Chapter 38: Second Aunt He Yan

When Old Lady Jian and Jian Yiling returned home to the Jian family mansion, they found Second Aunt He Yan already seated in the living room. The bond between Jian Shuxiang, the eldest son, and his two younger brothers, Jian Shuhong and Jian Shupeng, was strong; they supported each other and worked together to expand the family business. However, He Yan harbored discontent towards Jian Shuxiang's family. She felt that Jian Shuxiang had taken more than his fair share of the family assets, leaving her husband, Jian Shuhong, at a disadvantage. Additionally, the Old Master and Old Lady Jian favored Jian Yiling, which further fueled her feelings of unfairness.

She was particularly concerned that after the Old Master and Old Lady Jian passed away, all their wealth might be left to Jian Yiling, the little girl. He Yan believed that since they were all children of the Jian family, it was unfair for Jian Yiling to receive special treatment. Upon hearing that the Old Lady intended to have Jian Yiling move back into the Jian residence for an extended stay, He Yan couldn't contain herself and decided to bring her son over to confront them.

At that moment, her son, Jian Yujie, had been summoned to the study by the Old Master to discuss his studies. He Yan greeted the Old Lady with a smile, who seemed unsurprised by her presence; it was common for He Yan to bring her son back to the old residence for visits.

After exchanging pleasantries with the Old Lady, He Yan's gaze fell upon Jian Yiling. "Little Ling, you're looking even more beautiful," she exclaimed, taking Jian Yiling's hand in hers, her smile warm and motherly.

"Thank you," Jian Yiling replied, attempting to pull her hand away. However, He Yan held on a bit too tightly, and Jian Yiling found it difficult to free herself without causing discomfort.

"What's wrong, little Ling? You used to adore your Second Aunt. Have you had a tough time at school? Come, tell Second Aunt about it, and I'll help you figure it out!" He Yan noticed Jian Yiling's reluctance and found it peculiar.

In the past, Jian Yiling had a good relationship with He Yan, as she was charming and eloquent, easily winning over the naive and impressionable girl. However, unbeknownst to Jian Yiling, He Yan had ulterior motives, seeking to lead her astray. The more rebellious and reckless Jian Yiling became, the more He Yan benefited from it. In the original story, many of Jian Yiling's later misguided actions stemmed from He Yan's poor advice.

Jian Yiling leaned back, clearly trying to create distance, but He Yan continued to move closer. Observing this interaction, Old Lady Jian interjected with disapproval. "My dear, little Ling has not been in the best of spirits lately. Don't trouble her, or you might scare her," she said, her tone firm.

Old Lady Jian had never particularly liked He Yan. Among her three daughters-in-law, the eldest and youngest were both from reputable families, while He Yan was an actress. It wasn't that Old Lady Jian disdained her background or career; rather, she disapproved of He Yan's approach to handling family matters. If it weren't for her second son's affection for He Yan, the Old Lady would have undoubtedly chosen someone more suitable.

Nonetheless, she never openly mistreated He Yan after she married into the family, understanding that her son's happiness was paramount. However, when it came to Jian Yiling, her bias was evident. If her legitimate grandchildren caused her little darling distress, she wouldn't hesitate to reprimand them—so how could He Yan escape unscathed?

If it had been anyone else, the Old Lady would have maintained the same stance; no one was more important than her precious granddaughter.

"Oh, Mother, I didn't mean any harm!" He Yan quickly plastered a smile on her face. "How could I possibly hurt little Ling? I care for her dearly! You know, I wish she were my own child!" 

Though her smile appeared sincere, inside, He Yan was seething with resentment. She knew that the Old Lady's affection for Jian Yiling created a significant rift in the family, and she couldn't shake off the feeling that her position within the family was precarious. 

Jian Yiling felt uncomfortable under He Yan's scrutinizing gaze, the forced smile making her skin crawl. She was aware of He Yan's insincere nature and the manipulative tendencies that lurked behind her charming facade. It wasn't just about the wealth or the family dynamics; there was a deeper, darker motive behind He Yan's affection. 

In her mind, Jian Yiling recalled the countless moments where He Yan's seemingly innocent suggestions had led her down the wrong path. The advice that had once seemed harmless now echoed with a sense of foreboding. 

As the tension in the room escalated, Old Lady Jian attempted to steer the conversation in a different direction, hoping to alleviate the discomfort that had settled like a heavy cloud over them. "Yiling, why don't you go to the garden and get some fresh air? It might help clear your mind," she suggested, her voice warm yet authoritative.

Grateful for the chance to escape, Jian Yiling nodded and quickly made her way to the garden, eager to distance herself from the suffocating atmosphere inside. Meanwhile, He Yan's smile faltered as she watched Jian Yiling leave, her envy simmering just beneath the surface. 

Old Lady Jian exchanged a meaningful glance with He Yan, silently reminding her of her place within the family. In that moment, the tension between them was palpable, a reflection of their conflicting interests and unspoken grievances.