Chapter 45: A Meeting at the Research Institute

Wen Nuan sat quietly, her thoughts consumed by concerns for her daughter, Jian Yiling. Although she tried to keep her emotions hidden, the weight of her worries pressed heavily on her heart. When she had suggested that Yiling return to the ancestral home, she had purposely avoided going there, fearing that seeing her daughter would weaken her resolve to maintain distance. Now, the thought of Yiling living at the old house made her heart ache with discomfort, the very idea of separation gnawing at her insides.

Dinner that evening was marked by an unusual stillness. Mo Shiyun, the daughter of the family's housekeeper, kept her head down, refraining from making any noise. The air was thick with unspoken tension, each member of the household lost in their own thoughts. Once they finished their meal and Mo Shiyun retreated to her room to tackle her homework, Mo Sao hastily approached her.

"Shiyun, you know the eldest young master's birthday is just around the corner, right? You should prepare a gift for him," she urged, her tone both encouraging and maternal.

"Mom, I don't really know the eldest young master that well. It feels a bit overzealous to give him a gift for his birthday; it wouldn't seem right," Mo Shiyun replied, a hint of hesitation in her voice.

Mo Sao shook her head, "I'm not asking you to flatter him; it's just a chance for us to express our gratitude for the Jian family's kindness. You've been living here for a while now, and we haven't had an opportunity to thank them for all their generosity."

After mulling over her mother's words, Mo Shiyun realized there was some validity to what she said. "But what if the gift I choose isn't suitable?" she questioned, feeling uncertain. The eldest young master was accustomed to high-end products; even the simplest gift could end up costing more than what she and her mother would spend in a month, if not more.

"Gift-giving is all about sincerity rather than the price tag. The eldest young master isn't the type to care about how expensive a gift is," Mo Sao reassured her, trying to persuade her. "How about you knit a scarf? Or buy a nice wool scarf and embroider some designs on it?"

Mo Sao had previously worked as an embroiderer, and Mo Shiyun had picked up some embroidery skills from her. Although she didn't consider herself a master, she felt confident that she could create something decent enough for gifting. 

"Alright, I'll try to prepare something once I finish my homework," Mo Shiyun said, agreeing to her mother's suggestion. Yet she was acutely aware of her demanding schedule as a high school senior, which might not leave her with ample time to dedicate to this gift.


The next day, which was Friday, Jian Yiling went to school as she usually did. During the break between classes, she pulled out her phone to respond to some messages. On her screen was a notification from someone she had been in contact with previously.

"Dr. F.S., we have thoroughly reviewed your research paper published in SCI, and it's incredibly valuable for our ongoing project. We would like to invite you to our research lab for a detailed discussion. Would this weekend work for you?"

Typically, the review process for research papers on DNS is lengthy, but shorter reports are processed much more quickly. In this instance, it had only taken a week for her report to be approved and published. The other party had been closely monitoring Dr. F.S.'s work, which is why they reached out immediately after seeing the report. Their eagerness to meet Dr. F.S. in person was palpable.

Jian Yiling quickly typed her response: "I have plans this weekend."

She was committed to attending a party at the Yu residence on Saturday, and on Sunday, her older brother had arranged extra tutoring sessions for her.

"Dr. F.S., we genuinely have a sincere interest in collaborating with you. Our compensation package is highly attractive, and you're free to set any conditions you desire. I hope you'll reconsider," came the follow-up message.

"Let's meet next Monday afternoon. Please send me the address," she replied, realizing that she could likely pretend to feel unwell and slip out of school that day without raising suspicion.

Almost immediately, the other party sent her a QR code image along with an address. "Here's the address of our research institute. The QR code will allow you to open the gate. Just scan it to gain access."

Jian Yiling saved the image to her phone, her heart racing with a mix of excitement and anxiety. This unexpected opportunity could open new doors in her academic career, but she was also acutely aware of the risks that came with stepping outside her comfort zone.

As she contemplated the implications of this potential meeting, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease. She had responsibilities to her family and friends, and she hoped this opportunity wouldn't strain those relationships. Balancing her aspirations with her personal life was becoming increasingly challenging, yet she was determined to leverage her talents while navigating the complexities of growing up.

With a deep breath, she prepared to embrace whatever lay ahead, knowing that this could be a significant turning point in her journey.