Chapter 25 - It's you Gion!

On the Deck of the Warship

Saint Gawain stepped out of the captain's quarters, his gaze sweeping across the distant Marineford docks as they came into view. A hint of surprise flickered across his face.

In the strong sea breeze, over twenty long coats belonging to high-ranking officers fluttered dramatically.

Beside him, Vice Admiral Doberman swallowed nervously but forced a smile.

"Saint Gawain, it's only because of you that I have the honor of witnessing such a grand scene.

More than eighteen Vice Admirals, one Admiral, and the Fleet Admiral himself are lined up to welcome you—it's truly spectacular! I'd wager Sengoku must have summoned every available officer from Headquarters just to stage this reception.

So… what do you think?"

Gawain smiled warmly. "It's an honor for me as well."

Doberman exhaled in relief. A moment ago, he had genuinely feared that Gawain might be displeased with the turnout. After all, apart from the high-ranking officers, there were no regular Marines present at the docks.

Seeing that Gawain had no complaints, Doberman finally relaxed.

With the warship's whistle sounding, the vessel slowly decelerated and docked at the harbor. Once the sailors on board secured the ropes to the mooring posts, the ship was fastened tightly.

On the side of the deck, the gangway was lowered, opening the path to the pier.

Without hesitation, Gawain took the lead, striding off the ship with Doberman following close behind, braving the pressure alongside him.

As for the rest of the sailors and Lieutenant Commander Tiago? They had no intention of disembarking.

At the Dock...

Upon Gawain's arrival, Fleet Admiral Sengoku adjusted his Marine cap slightly. As the brim shifted, the thick curls of his afro resisted, springing up stubbornly beneath the hat. But Sengoku paid no mind to his hair's rebellion, focusing instead on perfecting the angle of his cap.

Taking two steps forward, Sengoku bowed slightly from about twenty meters away.

Straightening back up, he was joined by Admiral Kizaru and the gathered Vice Admirals, all of whom followed suit with shallow bows toward Gawain.

Gawain's sharp eyes caught the nuances in their expressions. While some bore faint signs of respect, most were tinged with reluctance or resignation. In a few eyes, there was clear judgment and dissatisfaction.

But Gawain was unfazed. He knew their discontent wasn't directed at him personally, but at the entire Celestial Dragon class he represented.

How could I fault them? Gawain thought to himself. Even I detest what the Celestial Dragons stand for—how could I blame these officers for sharing the same sentiment?

Choosing to ignore the subtle looks, Gawain softened his features into a gentle, kind smile—a smile so warm that it took many of the Vice Admirals by surprise.

When was the last time we saw such a smile on the face of a Celestial Dragon?

Little did they know, this smile was no accident. Gawain had spent years perfecting it, crafting it until it became a tool as sharp as any sword.

And with just that smile, the hardened attitudes of some Vice Admirals began to shift.

Still smiling, Gawain raised a hand in a friendly gesture.

"I apologize for keeping all of you waiting."

As the words left his lips, his expression took on a touch of genuine remorse. Then, turning to Sengoku, he spoke softly.

"You must be Fleet Admiral Sengoku, correct? I'm to blame for all this.

I should have informed you that such a reception wasn't necessary. To have all these officers spend their time on me—wouldn't that mean leaving pirates free to cause trouble during this time?"

For a moment, every Marine present, including Sengoku, widened their eyes in disbelief.

Sengoku, a master at controlling his emotions, hid his surprise well. But Vice Admiral Strawberry, whose nature was more direct, had already shifted his attitude on the spot.

"You're absolutely right, Saint Gawain! You really understand us!"

He chuckled, shifting the cigar in his mouth. "If Admiral Sakazuki were here to hear what you just said, he'd probably consider you his best friend for life! Hahaha!"

With his loud laughter, Strawberry's earlier defiance melted away. His gaze toward Gawain was now one of approval and respect.

Gawain knew exactly what that shift meant.

So, this one belongs to Sakazuki's faction—the hawkish core of the Marines.

Suppressing his thoughts, Gawain responded to Strawberry with a polite tone.

"Sakazuki, is it? It's a shame he's not here. And may I ask your name?"

"Saint Gawain, Admiral Sakazuki set sail two days ago for a mandatory inspection of Impel Down.

But even though he's away, we still have Admiral Kizaru on standby. As for me, I'm Vice Admiral Strawberry."

Strawberry introduced himself with a friendly grin.

Hearing this, Gawain gave a slight nod before turning back to Sengoku.

Noticing Gawain's gaze, Sengoku stepped forward and said quietly,

"Saint Gawain, the wind at the dock is strong. If you don't mind, shall we continue this conversation in my office?

I must admit, I'm quite curious about the purpose of your visit to Marineford."

Gawain shook his head with a calm smile.

"No need. That would only waste more time. Since everyone is already gathered here, I'll keep it simple and explain my purpose right now."

"For certain reasons, I am currently unfit to remain in Mary Geoise," Gawain said, gently shaking his head. "So, in the coming days, I intend to travel across the seas outside the Holy Land."

His tone grew softer.

"But this is my first time leaving Mary Geoise, and I find the open seas quite intimidating. Through the newspapers, I've noticed the ever-expanding influence of pirates. Their brazen acts make me deeply concerned for my own safety.

To ensure my security, I've come to Marineford in hopes of finding one or two strong officers willing to serve as my personal bodyguards during my travels.

What do you all think?"

As his words settled, Gawain's gaze swept across the gathered Vice Admirals. Those who met his eyes instinctively shrank back, unable to hold his gaze for long.

Though they had softened their stance toward him moments ago, it was clear that earning their full trust—or volunteering to babysit a Celestial Dragon—would take more than just a few kind words.

Sengoku opened his mouth to speak, but Gawain gave him no chance. Without missing a beat, he continued,

"Ah, while the Five Elders have assigned several squads of army guards to protect me, I confess that I don't feel as safe with them as I would in the hands of the Navy.

Wouldn't you agree?"

Gawain flashed another smile, turning his attention back to the Vice Admirals.

This time, the atmosphere shifted. Several officers, including Vice Admiral Strawberry, stirred with noticeable eagerness.

Unable to restrain himself, Strawberry took a step forward.

"You're absolutely right, Saint Gawain. The army stationed at Mary Geoise and the Red Line hasn't faced the same trials of combat we in the Navy have."

"Indeed! When it comes to executing justice, they fall far short!"

Another officer chimed in—a Vice Admiral wearing a metal helmet with eight long swords strapped across his back.

With these two officers expressing their support, Sengoku gave Gawain a deep look. He sighed inwardly but extended his hand toward his subordinates.

"Saint Gawain," Sengoku began, "The Navy would be honored to provide you with protection. Whatever the army can do, we can do better."

As the Fleet Admiral spoke, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of helplessness. Even though he wasn't thrilled about the rivalry between the two branches, he had no choice but to embrace it in front of his subordinates.

What troubled him more was whether Gawain's remarks were made innocently or as part of a deliberate plan to stir the Navy's competitive spirit.

Regardless, Sengoku continued. "As long as it doesn't interfere with our key operations against the pirates, you are free to choose anyone from the Navy."

At his words, several Vice Admirals—including Strawberry and the stern Ghost Spider—immediately took a step forward, eager to volunteer.

However, Gawain didn't even look in their direction. Instead, he asked calmly,

"Fleet Admiral Sengoku, you said anyone… does that include you?"

Sengoku froze for a moment, caught off guard. "Uh… Saint Gawain, please remember the condition I mentioned earlier. As Fleet Admiral, I must oversee our strategic operations, so unfortunately, I cannot take on the role of a personal bodyguard."

Gawain nodded, his expression unchanged. "I understand. In that case… what about Admiral Borsalino? Would you like to accompany me on my journey?"

Gawain's gaze shifted toward Admiral Kizaru, who tilted his head, a mischievous grin spreading across his face.

"Oh, I'd love to accompany you, Saint Gawain. That sounds like a vacation with pay, doesn't it?" Kizaru chuckled. "But alas, I have orders from the Five Elders to coordinate with Dr. Vegapunk. What a pity, truly unfortunate timing!"

Gawain sighed lightly, seemingly disappointed. "Alright, then. If not Borsalino, perhaps I could seek out the Navy's legendary hero—Monkey D. Garp. What do you think?"

At the mention of Garp's name, Sengoku nearly choked on his own breath, coughing violently. "Saint Gawain, Vice Admiral Garp is currently engaged in a classified mission in the East Blue. Even if he were to return immediately, it would take him over a month to arrive. I doubt you're willing to wait that long."

"Oh?" Gawain nodded thoughtfully, scanning the gathered officers again. Then, his gaze landed on the most striking figure among them.

With a slight smile, he pointed directly at her. "What about her?"


The female Vice Admiral blinked, stunned. She instinctively raised her hand to point at herself. "You mean… me?"

"Yes. What's your name?"

She quickly straightened herself. "I am Vice Admiral Momousagi. It's an honor to meet you, Saint Gawain. But I'm currently assigned to the strategy department at Headquarters, so I'm afraid I can't—"


Gawain raised a hand, cutting her off mid-sentence. "I've made my decision. It's you, Gion."