Chapter 74: Malicious Confession (1)

"Mom, don't worry. I'll study hard and get into a good university. I promise I'll make sure you have a better life in the future. Just believe in me; once I'm in college, you won't have to work so hard anymore," Mo Shiyun reassured Aunt Mo, her words infused with determination.

Aunt Mo's mood took a while to stabilize after her daughter's comforting promise. After a moment, she turned to Mo Shiyun with a curious expression. "By the way, have you run into Miss Jian at school lately?"

Since Jian Yiling had gone to the old mansion, Aunt Mo had lost her chance to interact with her.

"Mom, I'm in my senior year, and she's a freshman. We're in different buildings, so unless something special happens, it's nearly impossible for us to cross paths," Mo Shiyun explained.

"Oh, I see…" A flicker of disappointment crossed Aunt Mo's face.

"Mom, why are you asking about her? Is there something on your mind?" Mo Shiyun pressed, sensing her mother's concern.

"Nothing, nothing! I was just curious. After all, Miss Jian isn't at home, and I worry about her," Aunt Mo quickly clarified, her tone light but her heart heavy with secrets. She would never let her daughter be dragged into the issues between her and the Second Lady. If there was a hell to face, she would rather take that plunge alone.


The next day was Tuesday, and it marked the second monthly exam for Jian Yiling and her classmates in their first year. Since Shenghua High School did not separate arts and sciences, they had to take nine subjects—Chinese, Math, English, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Politics, History, and Geography—all within two grueling days, leaving the students little room to breathe.

However, amid this hectic atmosphere, a "big news" story broke that diverted the students' attention. A post about a love confession appeared on the Shenghua High School campus forum, stirring up quite a buzz.

The title of the post read: "Come and see! Someone is confessing at the school gate! The object of affection is Jian Yiling!"

Upon clicking into the post, users were greeted by several photos documenting the scene at the school gate. Someone had set up an elaborate display of flowers and balloons, complete with a banner.

The content of the banner was shockingly direct: "Jian Yiling, I like you! You are my star, my moon, my salvation."

The final photo showed a boy holding a bouquet of flowers. He was slender, with dyed hair styled in an extravagant manner, adorned with earrings, and wearing torn jeans. His overall appearance screamed of delinquency, resembling a typical "bad boy" from the streets.

Immediately, comments flooded in.

"What the hell is going on? Is Jian Yiling dating early?"

"I don't think it's that serious; it's just someone pursuing her."

"Who is this guy? With that ridiculous hairstyle, he clearly isn't from our school."

"Oh my god, what kind of taste does Jian Yiling have to like someone so gross? [Vomiting]"

"Sorry, but I'm furious! Our beautiful campus is being tarnished by this delinquent! What is Jian Yiling thinking, attracting such trouble?"

"Calm down, people! It's just someone confessing to her, not the other way around."

"I disagree with the previous comment. Why is it that no one else from our school is being confessed to? It's always about Jian Yiling. If she didn't attract this delinquent, he wouldn't be here pursuing her. There's a saying: flies don't buzz around an egg that's not rotten."

"Who knows what she does all day? We're swamped with schoolwork and barely have time to meet anyone from outside. Meanwhile, she seems to have too much time on her hands."

"Oh my gosh, my eyes! This guy looks like nothing but trouble. How could Jian Yiling even consider someone like him? It's just… ummm… hard to describe."

The comments kept coming, each one more scathing than the last. The students couldn't help but gossip and speculate about Jian Yiling, their curiosity piqued by the boldness of the confession and the questionable character of the boy behind it. 

The incident quickly became the talk of the school, overshadowing the impending exams and igniting a whirlwind of opinions and judgments among the student body.