"What happened? Did Edwina do something foolish? Got engaged to that son of a gun?" Charlotte asked, her voice filled with worry as she stormed into my office, slamming the door behind her.
Her face was drawn tight, her brows furrowed with concern, and it took all of my willpower not to burst into laughter at her expression.
I kept my face somber and sad, putting a very strong hold on my trembling body.
"Where's…did Archie not come with you?" I asked.
Charlotte stood before me.
"He's parking the car in the garage. Please, talk to me, Kie. What's wrong? Why did you send an SOS this early on a Monday morning?"
I was about to respond when the door opened and Archie stepped in.
The moment my best friend took one look at my face and sighed, I knew my lie was up.
He knew I was faking.