Chapter 69: Suspicion Arises

After finishing dinner, Jian Yuncheng expressed his desire for coffee and asked Aunt An to brew a pot and bring it to his study. Unlike Mo Sa, Aunt An had been with the Jian family for a considerably longer time. She had cared for Wen Nuan's needs since her childhood. Later, when Wen Nuan married Jian Shuxiang, Aunt An moved to Jian Mansion to continue her work.

Initially, Aunt An was the only live-in maid at the mansion. However, as she grew older and found it more challenging to manage everything, Wen Nuan decided to hire a younger housekeeper to assist Aunt An. This allowed Aunt An to focus solely on the kitchen while Mo Sa took on the responsibility of cleaning the rest of the house.

Aunt An had never married and regarded Wen Nuan and her children as family. She had watched Jian Yuncheng and his siblings grow up, earning his trust over the years. 

When Aunt An entered the study, Jian Yuncheng wasted no time. "Aunt An, what do you think of Mo Sa?"

Mo Sa began working at Jian Mansion after Jian Yuncheng started university, a period during which he was often away from home. 

"Um…" Aunt An hesitated, unsure how to articulate her thoughts. 

"Aunt An, I trust you completely. You're like family to us. Just speak your mind," he encouraged.

"Well, there's nothing particularly wrong with her. She's quite diligent, quick on her feet, and doesn't slack off. However, I sometimes feel that some things she says can be…" 

"Can be what?" Jian Yuncheng pressed, his curiosity piqued.

Aunt An was unsure how to express herself, so she decided to relay an incident she had witnessed a few days prior. "A few days ago, when I visited the third young master in his study, I happened to overhear Mo Sa bringing him some food. She told him that his hand might not heal well, but he could consider other options. She also mentioned that the lady of the house was feeling very distressed and often spoke about the young miss."

Aunt An didn't feel it was wrong for Mo Sa to say these things; after all, they were based on facts. However, she believed it inappropriate to discuss such sensitive topics in front of a child who had just experienced trauma. She wasn't one to stir trouble without cause; without concrete evidence, she wouldn't make accusations. Today, however, she felt it necessary to share her concerns since Jian Yuncheng had specifically asked.

Upon hearing Aunt An's words, Jian Yuncheng's expression darkened, and a flicker of coldness flashed in his eyes. After a moment of silence, his gaze fell upon the sweater and scarf Jian Yiling had gifted him. Suddenly, he stood up, grabbed the car keys from his desk, and rushed out of the room.

Aunt An was perplexed; hadn't he mentioned a video conference scheduled for later that evening?

Jian Yuncheng made his way to the garage, hopped into his car, and drove straight to the old Jian residence. It was already eight in the evening, and the elder Mr. and Mrs. Jian were watching the evening news when he arrived. 

His unexpected appearance surprised the elderly couple. "What brings you here at this hour?" the old man asked, eyeing his grandson's tense expression, half-wondering if something had gone awry.

With a knowing smile, Grandma Jian teased, "I bet my eldest grandson has come to see our little darling!"

After all, he had just received a gift from her.

"Where is my sister?" Jian Yuncheng asked, ignoring his grandmother's comment.

"She's in her study working on her homework," Grandma Jian replied, then warned him, "You better not be too harsh with her! I know you scold her to help her manage her temper, but look how much she's improved lately. If you keep being strict, she might not recognize you in the future!"

"I understand," Jian Yuncheng acknowledged, though he had not come to admonish Jian Yiling this time.

He knocked on Jian Yiling's study door and, upon hearing her sweet voice inviting him in, opened the door and stepped inside. 

The moment he entered, the atmosphere shifted. Jian Yiling looked up from her work, and her expression shifted from concentration to surprise. She was clearly not expecting her brother's sudden visit, especially at such a late hour. 

"Brother, what brings you here?" she asked, trying to hide the hint of apprehension in her voice.

"I wanted to talk to you," he replied, his tone measured but firm, sensing the weight of the conversation that lay ahead.