Chapter 37: An Unexpected Encounter

In the eastern district of Hengyuan City, nestled within the hillside villa area, stood two grand and classical mansions. One belonged to the Yu family, and the other to the Jian family. Both families were among the most prestigious in Hengyuan City and boasted a rich history.

At that moment, a minor car accident had just occurred on the road between the two villas—a rear-end collision involving two sports cars. Fortunately, there were no injuries, but the accident caused significant traffic congestion. The Old Lady Jian and Jian Yiling found themselves stuck in the jam, unable to continue home.

Glancing at the short distance left to their house, the Old Lady Jian decided to pull Jian Yiling out of the car so they could walk the rest of the way. As they approached the accident scene, Jian Yiling caught sight of the two cars involved. One was a flashy red sports car, while the other was an even more eye-catching green one.

The driver of the green car leaned casually against the window, his demeanor relaxed and nonchalant. At first, Jian Yiling couldn't see his face clearly, but she noted his tall, slender figure and that his shirt was haphazardly worn, several buttons left undone. 

Suddenly, as if he sensed her gaze, the man turned his head, and their eyes met. It was him!

In that instant, Jian Yiling recognized the man immediately—he was the one she had seen in the hospital corridor, looking starved and weary. 

Zhai Yunsheng's lips curled into a smile when he spotted Jian Yiling, clearly recalling their previous encounter. In a flurry of embarrassment, Jian Yiling quickly averted her eyes, her heart racing.

At that moment, Yu Xi walked over and noticed Zhai Yunsheng seemingly lost in thought. Curious, he followed Zhai's line of sight and saw the Old Lady Jian and Jian Yiling.

"What's so interesting about them, Zhai?" Yu Xi asked, intrigued by Zhai Yunsheng's attention.

"Old Lady Jian and her granddaughter?" Zhai Yunsheng raised an eyebrow, a hint of amusement playing at the corners of his mouth.

"Yeah, that's Jian Yiling, the only girl in the Jian family. You wouldn't know this, but out of eight grandsons, she's the sole granddaughter, completely doted on. The Old Lady Jian treats her like a precious gem, too fragile to drop," Yu Xi explained, sharing his understanding of the Jian family dynamics as they were family friends.

"Let's pay a visit to the Jian family's patriarch," Zhai Yunsheng suddenly declared, catching Yu Xi off guard.

"What?" Yu Xi blinked, bewildered. "You want to visit the Old Master Jian? Are you serious?"

He could hardly believe what he was hearing. Zhai Yunsheng intended to visit the head of the Jian family? Surely, he must have misheard!

As Zhai Yunsheng began walking towards the Jian residence, Yu Xi hurriedly grabbed his arm. "Wait, you're still waiting for the police!" he exclaimed, pointing to the two cars involved in the accident.

Just moments ago, Zhai Yunsheng had been driving when the other car had collided into him. The driver of that car had called the police, and they were now waiting for them to arrive.

Though the car belonged to Yu Xi, it was Zhai Yunsheng who had been driving at the time of the accident. He glanced back at the driver of the car that had rear-ended him, his expression turning icy, which startled the other man.

The driver was a young man in his early twenties, sporting tattoos on his arms, who initially appeared tough but now looked utterly cowed. This young man was the only son of a director at a real estate company in Hengyuan City and had some influence in the area.

After the collision, feeling a bit bold due to his background, he had tried to act tough in front of Zhai Yunsheng and even called the police himself. Now, however, realizing he had messed with someone powerful, he was regretting his hasty decision. Knowing Zhai Yunsheng was behind the wheel made him panic; he desperately wished for a private settlement instead.

"I'll pay whatever it takes! Just don't waste your time, please!" the young man stammered, fear evident in his voice as he scrambled to backtrack his earlier bravado.

Zhai Yunsheng remained unfazed by the man's change of heart. He was used to dealing with such situations, often encountering individuals who would backpedal when faced with the reality of their actions. 

"Let's settle this calmly," Zhai Yunsheng replied coolly, the corner of his mouth lifting in a slight smirk as he assessed the situation. "After all, it's just a minor accident."

As the atmosphere thickened with tension, Jian Yiling and the Old Lady Jian finally made their way past the chaotic scene, unaware of the unfolding drama behind them. The Old Lady was engaged in her own thoughts, reminiscing about her granddaughter's childhood while hoping that the time spent together at the old residence would help them both heal from their recent struggles.

Meanwhile, Zhai Yunsheng's unexpected encounter with Jian Yiling lingered in his mind. Despite the car accident, he felt an inexplicable urge to see her again, curious about the girl who had left such an impression on him.