What matters.

Laila, noticing her princess's sudden stillness, rushed over, her voice trembling. "Princess… what are we going to do?"

Nila, who usually was a witty speaker, couldn't speak. She clenched her fists, trying to hold back the wave of emotions threatening to spill over. She had always been ready to fight for her kingdom, but marriage to a monster like Cyrus was no different from imprisonment.

As if sensing her distress, the head maid, who had served the royal family for years, stepped forward. "Princess, we cannot let this happen. There must be a way out."

The head maid had raised Nila like her own, both Nila and Laila grew up together under her care and she couldn't afford to just stand still and watch Nila being traded.

Nila looked up, her normally vibrant eyes darkened by fear and uncertainty. "But how? The marriage is arranged… I have no say in this. Also, saving me could put your lives at risk. I can't put you both into trouble!"

The head maid's face was set in determination. "You're not a pawn, Princess. We can escape. Tonight, Together.''

Laila gasped, and even Nila raised her eyebrows in surprise. "Tonight? But how? The guards? The palace increases the number of guards during the night"

"I've worked in this palace long enough to know its every corner. If you want to flee, I'll make sure it happens. But we need to act now before it's too late."

Nila's heart raced, a flicker of hope igniting. "What's your plan?"

The head maid pulled them closer, speaking in hushed tones.

"We'll dress you as a servant, just like we did when you sneaked out to visit the forest. We'll leave through the old tunnels that run under the palace, it was designed as an escape path during emergencies, Laila and I will go with you as far as the southern forest. Once there, we can figure out our next steps."

Nila nodded, her head couldn't think straight anymore, She looked at Laila, who was pale but nodded vigorously. "I'm with you, Princess. We'll do this together."

The plan was set in motion. They had no time to waste. The head maid left to gather the necessary disguises, while Nila and Laila packed only the essentials, food, water, and a few tools. Nila took one last glance around her room, knowing this could be the last time she saw it. 

Her bed chamber was the smallest in the palace outside of her window was the southern forest, as a little girl Nila naively always thought she could fly like the birds outside her window.

The sun was setting casting an orange hue on Nila's brown skin that made her look ethereal.

That night, as the moon hung high in the sky, casting an eerie silver light over the palace, Nila stood by the hidden door in the kitchen, disguised in simple servant clothes. Her long curly black hair was tied back, tucked under a hood, and her face was shadowed by the fabric.

"Are you ready?" the head maid whispered, glancing around cautiously. Nila gave a firm nod, her heart pounding in her chest.

The door creaked open, revealing the dark, narrow tunnel beneath the palace. One by one, the three women descended into the passage, the cold air stinging their faces. Laila clutched Nila's arm, trembling, but determined.

They moved quickly, the sound of their footsteps echoing against the damp stone walls. The tunnel twisted and turned, but the head maid led them carefully.

Just when Nila thought they might make it, the tunnel began to rumble.

"They're coming!" Laila whispered in panic, her eyes wide with fear. "They've found us!"

The head maid cursed under her breath. "We're too late. Hurry!"

They ran, but as they reached the tunnel's exit, a group of guards appeared, blocking their path. Nila's heart sank as the head maid pulled her back.

"It's over," the head maid whispered in despair.

Laila and her mum were dragged away to the dungeon while Nila now sat facing her Father.

A loud smack echoed in the King's court as Veer slapped Nila across her face. Her breathing turned heavy, chest heaving, sarcasm dripped through her voice as she spoke ''Way to greet your daughter, my king,''

Veer's face filled with fury as he grabbed and pulled back Nila's hair, ''Don't try to act like your damned mother! I raised you for nineteen years when that woman ditched you here! Repay me now!''

Nila's tears overflowed as she started laughing maniacally, ''Did I ask you? Did I ask you to raise me? You could have killed me then!''

Veer let go of her hair, ''Marry him tomorrow or your maids will be punished in the cruellest way possible, I won't kill them but I will make sure they wish they were dead,''

Nila could physically feel her heartache, holding her head high and pushing a lump that formed in her throat down she asked, ''If I marry him and leave the border of this kingdom, will they be safe?''

Veer smiled, ''That's more like it, I can even sign a pact for you agreeing to those terms,''

''Then that settles it, I will marry him tomorrow.''

The next morning, Nila was awoken by the sound of bustling servants preparing for her wedding. Her heart pounded in her chest. 

Nila barely had time to comprehend her fate before she was dressed in a beautiful red bridal skirt and blouse. She was adorned in gold from head to toe, a golden nose piercing, heavy golden earrings, and necklaces, and her hands were filled with golden and red bangles till her elbows. Her curly black hair was also adorned with gold jewels and fragrant flowers.

As the procession began, she was placed in a grand chariot decorated with flowers. The streets were lined with onlookers, whispering and gossiping about the wedding to a king who wasn't even there. Cyrus Selene hadn't bothered to attend his own wedding. Instead, he had sent a letter of consent.

The humiliation stung more than anything else.

As the chariot moved forward, Nila felt the weight of the entire kingdom on her shoulders. Her mind raced. Was this truly her fate? To be sacrificed for peace?

But then, as they reached the edge of the city, something shifted in her.

No. This couldn't be the end.

Nila clenched her fists, determination replacing her fear. She scanned the landscape, her eyes catching sight of the nearby forest. The trees were dense, dark, and dangerous, but they were her only chance.

In a split second, she made her decision.

She threw off her heavy crown, yanked up the hem of her red skirt, and leapt from the chariot. The guards shouted in alarm, but Nila was already running, her heart pounding in her chest as she sprinted toward the forest.

Branches scratched at her skin as she pushed through the thick underbrush. She ran and ran until her legs ached and her lungs burned, but she didn't stop.

Eventually, she collapsed near a stream, panting heavily. She had no plan, no clear idea of what to do next, but she had escaped. That was all that mattered.

For now.