Chapter 46: The Post is Deleted

Hu Jiao Jiao took the initiative to strike up a conversation with Jian Yiling. "Hey, Jian Yiling, have you noticed that Qiu Yizhen has been avoiding you lately? You're so clever for not posting the original video. If you had, Qiu Yizhen would have had a terrible time, and I'm sure she would've come after you like a madwoman afterward!"

Her conclusion was based on days of careful observation. Qiu Yizhen had stopped causing trouble for Jian Yiling, and thanks to Qiu Liyao's intervention, all the related videos online had been deleted at a significant cost.

Jian Yiling simply nodded in response, her demeanor calm and composed. After spending several days together, Hu Jiao Jiao had become less intimidated by Jian Yiling and had started to get used to her silence.

"By the way," Hu Jiao Jiao continued, "have you checked our school forum lately? All those posts about you have been deleted!"

"Deleted?" Jian Yiling's brow furrowed as she opened the school forum on her phone, confirming that the previously pinned popular posts were indeed gone.

"Was it you who got them deleted?" Hu Jiao Jiao asked curiously.

Jian Yiling shook her head, indicating it wasn't her doing. She had never contemplated having the posts removed, reasoning that most students had already seen them, and deleting them wouldn't change anyone's opinion.

"Aren't you curious about who deleted them?" Hu Jiao Jiao pressed further.

Once again, Jian Yiling shook her head. 

"Hmm," Hu Jiao Jiao mused, tapping her chin thoughtfully. "Based on my extensive experience watching *Detective Conan*, I think this matter is not as simple as it seems! Perhaps it was someone who secretly has a crush on you!"

Just then, Liu Wen, the class representative, approached. Liu Wen wore thick glasses and had a serious expression; she was known as the academic overachiever of Class 8. 

She tapped Jian Yiling's desk, reminding her, "We have our second monthly exam next Tuesday. You two need to aim for passing grades; we can't have you dragging our class down anymore."

In Shenghua High School, most students could be categorized into two groups: those with good grades and those who didn't perform well but came from affluent families. Both Hu Jiao Jiao and Jian Yiling belonged to the latter category and were often seen as the bottom of the class.

This was one of the reasons they had been assigned as desk mates.

Liu Wen leaned in closer and added to Hu Jiao Jiao, "Jiao Jiao, if you keep underperforming, you'll really just end up being a landlady in the future."

Hu Jiao Jiao's family owned an entire building in the city center of Hengyuan, along with several stores and factories. The income from rent alone was more than what most people would earn in a lifetime. However, because of her poor academic performance, Hu Jiao Jiao was perilously close to a future of simply collecting rent.

Upon hearing Liu Wen's comment, Hu Jiao Jiao slumped over her desk, letting out a dramatic wail, "Don't mention that! Just thinking about it makes me even more anxious!"

Liu Wen responded, "Set a small goal for yourself first—just try not to fail any subjects."

"Wen Jie, your idea of a small goal is actually my life's aspiration! You might as well set me a goal of earning one hundred million!" Hu Jiao Jiao lamented dramatically.

"I can lend you my notes if you need them. What do you think?" Liu Wen offered, knowing this was about the extent of her assistance.

Immediately, Hu Jiao Jiao clasped her hands together in gratitude. "Yes, yes, yes! Wen Jie, you're amazing! I love you!"

With Liu Wen's notes in hand, Hu Jiao Jiao hurried to the copying room. As a private high school, Shenghua had excellent educational facilities, including printers available for student use at no cost.

She quickly made two copies of the notes, keeping one for herself and giving the other to Jian Yiling. 

Looking at the extra set of notes in her hand, Jian Yiling glanced at Hu Jiao Jiao, who made a gesture of encouragement. "Jian Yiling, let's both aim to pass the exam this time! We should still have dreams—what if we actually manage to pull it off?"

"Okay," Jian Yiling replied, a hint of determination in her voice.

Although their motivations might differ, there was a shared understanding between the two girls as they prepared for the upcoming challenges. Both had their own battles to fight, but with each other's support, they felt a little more hopeful about the future.