Chapter 43: A Reluctant Concern for His Sister

He Yan felt a surge of emotions as she sat next to the striking young man, Zhai Yunsheng. Her heart raced, and her mind whirred with thoughts on how to engage him in conversation. She couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and apprehension about this unexpected guest.

Jian Yujie observed the interaction with growing unease. The way Zhai Yunsheng looked at his sister, Jian Yiling, sent shivers down his spine. It wasn't just that the man was renowned for his reckless lifestyle; it was the very essence of who he was that set off alarm bells in Jian Yujie's mind. Instinctively, he felt a strong urge to keep this man at a distance from his sister. No way would he let Zhai Yunsheng, a notorious playboy, come close to Jian Yiling.

Meanwhile, Jian Yiling held her teacup delicately, taking measured sips of the fragrant tea. Her mind was preoccupied, and since Zhai Yunsheng's arrival, all she could think about was the meal she had prepared that day, now wasted. She had initially thought to offer food to someone in need when she heard his stomach growl, but now the irony of the situation dawned on her. This man, Zhai Yunsheng, was certainly not lacking in meals or luxuries.

As the conversation unfolded, Zhai Yunsheng's gaze flitted away from Jian Yiling as Old Master Jian began discussing business matters with him. Their dialogue was engrossing, with the elder leading the way, while everyone else, including Yu Xi, found themselves relegated to the role of silent spectators. Yu Xi, despite being the heir of Qiyue Group, was overshadowed by the profound depth of knowledge exhibited by both Zhai Yunsheng and Old Master Jian.

Zhai Yunsheng and Old Master Jian discussed the intricacies of the business world with an ease that belied their years. Their words flowed smoothly, punctuated by insights that even Old Master Jian found impressive. The world outside often labeled Zhai Yunsheng a mere debauched young man, but here, he appeared to be anything but that.

"Recently, the emerging internet industry has been booming," Zhai Yunsheng suggested confidently. "Perhaps the Jian family should consider investing in a few ventures."

At this suggestion, Jian Yiling raised her head slightly, her gaze lingering on Zhai Yunsheng. She remembered reading about his character in the original narrative, realizing that his prediction about the industry was astutely accurate. In the coming years, the internet sector would experience exponential growth, creating opportunities for key figures, including the protagonist, Qin Chuan.

Jian Yiling felt a mix of surprise and intrigue regarding Zhai Yunsheng's sharp intuition about market trends, particularly as he typically played the antagonist in the story. The original text had provided little insight into his role as a formidable obstacle to the protagonist's success, leaving Jian Yiling with a vague understanding of who he truly was.

On the other hand, Jian Yujie noticed his sister's interest in Zhai Yunsheng and felt a surge of protectiveness. He understood that many young girls at Jian Yiling's age could be easily captivated by rebellious and charming boys, but he adamantly believed that his sister should avoid such influences. In his mind, her future romantic interests needed to be reliable and respectable, not someone with a reputation for being a troublemaker.

Moreover, Jian Yiling was still quite young. The idea of her dating at this age seemed outrageous. For the next three years—or better yet, five years—she should be entirely focused on her studies and personal growth, not distracted by boys.

Old Master Jian nodded thoughtfully in response to Zhai Yunsheng. "The internet industry indeed has promising potential. However, our family primarily focuses on traditional industries. While we can certainly explore opportunities within the internet sector, we must ensure it does not overshadow our core business operations."

"But I heard that the Jian family's young master is thriving in his internet ventures abroad?" Zhai Yunsheng remarked, his tone laced with curiosity.

Yu Xi shot Zhai Yunsheng a puzzled glance, momentarily baffled. How had Zhai Yunsheng, who had only recently arrived in Hengyuan City, already learned about Jian Yuncheng's achievements overseas? His knowledge seemed far too detailed for someone so new to the area.

Old Master Jian smiled proudly as he spoke of his grandson. "That success is entirely Yuncheng's own doing," he said. "He didn't rely on the family's resources; he carved out this path through sheer determination. As a parent, I will always support him in his endeavors. Should he wish to expand in this field in the future, the entire family will be behind him."

When the elder spoke about Jian Yuncheng, pride colored his tone. It was evident that he valued his grandson's achievements immensely. As the evening wore on and the conversation ebbed and flowed, Jian Yujie couldn't shake off the gnawing concern for Jian Yiling. The contrast between his sister's innocence and the magnetic aura surrounding Zhai Yunsheng heightened his awareness of the potential challenges ahead. How could he protect her from the seductive charm and ambition that men like Zhai Yunsheng embodied?

Jian Yujie's protective instincts flared as he remained seated, a vigilant guardian in a world that felt increasingly unpredictable. He resolved to keep a close eye on his sister, to shield her from the complexities and pitfalls that might arise from forming connections with men like Zhai Yunsheng. As the evening continued and the stakes grew ever higher in this intricate web of relationships and aspirations, Jian Yujie found himself grappling with the difficult balance between familial duty and the trials of growing up.