
As dawn filtered through the trees, the soft light breaking over the horizon, Nila sat cross-legged on the edge of the tent, her heart still racing from waking up in Sol's arms or rather, her husband-to-be's arms. But she didn't know that. She only knew him as Sol, the rebellious knight who had somehow managed to stir her heart in such a short amount of time. He was dangerous, and she knew it, yet there was something about him was it his confidence? or the way his eyes danced when he looked at her that made it hard for her to focus?

Or was it the fact that this was the first time she had closely interacted with a young man her age?

Think of the devil and he appears.

Sol emerged from the tent behind her, his smile lazy and confident as he stretched his arms overhead. "Beautiful morning, isn't it?" he remarked, his tone light and casual, though his eyes never strayed far from her. "We've got a long day ahead, Niko. Time to get ready."

Nila, still flustered from the awkward closeness they'd shared during the night, nodded hastily, pulling her hood down further to shield her expression. She hoped the cool morning air would calm her rising nerves, but Sol's presence seemed to have the opposite effect.

He tilted his head toward the trees. "There's a river nearby. Good place to freshen up before the day begins. You're welcome to join me and the others."

Her heart skipped a beat, and she quickly shook her head. "I'll… uh, I'll pass. You go ahead."

Sol smirked, amused by her quick refusal. He leaned in slightly, his voice dropping to a teasing whisper. "Afraid of a little water, Niko?"

Nila's cheeks heated beneath the hood, and she tugged it lower, this man was unnecessarily making her cheeks heat up! Sol chuckled, clearly enjoying her discomfort, but he didn't press the issue further.

"Suit yourself," he said with a wink before walking off toward the river with a few of the other men, leaving Nila alone to compose herself.

As the morning progressed, Nila wandered into the place where the rest of the men were practising their combat skills. Swords clanged against shields, grunts filled the air as knights trained, their movements sharp and precise.

Most of the men had taken off their upper clothing which made Nila's head spin. She kept her distance, hoping to go unnoticed, but it wasn't long before Sol found her again.

At least this time she was glad that he wasn't among the men who took off their upper clothing.

He approached with that same easy smile, holding a bow in one hand and a quiver of arrows slung over his shoulder. "You've been quiet, Niko. Ever used one of these before?"

Nila blinked at the bow, feeling a flicker of nervousness. "No," she answered honestly, her voice low. "I haven't."

"Good." Sol grinned, his eyes glinting with a playful spark. "Then it's time you learned. We don't need anyone in our camp who can't defend themselves."

Before Nila could protest, Sol led her away from the rest of the soldiers, to a secluded spot deeper in the woods where the sounds of practice were a distant echo. He handed her the bow, his fingers brushing lightly against hers, sending a jolt of awareness through her body.

"First, your stance," Sol instructed, stepping close behind her. His voice was low, and she could feel the warmth of his breath against the back of her neck. He reached around her, adjusting her grip on the bow, his hands lingering a little too long as he corrected her posture. "Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent. Relax."

Nila tried to focus on his words, but his proximity made it difficult. She could feel the heat of his body against her back, the firm press of his chest as he leaned over her shoulder. Every movement seemed deliberate like he was testing her, pushing her buttons.

"Now, draw the string," Sol whispered, his lips just inches from her ear. His hand closed over hers, guiding her movements. "Steady your breathing. Feel the tension in the string. Don't rush it."

The only tension Nila could feel was between them and not in the string, by any chance was Sol into men?

Nila swallowed hard, her heart pounding in her chest. She could barely concentrate on the bow, her mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions. Was he doing this on purpose? Was he aware of the effect he had on her?

"Good," Sol murmured, his voice low and rough. His hand lingered on hers as she pulled the arrow back, the string taut under her grip. "Now, aim for the centre of that tree. Let the arrow fly."

With a shaky breath, Nila released the arrow. It flew wide, missing the mark completely and embedding itself into the bark far off from where she had aimed. Her shoulders tensed, and she cursed under her breath, annoyed at herself for missing the target.

Nila had always been a bright student, she was five years old when she could perfectly read three languages, and was the fastest among her siblings to learn horseriding and now missing this target made her question her overall abilities.

Going from bottom to top was easier than going from top to bottom for someone who had always excelled in whatever she had done in her life Nila felt discouraged missing the target.

But Sol just smiled softly, his tone still teasing. "Not bad for your first try. You'll get the hang of it."

He took a step back, allowing her some space, but his eyes never left her. There was something in the way he looked at her intense, curious, and maybe even a little possessive. It made her skin tingle, and she hated how easily he could unsettle her with just a glance.

"Try again," Sol said, his voice gentler now. "And this time, don't overthink it. Just feel it."

Nila nodded, determined to do better, but the fiery chemistry between them lingered in the air, crackling like the tension of the bowstring in her hands. She tried to ignore it, focusing on the task at hand. 

Her eyes now focused only at the centre of the tree, the forest went quiet now it was her against the target.

Sol watched her closely, his teasing demeanour slipping as he noted the shift in her energy. For a moment, he saw the determination in her eyes, the same fire that had intrigued him from the beginning. She wasn't just playing along anymore

She wanted to prove herself.

This time, when Nila released the arrow, it flew straight and true, hitting the centre of the tree with a satisfying thud. Her eyes widened in surprise, her lips parting as if she couldn't believe she had actually hit the mark.

Nila let out a small excited laugh, lightly jumping around him, ''Did you see that? Did you see that!''

"Well done," Sol said softly, his voice low and approving. "I knew you had it in you." There was a flicker of pride in his gaze.

Nila had always wanted to try archery, she had always been jealous watching her 8 brothers practise Archery while the girls were never given a chance to, maybe running away was not a bad idea at all.