Chapter 130: Unveiling the Truth About Her Parentage (3)

Previously, the forum post only contained photos without audio, leaving a lot to speculation. But now, the newly uploaded video had both sound and visuals, revealing everything with undeniable clarity. The man in the video wasn't just anyone—it was unmistakably Mo Shiyun's father.

When He Jianjun had caused a commotion in the headmaster's office, he had gone as far as to pull out his household registration book and a family photo album to prove his identity. These images, along with his loud proclamations, had been recorded and were now plastered all over the school's forum.

Even more damning was a moment in the video where Mo Shiyun herself confirmed that her father's name was indeed He Jianjun. 

The moment this video surfaced, the way Mo Shiyun's classmates looked at her completely changed. Earlier, there had been doubts and suspicions, but now, with this concrete evidence, it was clear as day. There was no denying it anymore. 

What made it worse was how Mo Shiyun had handled the situation earlier. The contrast between her previous ambiguous statements and the undeniable truth of the video was glaring. To her peers, it felt like she had been lying to them all along.

Mo Shiyun's face paled the moment she saw the video. All the blood drained from her cheeks, and she felt an icy chill creep over her entire body. She had barely just recovered from the initial wave of rumors, but this—this was a complete and utter disaster.

Zhu Sha, who had recently apologized to Mo Shiyun for doubting her, was staring at the screen in shock. She couldn't believe what she was seeing. Unable to contain her anger, she turned to Mo Shiyun and snapped, "What the hell is going on? Is this man really your dad? If he is, then what was that attitude you gave me earlier?"

"I... I..." Mo Shiyun stammered, her entire body trembling. She had never experienced such an embarrassing and humiliating moment in her life. Every fiber of her being felt frozen in place. "I didn't... I wasn't angry with you, I swear," she said in a small, shaky voice.

"You weren't angry with me?" Zhu Sha said, her voice rising. "Then what was that all about? You made it seem like I was the one who misunderstood, that the man in the pictures wasn't your dad! You didn't deny it outright, but you sure as hell didn't admit it either!"

Zhu Sha wasn't a fool. She could see now that Mo Shiyun had used vague words to avoid the truth. By saying she wasn't mad, Mo Shiyun had indirectly suggested that Zhu Sha's assumption was wrong.

"I didn't mean to deceive you. You misunderstood," Mo Shiyun tried to explain, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Misunderstood?" Zhu Sha's frustration boiled over. "Of course, I misunderstood! You misled me! And look at this! Like father, like daughter. Your dad's a lowlife, and you're no better!"

Zhu Sha's anger wasn't just about Mo Shiyun's ambiguous words. She felt deeply betrayed because, for so long, she had believed the false image that Mo Shiyun and Jian Yunnao's families were close. She had been tricked into thinking Mo Shiyun came from an upstanding, well-off family.

The argument between Zhu Sha and Mo Shiyun quickly caught the attention of the rest of the class. It was a self-study period, so all the students were present, and every one of them had been listening. The moment Zhu Sha raised her voice, the entire room fell silent, and all eyes turned toward Mo Shiyun.

Feeling the weight of their gazes, Mo Shiyun's body went cold. Shame and humiliation flooded her, consuming every part of her. Never before had she felt so utterly crushed. Her pride, her dignity, everything was shattered. She could see the disdain in her classmates' eyes, and the urge to flee overwhelmed her. She wanted nothing more than to escape from this classroom, to run as far away as possible from the suffocating stares.


Meanwhile, at an upscale restaurant in the heart of Hengyuan City, Jian Yunchen sat across from Zhai Yunsheng with a furrowed brow. Today, Jian Yunchen had arranged to meet Yu Xi, but unexpectedly, Zhai Yunsheng had shown up in his place.

Although Jian Yunchen had indeed wanted to discuss matters related to Zhai Yunsheng, he hadn't anticipated meeting him one-on-one.

Zhai Yunsheng, on the other hand, wore a casual smile, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Mr. Zhai, is there something specific you wanted to discuss?" Jian Yunchen asked, his voice firm. Though Zhai Yunsheng was significantly younger, Jian Yunchen refused to be intimidated.

At thirty, Jian Yunchen had already established himself in the business world, whereas Zhai Yunsheng was still in his early twenties. When people called Jian Yunchen "handsome" in his younger days, Zhai Yunsheng hadn't even been born yet.

Zhai Yunsheng's smile widened, but his eyes remained sharp. "I've heard that the Jian family is one of the most prominent in Hengyuan City. I always thought the Jian family did things cleanly and with dignity, at least not leaving room for others to laugh at them."

"If you have something to say, Mr. Zhai, say it clearly," Jian Yunchen replied coldly, his tone not yielding an inch.

With a casual flick of his wrist, Zhai Yunsheng tossed a folder onto the table in front of Jian Yunchen. 

Jian Yunchen's frown deepened as he picked up the folder and opened it. His face darkened immediately as he took in the contents, his expression turning stormy.