Chapter 44: An Invitation to the Party

Jian Yuncheng stood out among the younger generation of the Jian family, particularly regarding his business acumen. He embodied a resemblance to Old Master Jian in his youth, showcasing the same drive and charisma that had once made the elder a formidable figure in the industry. This reality stirred a tumult of emotions within He Yan as she watched the unfolding conversation. The façade of well-meaning words—about allowing children to pursue what they loved—now felt hollow. In the end, it was clear who truly captured Old Master Jian's favor: Jian Yuncheng.

After engaging in a lively discussion for a while, Yu Xi chimed in, "Grandpa Jian, I'm hosting a party at my house this Saturday to welcome Mr. Zhai to Hengyuan City. I'd like to invite Yujie and my sister, Yiling, to join us. Would that be convenient for you?"

Given that the Yu family lived right next door and Saturday was a day off with no school commitments, there was little reason for inconvenience. Old Master Jian turned to the two children, encouragingly saying, "If you want to go, then go! You work hard at your studies; it's good to relax once in a while."

Jian Yiling's grandmother also expressed her approval, saying, "Yiling should definitely go and enjoy herself." She noted that her granddaughter had been under considerable pressure lately and could benefit from some time with peers. Though Zhai Yunsheng had an air of mischief about him, she trusted the Yu family—who were longtime friends of the Jiangs—and felt reassured by the presence of Yu Xi, a reliable young man.

However, Jian Yujie wasn't keen on attending. He was contemplating how to excuse himself when He Yan preemptively spoke up, "It just so happens that Yujie doesn't have any plans this Saturday. He can join us and keep Yiling company."

All of Jian Yujie's intended excuses were swiftly blocked by his mother's firm declaration. He felt wounded, knowing he had little recourse against her authoritative stance.

Old Master Jian sighed inwardly, recognizing how He Yan often kept Jian Yujie busy with a packed schedule during weekends, leaving him little time for leisure. Now, she casually mentioned that he was available to accompany his sister, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.

Noticing her brother's dejected expression, Jian Yiling hesitated for a moment before changing her mind. "I can go," she affirmed, her youthful voice ringing with determination despite its softness.

As soon as Jian Yiling agreed, Jian Yujie's mood visibly improved, his eyes brightening. The prospect of attending a party he wasn't particularly fond of suddenly seemed much more bearable now that he would be with his sister.

Meanwhile, in the background, Zhai Yunsheng discreetly smirked to himself, having caught the subtle dynamics at play.


Back at the Jian household, Jian Yunnao returned home for the first time and found himself sitting at the dinner table with his family. In an effort to lift his spirits, the Jians had invited Mo Shiyun to join them. Mo Shiyun, the daughter of Mo Sao, had come to stay with the Jians and wasn't originally supposed to be at the family table. However, her presence was deemed appropriate given the situation with Jian Yunnao, and she now occupied the seat usually reserved for Jian Yiling.

"Sir, Madam, isn't this a bit inappropriate? I should just eat with my mom," Mo Shiyun said, feeling slightly embarrassed when invited to sit down.

"Please, sit. Today, you're here as Yunnao's friend, not as Mo Sao's daughter. There's no need to feel too formal," Jian Shuxiang, the head of the family, reassured her. With a cautious smile, Mo Shiyun took her seat.

However, Jian Shuxiang was not particularly hungry that evening. His mind kept drifting to the image of his youngest daughter packing her bags. He wondered whether Jian Yiling had finished dinner and if she was taking care of herself amid the flu outbreak. Had she added an extra layer of clothing to keep warm? Was she managing well with her studies?

Thinking about how small and frail his daughter looked compared to her peers, Jian Shuxiang felt an unexpected sting in his nose, a reminder of his deep-seated concern for her well-being. He couldn't shake the thought that Jian Yiling was facing challenges that might overwhelm her young heart, especially with the pressures of academic performance and the social complexities of growing up. 

As he sat there, surrounded by family, he couldn't help but reflect on how quickly time was passing. His children were growing up, and the world outside was changing rapidly. Jian Yunnao's return was a welcome reminder of familial bonds, yet it also brought a sense of urgency to ensure that each family member felt supported and loved. The dinner table, once a lively gathering place, now seemed filled with unspoken worries, particularly for the youngest daughter who was navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence.

In an effort to lighten the mood, Jian Shuxiang cleared his throat, trying to focus on the present. "So, how was your day, Yunnao? Did you settle in well?" he asked, directing his attention to his son, eager to shift the conversation towards more uplifting topics. 

Jian Yunnao looked up, a hint of a smile appearing on his face. "It was good, Dad. Just getting used to everything. It's nice to be home." His response, although simple, brought a sense of warmth to the table. 

Mo Shiyun, picking up on the change in atmosphere, chimed in, "I've heard a lot about you, Yunnao. It's great to finally meet you! I hope we can hang out more while I'm here." 

Her friendly tone seemed to inject a spark of liveliness into the conversation, causing Jian Shuxiang to nod in approval. It was moments like these—filled with shared laughter and genuine connections—that reminded him of the importance of family and friendships in navigating life's challenges.

As the evening wore on, the Jians settled into a more comfortable rhythm. They shared stories, exchanged laughter, and, for that fleeting moment, allowed the worries of the world to drift away, embracing the warmth of their familial bonds.