Chapter 75: Malicious Confession (2)

"Don't say that! She hasn't actually gotten together with anyone yet!"

"Even if she hasn't, the fact that he's pursuing her this way is already... If Jian Yiling didn't do something to attract his attention, why would he chase her all the way to our school gate? Honestly, I'm at a loss for words; all I can say is: ha ha."

"Where are the school authorities? Why aren't they doing anything about this? This kind of incident seriously tarnishes our school's reputation. People who don't know any better might think we're some kind of disreputable vocational school."

The number of replies to the post skyrocketed, surpassing a hundred in no time. As the discussion gained momentum, Qiu Yizhen couldn't help but laugh, nearly falling over with glee as she checked her phone. The continuous flow of replies only boosted her mood further.

Although she couldn't confront Jian Yiling directly, Qiu Yizhen reveled in the fact that Jian Yiling was creating a mess for herself without any effort on her part. 

Beside her, two of her minions were equally excited. 

"Qiu Jie, Jian Yiling is really going to suffer this time. That thug Ming Ge found for her has a notorious reputation! If she's associated with him, her name is going to be mud…" 

Their smiles widened as they expressed their delight, the thrill of the unfolding drama evident on their faces.

"Let her continue to act so high and mighty," Qiu Yizhen sneered, a sense of satisfaction washing over her at the thought of Jian Yiling's lofty attitude. 

"And with her causing such a scene, the school authorities are definitely going to have a talk with her. Our school places great emphasis on its image," one of her lackeys chimed in, stifling a laugh. 

Starting a relationship at this age, especially with someone so questionable, and making a spectacle of it at the school gate? Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Suddenly, an idea struck Qiu Yizhen. "You two, upload those photos to social media! Didn't Jian Yiling make a big deal out of that video of mine last time? This time, let's return the favor and make sure the school administration takes this seriously!" 

"Got it, Jie! We'll post it right away," they responded eagerly.

It was their earlier posts that had kicked off the frenzy on the school forum.


Due to her focus on exams and lack of interest in the online forum, Jian Yiling remained blissfully unaware of the chaos unfolding until her friend Hu Jiaojiao rushed up to her just before school ended.

"Jian Yiling! Jian Yiling! We've got a situation!" Hu Jiaojiao exclaimed, grabbing her arm in a panic. 

Because the exams had disrupted everyone's schedule, Hu Jiaojiao hadn't had the chance to catch Jian Yiling until now. 

Turning, Jian Yiling looked at her friend with suspicion. "What is it?"

"Here, look at this!" Hu Jiaojiao quickly thrust her phone into Jian Yiling's hands.

Jian Yiling examined the screen, her brow furrowing as she saw the image of the young man holding roses, poised to confess his feelings. She didn't recognize him at all. Yet, given the situation, she sensed it was likely a setup aimed at embarrassing her.

The idea of being associated with someone who flaunted such a questionable reputation at her school was mortifying. 

"Jian Yiling?" Hu Jiaojiao asked tentatively, worry lacing her tone. 

"I don't know him," Jian Yiling replied calmly, her voice steady despite the turmoil churning in her mind.

"I didn't think you did, but…" Hu Jiaojiao hesitated, concerned about Jian Yiling's well-being. She knew her friend could be somewhat prideful, which only reinforced her belief that Jian Yiling wouldn't associate with such a person. 

Unfortunately, the rest of the school didn't share that sentiment. Many students had already formed a negative impression of Jian Yiling, and Hu Jiaojiao couldn't shake her anxiety. What if, after school, Jian Yiling ran into this obnoxious confessing boy at the school gate? Things could escalate quickly, and she feared for her friend's reputation. 

As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Jian Yiling steeled herself. She would face whatever awaited her, but she had to prepare for the fallout from the unexpected confession. The last thing she wanted was to be the center of attention for the wrong reasons, especially when her focus should have been on her studies. Would she be able to navigate the chaos that loomed ahead?