I couldn't believe how rude Noah was last night.
His words had left me standing like a fool in the middle of the room, too dumbfounded to say or do anything.
I knew he was avoiding me. And there was only so many girls date Harriet could take me to.
Don't get me wrong. I loved my best friend. Spending time with her was always refreshing. Made me feel good.
But for some reason, my mind kept circling back around this asshole of a man I wanted to marry. I wasn't really asking after him because I cared or I was worried, no, he was a grown ass man.
I asked that question because if Noah was spending all of his days at work, how was I supposed to make life hell for him like I planned to when I said yes to his proposal?
I was planning to wait until after the wedding before I started doing every and any thing to make him regret flying over to LA and pulling me into a scandal I wanted nothing to do with.