
Cyrus made his way back through the trees, his mind still lingering on the conversation with Darius. The memories of that fateful night all those years ago played in his head like a haunting melody he couldn't shake. His desire to protect Nila, to give her a chance to be herself before revealing who he was, felt heavier with each passing moment.

When he emerged from the treeline, Nila, still disguised as the boy, Niko was deep into her training, her movements sharp and focused as she struck at the bark of the tree. Sweat dripped down her forehead, her lips slightly parted as she breathed through her exhaustion. She had determination, and Cyrus admired that about her.

"Niko," Cyrus called out in his disguised voice as Sol, "take a break."

Nila blinked, momentarily distracted, before lowering her bow and arrow and wiping her brow. She glanced at him, breathing heavily but grateful for the pause. "I can keep going," she said, stubbornness flashing in her dark eyes.

Cyrus chuckled. "You need to pace yourself. You'll get stronger in time. For now, a break is necessary."

Reluctantly, Nila nodded and placed the weapons down, stretching her arms as they began walking together through the forest. The path was shaded by the towering trees and the sound of birds chirping filled the air as they made their way toward a nearby lake. 

As they neared the water's edge, they spotted Darius, splashing water onto his face. The sight of his brother brought a teasing smirk to Cyrus's lips. He waved to Darius as they approached.

"Ah, there's Raul," Cyrus said in a lighthearted tone, glancing at Nila. "The leader of the rebellion, can you believe that?"

Nila's eyes widened slightly, her expression one of surprise before she masked it with a chuckle. "You mean the one who initiated all of this?"

"Exactly," Cyrus grinned mischievously. "A true rebel leader."

Darius, catching on to the playful mood, rolled his eyes but played along. "What can I say? Someone has to keep Cyrus in check, ain't that right Sol?"

Cyrus let out a dramatic sigh before turning his attention back to Nila. His playful side took over as an idea sparked in his mind. Without warning, he gave her a gentle but firm push right into the lake.

Nila let out a startled yelp as she tumbled into the water, the splash echoing in the stillness of the forest. For a moment, the situation seemed harmless, just a bit of teasing revenge for her attempt to escape the wedding not long ago. But as Cyrus stood there, waiting for Nila to resurface, his smile quickly vanished.

Darius was the first to notice something was wrong. His sharp instincts kicked in, and he yelled, "Cyrus! She can't swim!"

Cyrus's heart dropped.

Without thinking, he dove into the water, his body cutting through the surface as he reached for Nila. She was thrashing, her limbs flailing in panic as she tried to stay afloat. His strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her close as she instinctively clung to him, gripping his tunic with all her strength. Her breath came in short, panicked gasps as she buried her face against his chest.

"It's alright," Cyrus murmured, trying to keep his voice calm as he swam back to the shore, holding her tightly. "I've got you."

The water splashed around them as he pulled Nila up onto the grassy bank, her small frame trembling in his arms. For a moment, she stayed curled up against him, catching her breath, her fingers still clutching his soaked tunic. Cyrus felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He hadn't meant for things to go so far.

But then, unexpectedly, Nila began to chuckle.

The sound was soft at first, but it grew louder until she was laughing, still shaking from the cold but laughing all the same. Both Cyrus and Darius exchanged puzzled glances, unsure of how to react. Nila looked up at them, her face flushed from the excitement and shock.

"I'm fine," she said between giggles, her voice breathless but filled with humour. "I just... I love the water, but I never had the chance to learn how to swim."

Cyrus blinked, momentarily stunned by her reaction. He had expected anger, or at the very least, fear. But here she was, laughing after nearly drowning, her smile wide and genuine. The guilt that had weighed on his chest began to lift, replaced by a feeling he couldn't quite name.

"You... don't know how to swim?" he asked, his voice softer now as he tried to process her words.

Nila shook her head. "No, I never had the opportunity. I always wanted to, but there was never time."

He looked down at Nila again, still holding her close, and for a moment, he forgot all about the disguise, about the lies. All he saw was the girl who had saved him years ago.

Nila then playfully pushed down Sol into the water while she stood on the shore, Nila giggled playfully watching him fall and emerge from the water.

Sol was awestruck not because he was pushed but because Nila looked too beautiful to be true as the setting sun hit her brown skin, she was glowing, her smile blooming flowers in his heart.

Cyrus splashed back to the surface, sputtering in surprise as Nila stood on the shore, hands on her hips, giggling like a mischievous child. Water dripped from his face as he wiped his eyes, staring up at her with a mixture of shock and amusement.

"You're laughing at me, huh?" Cyrus asked, his voice teasing, though his heart thudded in his chest for an entirely different reason. She looked radiant, her laughter lighting up her face as the golden glow of the setting sun bathed her skin in warm hues. She was breathtaking, and for a moment, Cyrus forgot where they were.

Nila grinned, her eyes sparkling with triumph. "That's what you get for pushing me first!" She glanced back at Darius, who was watching the scene unfold with a grin of his own.

Darius smirked, arms crossed as he leaned against a tree. "I think Niko's got you figured out, Sol."

Cyrus narrowed his eyes at his brother, though it was all in good fun. "You're enjoying this way too much, Raul."

"Maybe," Darius replied, laughing, but it was the way Nila's smile widened when she glanced at him that made something tighten in Cyrus's chest. It was subtle, just a glance, a light smile, but it gnawed at him.

Does she like him? The thought hit him suddenly. His gaze narrowed ever so slightly, watching how Darius leaned in closer to Nila as they shared a joke. He knew it was irrational, Nila had no idea who either of them truly was, and she would hate them if she knew.

Trying to reclaim the moment, Cyrus stepped closer to Nila, his voice taking on a more serious tone. "Niko," he said, his eyes fixed on her, "you should get out of those wet clothes before you catch a cold. We've had enough excitement for one day."

Nila blinked, surprised by his sudden concern, but she nodded, the playful energy between them from earlier dissipating. "Yeah, you're right," she agreed, running a hand through her damp hair. "I'll head back and change."

She turned toward the camp, and as she walked away, Cyrus couldn't help but watch her retreating figure, slight jealousy still lingering in his chest. 

''You know, Sol, it's kind of cute how protective you are of Nila," Darius remarked casually, glancing at him sideways. "Especially considering she's—"

Cyrus cut him off, his voice sharp. "I'm not protective."

"Oh really?" Darius raised an eyebrow, a knowing glint in his blue eyes. "Then why do you look like you're ready to challenge me to a duel?"

Cyrus felt his cheeks flush slightly, realizing he had been unconsciously clenching his fists. "You're imagining things," he muttered, trying to sound nonchalant.

Darius chuckled, leaning against a nearby tree. "I'm just looking out for you. Besides, I have no intentions of claiming the heart of a runaway bride." He paused, his expression softening. "I know what she means to you, Cyrus. You don't have to hide that."