I couldn't believe Ciara had said that. 

I knew, a part of me knew that the moment that reporter asked the question was the moment my fiancée was waiting for.

And she had responded so fucking flippantly that I wanted to groan right there and then. But I didn't. Because that would betray how I was feeling, and I could not afford to let the reporters know that I thought Ciara was a big jerk.

Yes. women could be jerks too. 

She hummed a song as we drove back home, and I knew she was intentionally doing that. To let me know that she wasn't interested in talking to me. 

Ha! As if I wanted to talk to her too. 

I parked the car in the garage and stalked out of the car, anger fueling my steps as I stormed inside and went straight into my study. 

Luke had already called me while I was driving, so I dialed his contact back. 

"All clear?" I asked.