Wrong lane

She had read about his homecoming in the News.

'pictures did him no good' she thought, averting her eyes, she wanted to introduce herself but got interrupted, "Cat got your tongue?" Damien asked knowingly.

He couldn't help the effect he had on women, one glance at him and they were his.

"I'm sorry... It's just... I'm Hillary... I'm a help... Your help... I'm a bit late, the house-" her voice, as low as died down abruptly. Damien, who had strained his ears, managed to hear her.

" Come in" he offered, absently.

"I'd stay here if you don't mind"

" I do not talk at the door" he said entering further into the room.

After what seemed to be an hour,she rapped a knocked then entered. Her eyes searched for him and when his cool black eyes met her brown eyes,her heart skipped.

" You dismissed us"

Irritated at her hesitant behavior,he replied," acting holy huh, I dismissed you all about an hour ago and you come now...why else..to see me diff-" "Excuse me sir...I think you are mistaken" she pointed out, a sharp edge in her voice. She felt a new surge of confidence.

"Oh...am I?" He asked, Caustic sarcasm dripping. He picked a bottled water,

She felt embarrassed. She had thought through the stairs of a thousand way he'd react, she'd never thought of this

"I'll my leave now" she said turning to leave.

"Here take this bank card that's your allowance in it" he said, extending a card.

Had she been richer she would have walked out on him but she couldn't resist the urge of taking it.

She took it, their fingers brushed, she barely noticed it but he did.

She muttered a "thank you" and headed out.

As she reached the door she paused.

"With due respect Sir, it's rude to instigate such about someone you know nothing about"

She slammed the door.

She regretted it the moment she slammed the door, wondering if she just fired herself.

Damien was momentarily shocked, then he let out a chuckle, thinking;

'What type of maid uses the word Instigate? '

-      -      -               -     -     -                     -       -      -

Her phone rang, she looked back, he wasn't following, she picked the call.

" Lil sister, how are you, we spoke earlier"

"Sis Mom's condition is worsening n the doctors are merely helping, we need her treatment soon than before"

" I'm coming over"

" Buh you have a job?? "" You always said you are busy"

Hastening her steps, she replied;" today is a lucky day, I'm coming"

She ended the call. For the first time she was grateful that Damien suspended her.

'I don't care if Anderson said so, I'll definitely save my momma'

She began to pray. Tears began to gather.

***        ***       ***         ***        ***         ***     ***

Penelope looked at her Mother, who was dying slowly, felt she had to help her sister as Hillary wasn't so stable.

"I'll help you mother" she said breaking down.

After their father's demise, Hillary, her only sibling became the bread winner of her family, doing all sorts to make ends meet. She met Anderson, a responsible, romantic scholar, she found her first love. She moved in with him after he promised her marriage and help to her family.

Months later, he was someone else, doing drugs and maltreating his once beloved, all his help and support to her mother seized. She stayed with him, feeling guilty after his parents disowned him because of her.

They weren't legally bound but she believes in a future for them.