Chapter 16: The Man Sleeping in the Hospital Corridor

Jian Yiling was busy typing away on her phone. Even when she was at home, she preferred using her computer, but now, on the road, she didn't want to waste a moment. Her fingers danced across the small screen, entering line after line of text and symbols in her editor. 

She then opened her email app to check her inbox, discovering several emails written entirely in English. The dates on these emails were all from the past few days. Her outbox showed multiple messages sent, while her inbox was filled with replies. One email, received that morning, was still unread, and she had just been working on it before arriving at the hospital.

So absorbed was Jian Yiling in her work that she paid little attention to the conversation between Jian Yuncheng and Mo Shiyun, who chatted amicably ahead of her. Curiously, the two occasionally glanced back at her, perhaps wondering about her engrossed state.

Upon reaching the hospital, Jian Yuncheng and Mo Shiyun headed straight to Jian Yunnao's ward. Jian Yunnao was visibly delighted to see them. However, Jian Yiling was instructed to wait in the corridor. 

Finding a spot on a bench in the corridor, Jian Yiling settled down, her focus still on her phone. At that moment, she noticed a young man lying on another bench nearby. He was partially covered with a jacket, suggesting that he was asleep.

Just then, a loud growl resonated from the man's stomach, and simultaneously, his phone vibrated several times in his pocket. He didn't remove the jacket from his face; instead, he reached into his pocket and pressed the power button on his phone, silencing it. This gesture confirmed to Jian Yiling that he wasn't truly asleep after all.

Despite this, his stomach continued to rumble occasionally, drawing Jian Yiling's attention. She rummaged through her backpack and pulled out a thermos-style food container. She had prepared this meal before leaving home, originally intending to share it with the people in the hospital—Wen Nuan and Jian Yunnao. However, upon seeing Mo Shiyun carrying her own lunchbox, Jian Yiling realized that her portion would no longer be needed.

Carrying the thermos, she approached the man and gently poked his arm with her finger. He slowly pulled the jacket away from his face, revealing a pair of striking eyes. They were bright and distinct, with a unique almond shape. His nose was high and straight, with a rounded tip and narrow nostrils. As he fully uncovered his face, she noted that his lips were full yet not overly thick, and his chin was well-defined. 

The man was exceptionally handsome, almost to the point of being absurd. However, Jian Yiling didn't dwell on his looks. Instead, she offered the food container to him, saying, "I heard you're hungry. Here, eat this. I made it this morning, and no one has touched it." 

She felt the need to clarify that this was not leftover food from anyone else. Instead, she considered it a waste to throw away a meal that she had prepared herself, especially when someone else might need it.

Zhai Yunsheng studied Jian Yiling for a moment, realizing he was being "charitably" offered food by a young girl. He took a second to appreciate her features; she resembled a delicate doll displayed in a shop window, her beauty almost ethereal. His gaze then shifted to the food container she was holding.

The thermos was a cheerful pink, adorned with a playful unicorn design. 

Just then, Jian Yiling noticed that the door to Jian Yunnao's hospital room had opened. Realizing someone was coming to find her, she placed the thermos on the man's lap without waiting for him to take it. With that, she turned and walked back to the entrance of Jian Yunnao's ward.

Left with the pink thermos resting on his thighs, Zhai Yunsheng stared at it for a moment. A mischievous smile crept across his face, revealing a hint of amusement in his eyes. 

As Jian Yiling stood outside the ward, she could hear the sounds of laughter and lighthearted conversations between Jian Yuncheng and Jian Yunnao. The warmth of the hospital seemed to contrast with the cold reality of their circumstances. She was filled with a blend of concern and hope, wishing that her brother would soon recover from his injuries.

Inside the ward, Jian Yunnao's laughter rang out, mingling with the sound of Mo Shiyun's gentle voice as she comforted him. Jian Yiling felt a warmth spreading through her chest, grateful that her brother had friends like Mo Shiyun to support him during this difficult time.

As the minutes passed, her thoughts drifted back to the man in the corridor. She found it strange how he had appeared so detached yet seemed to possess an air of mystery. What had brought him to the hospital, and why was he sleeping in such an unusual place? 

The curiosity gnawed at her. Perhaps he was just another soul caught in the web of misfortune, waiting for a glimmer of hope to guide him back to a better path. 

Just then, Jian Yunnao's voice broke her reverie. "Sister! Come in!" 

With a smile, she stepped inside the room, leaving behind the corridor and the man who now held her curiosity. Little did she know that their paths would soon cross again, weaving their stories together in unexpected ways.