Memories of the past.

As they continued practising one of Cyrus's knight mind linked him, 'My lord there is something I need to bring your attention to,'

Cyrus glanced at Nila who was trying her best to practise before saying, ''Continue with the practice, I will be back in a few minutes,''

Nila just nodded as she was focused on sharpening her skills.

Cyrus walked through the forests to meet his younger brother Darius Raul Selene, who was a beta and the Commander Knight of the kingdom, he was the one who mindlinked him.

Both the brothers had contrasting looks but their facial features were similar, Darius had blonde hair and blue eyes just like his father and Cyrus had brown hair, and brown like his mother, they seemed like twins but with different eyes and hair colours.

''Did you send a letter to Veer informing that we found Nila?'' asked Cyrus.

Darius seemed slightly annoyed by the question, ''Yes, but what about our soldiers who are still searching for her?''

Cyrus chuckled, ''Hmm, what about them? Let them search, let's see how competent our soldiers are,''

Darius let out a frustrated sigh pinching the bridge of his nose, ''Brother what are your real intentions? We should return to the palace! Selene is awaiting your arrival,''

''Why not let Nila know who you are? It's not like you can keep hiding your identity forever!'' Darius continued.

Cyrus sighed, the playfulness in his face washing, ''I want Nila to be herself, unafraid of me at least for some time, If she knows who I am, she would hate me, I want her to learn that I wouldn't harm her,''

Darius shook his head in disbelief, ''What makes you think she would trust you after all this facade?''

''I know she won't, but I want to erase that terror she feels, I will reveal myself once I feel like she is ready,''

Darius knew his brother well, they were only three years apart. The whole world knew Cyrus as a cold, ruthless ruler but Cyrus had a softer part of him reserved for the ones he loved.

There was a reason why he wanted to attack Navaria, Veer was a stupid ruler who was bringing doom to his kingdom, and Cyrus wanted to take over the kingdom to make good use of its natural resources and also to be closer to her.

To catch a glimpse of her again.

When Veer presented him with the marriage offer Cyrus didn't hesitate a moment to agree and also proceeded with the wedding immediately.

Ever since Cyrus became the ruler, Selene became the strongest and the most prosperous kingdom, all he wanted was his citizen's joy and happiness and sometimes he had to use cruel ways to achieve that.

Cyrus wanted to be a ruler way different from his father, the man he loathed the most.

Darius still remembered that moment nine years ago when Cyrus first met Nila and how his brother couldn't stop talking about the little girl who saved him.

Nine Years Ago.

It was Cyrus's seventeenth birthday. The grand ballroom of the Selene palace had been filled with dignitaries, lords, and ladies, all gathered to celebrate the young heir. The walls were lined with ornate decorations, golden banners, and lavish displays of the kingdom's wealth. But for Cyrus, the night had been a disaster from the moment it began.

His father, King Aldric, had berated him publicly, criticizing his every move. The cruel words echoed in the young prince's ears, stoking the fire of resentment Cyrus had long nurtured for the man who ruled both his kingdom and his family with an iron fist. The king had always despised Cyrus's softer inclinations, his belief that strength wasn't just about power but also about compassion.

That night, Cyrus had finally disobeyed him.

During the celebration, Darius accidentally spilt juice on one of the royal guests, and King Aldric, in his rage, ordered Darius to be whipped in front of everyone. Cyrus had intervened, stepping in to stop the punishment, and in doing so, had defied his father's orders in front of the entire court.

The king's fury was swift. Cyrus was dragged out of the ballroom, stripped of his royal finery, and thrown into the cold of the palace grounds as punishment for his insolence. The biting wind had cut through his skin as the guards had lashed him with no mercy.

The guests and everyone in the palace were specifically ordered not to save him, Darius cried the whole night feeling guilty that his brother had to suffer all this for him.

Hours passed, and the cold had seeped into his bones. His wolf form, barely under control, was a desperate attempt to stay alive as his body shifted to protect itself. Cyrus had shifted fully into his wolf form when a small figure emerged from the shadows.

Cyrus wasn't able to make out who it was but he could see a pair of big doe eyes that glistened in the dark.

Even at that age, Nila had been braver than most. She had snuck out of her chambers, having overheard the cruelty of the king's punishment. Her heart couldn't bear to leave Cyrus out in the cold, broken and bloodied, even though she barely knew him.

She had crept through the palace gardens, her small hands clutching a blanket and a basket of herbs she had gathered herself. When she found him in his wolf form, she wasn't afraid. Instead, she had knelt beside the giant wolf, her hands trembling but determined.

"Don't worry," she had whispered, her voice soft and soothing as she pressed a warm cloth to his wounds. "I'll take care of you."

Though his vision had blurred, he could see her face, so young and innocent, yet filled with fierce determination. 

'Who was this kid?'

Nila had gently dressed his wounds, her tiny hands working carefully, her brow furrowed in concentration. She knew the risk she was taking by helping him, defying her father and the terrifying king, but something in her heart told her it was the right thing to do.

For Cyrus, that moment had changed everything.

He had been stunned by her kindness, her bravery. She was the only one who had dared to defy his father for him, even at such a young age. And even though their paths had not crossed often after that night, he had never forgotten her.

Now, years later, the same girl who had once knelt in the snow to help him was standing beside him again, unknowingly. The irony of it all wasn't lost on Cyrus. Nila had no idea that she had already saved him once before.

Darius's voice broke through his thoughts. "You're holding on to something from years ago, Cyrus. She's not the same little girl."

"I know that," Cyrus replied, his tone hardening. "But she's still the only one who ever saw me as something other than a weapon or a crown. She's the only one who ever helped me without expecting anything in return."

Darius sighed, the tension between them thickening. "Just don't wait too long, brother. The longer this goes on, the harder it will be for her to forgive you."

Cyrus nodded, watching the distant trees. "I know."

Cyrus couldn't say that he fell for her the moment he saw her because she was barely a kid at that time but he saw her again last year, a memory that brought a sense of warmth inside his chest.