Her feelings.

As the week passed, Nila, who was still disguised as the boy Niko, became more comfortable in Sol's presence. He was a bit rough around the edges, not exactly what she had imagined when she first encountered the rebels of Selene. She hadn't imagined rebels would be so... playful. But beneath that rough exterior, Sol had a way of making her feel strangely safe, even if his teasing could be relentless.

Her initial fear of being discovered had dulled into a constant but manageable background hum. After all, these men had no reason to suspect her true identity. In their eyes, she was simply a boy from a neighbouring village, another fighter for their cause against the oppressive rule of King Cyrus.

The irony wasn't lost on her. She had fled from a forced marriage to a man she despised, Cyrus, the werewolf king of Selene, known for his ruthless rule and cold heart. Now, she was standing among those who opposed him, unaware of how close she truly was to the man she ran from. But "Sol" was nothing like Cyrus. He was kind, and protective, and, oddly enough, she found herself trusting him in ways she hadn't expected.

The way Sol would watch her during training, his gaze lingering just a moment longer than necessary. How his voice softened when he thought no one else was paying attention. He acted tough, sometimes aloof, but now and then, he let his guard down, just for a second. And in those moments, Nila couldn't help but feel drawn to him.

She still vividly remembered the incident by the lake. How he had pushed her in playfully, and she had panicked. The cold shock of the water, the fear clawing at her as she flailed in the lake, convinced she was going to drown. But then Sol had jumped in without hesitation, pulling her close, his arms strong and secure around her. Even now, days later, she could recall the feel of his heartbeat against her back, the way his voice had softened as he reassured her.

"It's alright. I've got you."

Those words replayed in her head more often than she cared to admit. She hated that they comforted her in ways she hadn't expected. What was worse, in the days following that moment, she found herself glancing at him more often, her heartbeat quickening whenever he was near. She was aware of how ridiculous it was, Niko should not be feeling this way, especially toward another man. But of course, she wasn't truly Niko. And she couldn't forget that.

Each night, they shared the same tent. It was a tight space, but surprisingly, she felt comfortable around him. She had always been able to mask her femininity well enough, but there was something disarming about Sol. She often caught herself studying his features under the dim glow of the moonlight, the sharp lines of his jaw, the way his hair would fall into his eyes, and the quiet intensity with which he watched over her.

At first, she had brushed it off as mere curiosity. But as the week wore on, that curiosity deepened into something else, something unfamiliar and unnerving. It wasn't just admiration for his skills or gratitude for his kindness. It was something more, far more dangerous. She found herself looking forward to their moments together, the conversations they would have while lying on their makeshift beds at night, their words barely above a whisper as they talked about the stars, the moon, and everything in between.

One night, as they lay in their tent, Nila felt an odd warmth spread through her chest when Sol spoke.

"You're improving," he said, his voice low but steady. "You've got the heart of a warrior, Niko."

She swallowed, her pulse quickening at his praise. "Thanks," she replied, her voice softer than usual. "But you're the one teaching me. I wouldn't have gotten this far without your help."

Sol chuckled a deep sound that sent a strange thrill through her. "You're a natural. I'm just here to guide you."

There was a pause, and Nila could feel his gaze shift toward her. She dared a glance at him, and for a moment, their eyes met in the soft glow of the moon. Something unspoken passed between them, a spark, or maybe something else. She quickly looked away, her heart thudding in her chest.

This is ridiculous, she thought. She was Niko here, just a boy among rebels, not a princess, and certainly not someone who could afford to be distracted by feelings. Yet, no matter how hard she tried to suppress it, there was something about Sol that was pulling her in.

She noticed the small things now. The way he always made sure she had enough food, how his eyes would scan their surroundings as if constantly assessing for threats, the way his voice softened when he spoke to her, unlike how he spoke to anyone else. There was a gentleness beneath his rough exterior that confused her. Why did he care so much? What did it matter to him if she was well or not?

One afternoon, after an exhausting training session, they sat by the lake again, the same place where he had once saved her from drowning. Nila glanced over at Sol, who was sitting beside her, looking out over the water, his expression thoughtful. The setting sun cast a golden light over him, making his features stand out in an undeniably captivating way.

The irony of the situation was almost cruel. Here she was, sitting next to a man who despised her would-be husband, the very king she had been betrothed to. And yet, her feelings for Sol were growing every day, a slow, dangerous burn that she knew she shouldn't be feeling.

As the days passed, Nila found herself watching Sol more closely, observing the way he interacted with others, the way he commanded respect without demanding it. She admired him, not just for his strength, but for the quiet honour he seemed to carry.

And yet, she couldn't help but wonder, what would he think of her if he knew the truth? That she wasn't just "Niko," the boy who had joined their cause, but Nila, the runaway bride of the very king he sought to overthrow?

Each night, as they lay in their shared tent, that thought haunted her. She had fled from a man she didn't know, seeking freedom, but now, she found herself wanting something else entirely. And it terrified her.

Because somewhere along the way, she had begun to fall for Sol.