitting across him and discussing business like I've never felt his skin on mine was impossible.

I considered making a run for it, but Father's words floated across my mind.

'This is business, Edwina. I expect you to use your head and be logical. Emotions will not help you in this situation, and I expect you to be smart. If you make any decision that will sabotage my company because you can't keep your emotions separate from business, there will be consequences.'

"Focus, Edwina. Get your head in the game," I muttered to my self, taking deep breaths to compose myself.

The door opened as if on cue, and Kieran walked in. 

He looked immaculate as always, his eyes calculating and business like as he took in me and my team.

His team filed him behind him, taking up their designed places.

"I apologize for the tardiness. We had to tie up some loose ends," he said to no one in particular.

His eyes met mine across the table and he stalked 

over to me.

"I need to talk to you," he said, his voice filled with urgency.

Trying to keep my emotions out of my face, I tried to stay as composed as I could manage before raising my eyebrows.

"Okay. I'm all ears," I was grateful for how steady my voice was, not betraying all of the turmoil I was feeling inside. 

"I need to speak with you outside. In private," he reworded his request this time. 

"Why? I don't have anything to say to you. Any conversation we will be having should be done within the four walls of this conference room."

I didn't even want to know whatever it is he wanted to say. I just want to be away from him as much as possible.

He cursed softly, before turning back to face the waiting teams.

"If you don't mind, please. Me and Ms. Edwina here will step out to have a word."

I fought my urge to groan.

I would not give him the satisfaction of seeing me lose my cool over the trick he just pulled. 

Standing far away from him as much as possible, we made our way outside.

Since we were having the meeting in my father's company, I guided him to a small but cozy tea room just across the conference room.

"What is it, Kieran? What is the thing that was so important that you had to drag me out of the conference room?" the world blurted out of me as I crossed my arms. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked, his voice tinged with a slight edge. 

"Tell you what?"

"That your Father is the freaking Mr. Hall," he snapped. 

Ah. So this was what this was about.

"You never asked," I said coolly. 

"Don't bullshit me, Edwina. You were working in a bar, living from hand to mouth when I met you. For the whole five years we were married, I never saw a sign that you were the daughter of one of the biggest, richest man in the UK. Why didn't you tell me?"

He was very angry, but his words made me angrier.

I would not snap like he was snapping though. 

"Because you never showed me even the smallest of attention. All you cared about was yourself. What did you expect? That I write about my personal life and send it to you via email?"

He was taken aback at my words, running his hands through his hair like he was just seeing me for the first time.

"Okay. So is he the reason behind your sudden wealth?" he asked, his words conveyed in a sudden calm that I was at a loss of words for a moment.


He sat down at one for the chairs that was scattered around coffee tables. 

"I mean. Let's forget about who your Father is for a moment. You disappear for five years and just reappear, ready to take over one of the big companies.

You could have been heading this company when I met you, instead of being a waitress. The transition is too sudden. What are you not telling me, Edwina?"

He asked, gaze burning into mine. 

"I am under no obligation to tell you anything, Mr. White. My life is mine, and none of your damn business. Stay out of it," I snapped.

"There's a story there, I'm damn sure. This is not rocket science, Edwina. I just want to know how you disappeared with nothing less than the clothes on your back and reappeared with am attitude that screams money. Fucking say it," he snapped back. 

Surprised by my own actions, I leaned over to stare directly into his eyes. 

The pounding in my heart increased at the proximity, but I remained calm and composed.

"Get over yourself, Kieran. My life is none of your fucking business. Now get your priorities straight and let's go start the effing meeting."

My words were soft, but tinged with the edge of a sharp knife. 

He flinched and I stood back up, proud of myself for being able to pull that off. 

Sauntering away without a backwards glance, Kieran's burning gaze followed me all th

e way back to the conference room.

I stilled my hands from trembling. 

If Kieran was this interested in my life, staying away from him would be very, very hard.