Knight in shining armour.

Nila had escaped, but she had no plan. The vast forest around her felt both like a haven and a cage. She could hear the distant sound of the guards, but for now, the dense forest provided her with some cover.

As she cupped her hands to drink from the cold water of the stream, her eyes caught sight of something strange. Across the water, tucked behind a cluster of rocks, lay a small bundle. Her curiosity piqued, Nila slowly approached and knelt beside it, unwrapping the fabric to reveal its contents.

Men's clothing.

There was a simple white tunic, dark brown trousers, and a worn leather belt. There were even a pair of sturdy boots and a long brown cloak. It wasn't much, but it was a start.

A spark of hope flared within Nila's chest as an idea began to form in her mind. Her father would be expecting to find a runaway princess, but if she was no longer recognizable as Nila, he would have a much harder time tracking her down.

She glanced down at herself. The extravagant bridal outfit glittered in the afternoon sun, the heavy gold jewellery weighing her down and tiring her. With a sense of determination, Nila began stripping away every piece of gold. She removed the bangles from her wrists and ankles, tossed aside the earrings, and unclasped the necklace. One by one, she discarded the remnants of her forced role as a sacrificial bride, throwing the jewels into the bundle she found the men's clothing and carefully wrapping it.

Her fingers hesitated as they hovered over the red bridal skirt and blouse that her mother had worn for her wedding. For a moment, Nila considered keeping it, but no. If she was going to survive, she couldn't afford sentimentality. She removed it and let it fall into the water with a soft splash.

Now, she needed to take care of the most obvious part of her appearance which was her long, curly black hair. It was a defining feature, one that would instantly mark her as the princess of Navaria. With no tools but her resolve, she reached for a sharp stone from the ground and began cutting through the thick strands. It wasn't easy at all, the jagged rock snagged on her curls, pulling painfully at her scalp but she gritted her teeth and continued, determined.

Minutes later, her hair barely reached her shoulders, uneven but manageable. She used a piece of cloth from her bridal outfit that was left out to bind her chest tightly, her fingers working swiftly to flatten her form and give her a more masculine appearance. She slipped into the tunic and trousers, tightening the belt around her waist. As she pulled on the boots and cloak, Nila caught her reflection in the stream. She looked entirely different, less like a princess and more like a travelling boy, rough and dirty from the forest's dirt and her hasty transformation.

The princess was gone. In her place stood a traveller, a boy, or at least, someone who could pass for one.

Taking a deep breath, Nila or Niko, as she decided to call herself, stood up, tightening the bundle that contained jewels around her shoulders.

The weight of the bridal outfit had been replaced by a lighter burden, her new identity.

With her transformation complete, Nila began walking, carefully navigating through the dense trees. She had no idea where she was going, only that she needed to stay hidden. Every snap of a twig, every rustle of leaves made her heart skip a beat.

After what felt like hours, Nila heard the distant sound of voices. She froze, crouching behind a bush as she peered through the branches.

Two men, both armoured in dark leather, were talking by a fire. They seemed to be knights, though their armour wasn't like anything she had seen before, it seemed a little different

Suddenly, one of the young men broke away from the group and started walking in Nila's direction. Panic surged through her. Has she been caught? She tightened her grip on the bundle's edge and prepared to flee, but the man paused as he noticed her crouched form.

"You there!" he called out, his voice demanding but not hostile. "Who are you? What are you doing out here?"

Nila's mind raced. She quickly remembered her disguise. She straightened up, pulling her hood further down to conceal her face. "I'm… just a traveller, my name is Niko" she replied, her voice lower than usual to sound more masculine. "I got lost."

The man stepped closer, eyeing her suspiciously, staring at her for too long, he seemed surprised. He was tall, with silky dark brown hair tied back. His eyes, however, were sharp and calculating. "Lost, eh? In these parts?" He crossed his arms. "Where are you from, boy?"

"From… the southern villages," Nila lied. "I was on my way to the city but lost my way in the forest."

The man studied her for a moment, then nodded slowly, his expression softening. "You're lucky you didn't run into one of the Selene patrols. These woods aren't safe for a lone traveller, especially for a boy like you."

Nila's stomach tightened at the mention of Selene. Was this man a knight of Selene? Was she about to walk straight into the enemy's grasp?

As if sensing her hesitation, the man extended a hand. "Name's Sol. I'm no friend of Selene if that's what you're worried about. I'm part of a group that's working against that tyrant."

Nila's eyes widened, she had always heard of Knights in shining armour in the fairytales she read but now she finally met one!

 "Against Cyrus Selene?"

Sol nodded, a bitter smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "That's right. We've been gathering men, planning to take him down. His rule's gone on long enough. He's a monster, and it's about time someone put an end to it."

Nila couldn't believe her luck. Here she was, in the middle of the forest, and she had stumbled upon someone who opposed the very man she was supposed to marry. Could this be an opportunity? Could she, disguised as Niko, join Sol's cause and find a way to fight back?

Sol looked her over once more as if sizing her up. "You look like you can handle yourself, even if you're a bit short. We could use someone like you in our ranks. What do you say, Niko? Want to fight for something that matters?"

Nila hesitated for only a moment. This was her chance. If she could get closer to those who opposed Cyrus, she might learn more about his weaknesses, and his plans, and maybe just... maybe find a way to protect Navaria.

She met Sol's gaze and nodded. "I'm in."

Sol grinned, clapping her on the back with enough force to nearly knock her off her feet. "Good. Welcome to the rebellion, Niko. Stick with me, and I'll introduce you to the others."