Chapter 26 - Rejected Again?


Gion furrowed her brows and stepped forward from the crowd, her long legs commanding attention. The striking Vice Admiral wore a light pink top paired with shorts that barely reached the top of her thighs.

Beyond her pink-cuffed officer's coat, what caught Gawain's eye was her left leg. The lines of her leg were indeed beautiful, but that wasn't the main reason for his attention.

He noticed a spider tattoo near the upper outside of her thigh, about the size of a football. While the spider's body was only the size of a fingertip, the tattoo appeared larger due to its eight long, slender legs encircling it.

Somehow, looking at the spider's legs made Gawain think of Gion's own legs. There was an inexplicable quality to her legs—they were slender yet seemed dangerous, much like a spider's.

Aside from her captivating legs, Gion had three notable features: her long, thick black hair, a long sword sheathed at her waist with an ornate platinum-colored hilt, and finally, a small, delicate beauty mark at the corner of her lips, which stood out as she spoke.

"Saint Gawain, I would love to serve as your bodyguard. It would surely be much easier than my current role. But I have special responsibilities in the Headquarters' strategy department. I'm afraid I must decline your invitation!"

As Gion spoke, Gawain remained silent, watching her with an impassive expression.

The room fell into a heavy silence. The Vice Admirals gradually began to frown, and it was Sengoku who finally broke the quiet.

"Saint Gawain!"

He dropped the courteous demeanor he had maintained before Gawain and spoke boldly. "While the Navy is more than willing to ensure your safety, please do not make such jokes!

Unless it's during the quadrennial World Government summit, none of the four individuals you mentioned can serve as bodyguards. Their strength means they are tasked with missions far more dangerous and demanding than that of an ordinary Vice Admiral.

Even if you were to appeal to the Five Elders, my answer would remain unchanged. I suggest you select from other Vice Admirals. Their abilities can guarantee your safety on the Grand Line and the four seas.

Even if you choose a Vice Admiral from another branch, the Navy can arrange personnel adjustments to accommodate your request!"

Sengoku crossed his arms, gazing sternly at Gawain.

At his side, a similarly mischievous Vice Admiral, though less imposing than Kizaru, stepped forward. With a smirk, he bowed slightly to Gawain.

"Saint Gawain, I hope you can understand the difficulties Sengoku faces. He has a tough job. Gion is truly essential to the strategy department. How about this: If you don't mind, I can fill in for her.

I may not look impressive, but I'm a candidate for the Admiral position known as 'Chaton'! Let me be your personal bodyguard instead. What do you say?"

Hearing Chaton's proposal, Gawain subtly shook his head. "No."

It wasn't that Chaton lacked strength; being a candidate for Admiral indicated that his combat abilities were close to or even at Admiral level. Some might argue that Chaton didn't have the capability since, five years later, he wouldn't become an Admiral even with two vacancies in the Navy.

But Gawain, involved in political matters, had his own insights into the situation. Everyone only saw that they didn't become Admirals after five years but forgot their underlying factional struggles.

The Navy had three main factions: the Hawk faction, the Dove faction, and the Moderates. Whether it was Chaton or Gion, or even one of the current Admirals, Aokiji, they all belonged to the standard Karp faction and represented the Dove faction within the Navy!

Five years later, in the competition for the position of Fleet Admiral, Aokiji, as the Dove representative, lost to Akainu, the Hawk representative. The Hawk faction's leader ascended to power, and Akainu, with his ambition to strengthen the Navy, wouldn't tolerate the Dove faction's Admirals.

While he might accept Moderates like Sengoku, Dove faction Admirals were unacceptable to him; their more moderate policies would clash with his extreme commands!

That's why, after Aokiji's failure, he chose to leave, while Chaton and Gion remained as Admiral candidates. Akainu would rather summon ambitious individuals from around the world than rely on conservative candidates like Chaton and Gion!

At the same time, Gawain thought about the implications if Aokiji became Fleet Admiral and Akainu suffered a complete defeat.

It was clear that both Akainu and Kizaru would remain Admirals, not just because the Dove faction could tolerate them but also because Akainu was a soldier who obeyed all orders without question! If Akainu became Fleet Admiral, Aokiji might not obey all his commands. However, if Aokiji were to become Fleet Admiral, Akainu would certainly follow any order!

That was their difference.

Once Aokiji became Fleet Admiral, the vacant Admiral position would inevitably be filled by either Chaton or Gion!

Were Chaton and Gion truly not strong enough? If they weren't, why were they the only two candidates? Why wouldn't other Vice Admirals be dissatisfied? The reason they were candidates was that they were genuinely strong, but the Fleet Admiral and the Five Elders would never allow them to become Admirals. They could only hold onto their candidate titles to keep them in line!

It was just like the military in the world Gawain came from, where many officers held ranks that didn't match their actual positions. A promotion in rank indicated their qualifications, but there weren't enough vacancies at the time. Thus, it was common to see many officers holding the rank of Colonel while only serving as deputy battalion commanders.

Since Gawain believed Chaton's strength was sufficient, why did he refuse Chaton's offer of protection?

Because Gawain was not simply looking for a bodyguard.

He was selecting a pillar for his future power!

Someone like Chaton, who was already set in his ways, was unlikely to be influenced or changed. In contrast, Gion, as a woman with a strong sense of justice, could be more easily swayed by Gawain's ideals.

In short, between two individuals of comparable strength, Gion would be easier to mentor and more receptive to Gawain's thoughts.

Therefore, when Gawain decided to come to Marineford, his singular target was Gion.

However, it seemed that Sengoku had anticipated Gawain's intentions. He was so resolute that he would rather send Chaton than Gion.

Did that mean Gawain could not achieve his goal?

No, no, no. Gawain was well-prepared for this situation.

After rejecting Chaton, he immediately looked at Sengoku, who had a disapproving expression on his face.

Meeting Sengoku's unwavering gaze, Gawain spoke emphatically, word by word:

"Rejection is something I can accept. You are the Navy of the Five Elders, the Navy of the World Government, while I am merely one of the thousands of Celestial Dragons. I don't consider myself a god, nor do I think you should obey all my commands.

But time and again, I have been rejected. Sengoku, do not forget that the Celestial Dragons have tempers!"

As he said this, Gawain's face remained cold, and his hair, pulled back behind his head, seemed to sway without wind.

Then, his coat began to shake violently, producing a sound like tearing fabric.


In an instant, many Vice Admirals felt a ringing in their ears as invisible pressure gathered around them, causing them to instinctively bend slightly.


An invisible shockwave rapidly spread out, and the ripples covered Marineford completely. Countless pieces of ice fell to the ground with a clattering sound, and before they could even comprehend what was happening, they fell into unconsciousness.


Dark red lightning materialized in the air, producing a sound as if the atmosphere was being torn apart.


The dock beneath Gawain's feet shattered in an instant, and the Vice Admirals were jolted by the shock. They all activated their Haki, bracing themselves against the overwhelming Conqueror's Haki.

Crash, crash!

Despite the dock collapsing and Gawain seemingly about to fall into the water, the sea beneath him erupted with astonishing waves.

Between the turbulent sea and Gawain's feet, the Conqueror's Haki pulsed and resonated, causing Gawain to float as if weightless, rising and falling with the waves.

Sengoku, retreating to a distance, stared at Gawain in shock before suddenly looking up at the sky.

As expected, a round window, just like that of Mariejois, appeared in the clouds above Marineford!

Beside Sengoku, Gion clutched her weapon tightly, incredulous as she asked, "How… how is this possible?!"

"There's nothing impossible!"

Sengoku frowned, his eyelids lowered as he spoke with deep emotion. "In the past, perhaps no one could be called the strongest wielder of Conqueror's Haki. But now, everyone, behold… this is the world's strongest Conqueror's Haki!"