Ch 19

Kyson, after seeing Robin, brought him to meet Justin.

Justin: "Robin?"

Robin quickly hugged Justin.

Justin, feeling a bit awkward, said: "Hey, what are you doing?!"

Robin let go of Justin and said: "Sorry, I'm just happy to see you." He smiled.

Justin looked at Kyson and said: "Why is Robin here?"

Kyson put his hand on his forehead and said: "Well, he just came to see how you live."

Justin, happy, said: "Really? I'm glad to see you again."

Robin thought: "Why did his mood change so suddenly?"

Justin took Robin's hand and said: "Come with me, I want to show you many things!"

Kyson thought: "Maybe I should go with them too."


Justin showed Robin the city and its people, explaining the equality between humans and vampires. 

Robin entered a shop and said, "Wow, they have really beautiful clothes here!"

Kyson frowned and said, "It's just a clothing store, what's the big deal?"

Robin went to the shopkeeper and said, "Excuse me, can I try on the clothes here?"

The shopkeeper smiled and said, "Yes, you can try on any clothes you like and if you like them, you can buy them."

Robin, excited, said, "Really?! I can wear whatever I want?!" and attacked the clothes.

Kyson, irritated, said, "Hey you! Don't attack the clothes like that!"

The shopkeeper smiled at Robin.

Kyson: "Sorry, Mary. My friends are all new to this clothing thing."

Mary: "It's okay, he's just very excited." She smiled.

Justin: "Well, we've never been allowed to choose our own clothes, the queen always chose them for us."

Kyson looked at Justin and said, "How annoying, I'll deal with Rosita later." He clenched his fist.

Robin came over with a bunch of clothes in his hands and said: "I want all of these!" He was excited.

Mary, delighted, said, "Oh my God, you are our first customer to take this many clothes!"

Kyson: "What?! How am I supposed to pay for all these clothes?!"

Mary: "I can give you a discount since you picked so many." She smiled.

Justin: "You pay for it, Kyson."

Kyson grabbed Justin by the collar and shouted: "Do I look like I'm sitting on a treasure chest?!"

Justin: "Oh right, I forgot you got suspended. Sorry." He smiled.

Kyson went to Robin and said: "Put those clothes back, I don't have the money."

Robin: "I didn't ask you to pay for them."

Kyson, surprised: "Huh?"

Robin took a large bag full of gold from his bag and gave it to Mary.

Mary opened the bag and said: "This is too much!"

Robin: "Take whatever these clothes cost."

Kyson, his mouth agape with surprise, said: "Where did you get all this gold and jewelry?"

Robin: "Don't worry, I didn't steal it." He smiled and left the shop with all the clothes in his hands.


Robin was walking happily. Kyson approached Justin quietly and said, "Your friend seems a bit suspicious, don't you think?"

Justin: "Suspicious? Why?"

Kyson: "Well, it's just that..."

Robin came closer and said, "Hey, vampire, I've heard what you did. First, you handed Justin over to that wicked queen and then escaped with him."

Kyson and Justin stopped and looked at Robin.

Robin: "I can be friends with you, but I won't forgive you for not bringing Lilia with you."

Justin's face twisted, and he said, "I haven't forgotten Lilia. We went back for her, but she wouldn't come with us." He clenched his fist in anger.

Robin, in shock, said, "She didn't want to come? But why?!"

Justin, sadly: "I don't know, her behavior had completely changed. She even called the guards to capture us."

Robin: "That can't be true, Lilia would never..."

Kyson, thinking: "Now that I think about it, I remember Rosita saying she wanted to brainwash me with a drug. I was lucky to realize and escape in time."

Suddenly, Robin exclaimed: "A mind control drug?!"

Justin, relieved: "So, Lilia didn't really want this herself!"

At that moment, Lilia was in her room looking out the window. She said to herself, "Justin, so you really haven't forgotten me. I'm so happy, I wish I could see you again." She smiled.

Servant: "You'd better forget about that boy because the queen has ordered his execution."

Lilia, surprised: "Executed?!"

Servant: "Yes, anyone who escapes from Rosita's palace a second time is sentenced to death." She chuckled under her breath.

Lilia thought: "Justin, you mustn't come back for me!"


Justin was sitting sadly by the edge of the fountain. Kyson saw Justin and thought about approaching him to offer some comfort. Suddenly, he saw Kevin sitting down next to Justin and decided to watch from a distance.

Kevin patted Justin on the shoulder and said, "Why are you so down?" He smiled.

Justin: "It's nothing, it's just that there's someone I couldn't rescue from the queen's palace."

Kevin: "Why didn't you bring them with you?"

Justin: "I tried, but they wouldn't come with me." He frowned.

Kevin: "I'm sure there's a reason. Go save them and ask them yourself." He smiled.

Justin looked at Kevin and said: "But I don't know how to save them. I have no chance against the queen and her guards."

Kevin stood up and said: "I don't know either, but I feel that someday, in the future, everything will change, and that heartless woman will destroy herself." He said this and left.

Kyson: "What's your relationship with Kevin? You two seem very close."

Justin: "It's a long story. At first, I escaped from the Ruby Palace with Robin and Lilia, but the guards surrounded us." He sighed and continued: "Lilia sacrificed herself so that Robin and I could escape." His face fell.

Kyson: "How sad."

Justin: "Robin and I had almost made it, but the guards caught up with us again. So, we decided to split up to make it harder for them to find us."

Kyson: "I see, so that's how you got separated."

Justin: "Yeah, but the soldiers caught up with me again, and I was nearly done for when Kevin came and saved me."

Kyson: "It's strange. Kevin saved you then too?!"

Justin: "Well, he wasn't a soldier back then, just a warrior who traveled to various lands."

Kyson looked at Justin with curiosity and said, "Tell me more about Kevin. I want to know about him!"