Chapter 70: Never Called Him "Big Brother"

In the dimly lit room, Jian Yiling was hunched over her desk, seemingly immersed in her homework. When she heard the knock on the door, she initially thought it was one of the household maids delivering her warm milk. She never anticipated that the person at the door would be her brother, Jian Yuncheng.

As soon as she realized who it was, she averted her gaze and hastily placed a report she had been working on over her homework, trying to conceal her activities. Jian Yuncheng walked over and crouched down to meet her eye level, his expression a mix of concern and affection.

"Xiao Ling," he called gently.

She turned her head slightly to glance at him but instinctively leaned back, creating distance between them. Jian Yiling had always found it difficult to be too close to others, especially males. Though she was somewhat more comfortable with the women in the household, being near men still made her uneasy.

Seeing her instinctive reaction caused Jian Yuncheng to furrow his brow. He studied his younger sister, noting her youthful features and the slight redness around her eyes—an indication of sleepless nights, perhaps.

His voice softened as he continued, "Thank you for your gift. I really liked it. I appreciate you remembering my birthday."

Since the incident, he had kept a stern demeanor, treating Jian Yiling with the formality he typically reserved for his employees rather than his family. Yet, her silence spoke volumes. 

"Are you angry with me? Is it because I scolded you?" he inquired gently.

Jian Yiling remained silent, which made him suspect that she was indeed upset with him. Taking a deep breath, he decided to be more open. "Xiao Ling, I don't want to believe that you could hurt your family. And I also can't accept that Yun Ao would lie and slander you. For me and our parents, the hardest part is that you both are our beloved family. We can't choose between you; we can't abandon either of you."

The Jian family had never shown leniency towards outsiders, but the conflicts that arose within the family left them at a loss. Even Wen Nuan, with her gentle nature, and Jian Shuxiang, who was usually decisive in business, found it difficult to navigate the extreme discord among their loved ones.

For Jian Yuncheng, Jian Yiling was not just his sister; she was family. He was thirteen years older than her and eleven years older than their younger brother, Jian Yunao. He had watched them grow up. He could still vividly recall those days in high school when he would return home to find the two little rascals hugging his legs, their wide, innocent eyes pleading for snacks.

Xiao Ling had a particular fondness for sweets, while Yun Ao had always had a soft spot for ice cream. If he forgot to buy their favorites, they would immediately turn their backs on him and cling to their second brother instead. Yet, if he did bring home treats, he would inevitably face his mother's disapproval.

Jian Yiling raised her eyes to meet Jian Yuncheng's gaze, her bright eyes sparkling. He reached out to touch her cheek tenderly, but she instinctively flinched away from his touch. 

Jian Yuncheng was taken aback, realizing that her resistance was more pronounced than he had expected. Suddenly, it struck him: since he had returned home, Jian Yiling had not once called him "Big Brother."

"Xiao Ling, could you call me 'Big Brother' just once?" he asked, his tone coaxing and gentle.

Instead of responding verbally, Jian Yiling reached for a small cake sitting on her desk and handed it to him. By doing so, she indirectly evaded his request.

As Jian Yuncheng held the cake in his hands, he recalled Grandma Jian's warning from earlier: "If you keep being harsh with her, she might not recognize you anymore!" The weight of her words settled in his mind, and he felt the distance between them growing even wider.