Chapter 13: Jian Yuncheng's Fever

Had he come to Hengyuan City? The original story offered little insight into this timeline, leaving even Jian Yiling in the dark about why this esteemed master was present at such a time. She was also unaware of the fate that awaited him in the narrative, particularly how his conflict with the male protagonist would resolve. The last thing she remembered was seeing Jian Yiling's demise; an unexpected incident in the laboratory had abruptly thrust her into this world.

What Jian Yiling did know was that this esteemed master had a notoriously bad temper and an even worse reputation. He was known for his erratic behavior, acting without regard for consequences, even regarding his own life. His indifference to death was overshadowed only by his fear of harm coming to his family. 

In the circles of the capital, there was a saying: "He fears nothing under the heavens or on earth, but when Master Sheng claims his heart aches, chaos ensues." Whenever Master Sheng complained of discomfort, the Zhai family would scramble in panic, and everyone else would be swept up in the turmoil.

After finishing their tea, the sky had darkened considerably, yet Jian Laotai was reluctant to let Jian Yiling leave. "Warmth should take care of Yuncheng. Since you're busy with work, why not leave my little darling here with me?" she suggested, her eyes sparkling with affection as she attempted to keep Jian Yiling close.

"He's hired a tutor for Yiling to help her with her studies. They're supposed to have lessons every day," Jian Shuxing interjected, trying to establish a boundary.

"Then have the tutor come here to teach Yiling, it's no trouble at all!" the old lady countered, clearly unwilling to relinquish her granddaughter. For her, nothing was more important than having her little darling by her side.

"Mom—" Jian Shuxing's expression was one of exasperation as he cast a helpless glance at Jian Laotai. Jian Yiling had only just begun to behave herself, and now, being spoiled again by her grandmother was a potential setback.

"Alright, if you want to see her, you can bring her over next weekend to stay for a couple of days," Jian Laotai said, finally persuading his wife to relent, thus allowing Jian Yiling to return home.

In the following days, Jian Yiling remained at home, often found either nestled in her older brother's study or in her own room, receiving tutoring from Qin Chuan. 

One morning, Jian Yuncheng awoke feeling heavy-headed and light-footed, with a fiery sensation in his throat. He attempted to speak but could only manage a hoarse whisper. Realizing he was running a fever, he deduced that he had likely caught the flu, which had been circulating recently.

By this time, his father had already left for work, and his mother was still at the hospital caring for little Naoshao. Deciding he needed rest, Jian Yuncheng lay back down, hoping that a little more sleep would alleviate his discomfort.

As he drifted in and out of sleep, he heard the door creak open, and a petite figure quietly entered his room. She moved cautiously to his bedside, and a soft, gentle hand rested on his forehead. 

Through his haze, Jian Yuncheng recognized his sister, Jian Yiling, though he couldn't quite grasp what she was doing. 

Moments later, she exited the room, leaving him wondering if she had left for good. But before long, she returned, carrying a few items in her hands. 

A cool cloth was placed against his forehead, which jolted Jian Yuncheng fully awake. He squinted at the busy silhouette beside his bed, filled with confusion and curiosity. 

Jian Yiling handed him fever-reducing and anti-inflammatory medication. "How did you know I was sick?" he rasped, his throat painfully dry. Speaking felt like using all the strength he had left.

"You didn't get up early," Jian Yiling replied simply, her expression brightening a bit. 

Jian Yuncheng was known for his punctuality; he maintained a strict schedule, rising at the same hour every day. The absence of his usual routine had clearly raised alarms for his observant younger sister. 

"Did you check on me?" he asked, his voice hoarse and strained. 

Jian Yiling nodded, her small face filled with concern. "I woke up and noticed you weren't up. So, I thought I'd come see if you were alright." 

Feeling touched by her care, Jian Yuncheng managed a faint smile despite his discomfort. "I appreciate it," he croaked, his heart warming at her thoughtfulness.

"Just take the medicine. I'll make you some soup in a bit," Jian Yiling insisted, her determination evident.

She retrieved a glass of water from the nightstand and handed it to him along with the medicine. Jian Yuncheng hesitated for a moment, unsure if he could keep it down, but the worried look on her face encouraged him to try. 

After swallowing the pills with great effort, he leaned back against the pillow, fatigue weighing heavily upon him. 

"Will you stay with me?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. 

"Of course!" Jian Yiling replied, settling onto the edge of the bed. "I won't leave you alone."

The warmth of her presence brought him a sense of comfort. As he lay there, he watched her bustling about, making sure he was comfortable. 

In that moment, Jian Yuncheng felt a profound appreciation for his little sister, realizing that despite the challenges they faced in their lives, their bond was a source of strength. 

As Jian Yiling flitted around the room, preparing to make him soup, he couldn't help but think about how fortunate he was to have her by his side. This simple act of kindness was a reminder that even in the darkest times, family would always be there to support one another. 

He closed his eyes, allowing himself to relax for the first time that day. The soothing sounds of her movements filled the room, and he felt a wave of tranquility wash over him.