The victim

He could feel the good sensation ad he climaxed, then rolled off. Sandra heaved, feeling exhausted. Anderson was like a bull when on drug effect, but she loved it.

" How did I end up here?" Sandra asked with a sigh. Anderson looked at her inquiringly.

"I used to be my Father's princess... till he ma-rried that Bitch and I ran awayyy"

Anderson paused, he sobered up almost immediately,

" I used to be my parents child till that cunt showed up"he muttered, cursing Hillary.

" Did ya say sumtin?" Sandra asked tipsy.

A bang landed on the door, Anderson struggled up.

" It must be Joe n the rest"

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" Mother" Hillary muttered dropping her bag and holding her mother's cold hand. The patient, Mrs Geudan, her mother looked so pale,more like she was dead. But the old woman's eyes fluttered open as Hillary's tears burst freely.

"Mama?!" She whispered, when her mother touched her head. " Hillarie?" She called out in a crackled whisper.

Penelope hurried nearer, she was a bright seventeen year old with a deep resemblance of her elder sister.

They reunited. Mrs Geudan slept shortly after.

The day grew darker, although she didn't want to, she had to go home.

Mr Drew pulled up his glasses when he saw her. He was indeed surprised as he knew the distance from San City to Naples Gatetown.

Mr Drew,short and money- conscious was Mrs Geudan's doctor and a family friend.

"Hillary!" "What a surprise?!"

"Good evening dockie, how are you?"

" I'm fine... but I can't say much for your mother"

" That's why I'm here," she replied producing a bank card.

" You have money for the treatment... it's a lot of money"

" This is all I have... please help my mother, treat her cancer, let her be free" she pleaded

" I'll call a consultant to check on her... don't worry, this..."he said referring to the bank card" is a huge start".

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"But you know this is a last time, right??"

She smiled and nodded.

" I'm not in charge of your salary anymore, Damien is" " I can only help not lend"

" Thank you so much, Xavier"she said sipping coffee. From the hospital she had come to him straight,at his office.

Xavier Taylor,her former boss, always wanted to help her. Hillary knowing not to trust rich guys and well aware of his interest in her , avoided being indebted to him.

Dropping the cup she stood up," I'll take my leave"

Xavier also stood up," I'll drop you off"

" You say that Everytime" she smiled.

"No thank you" they chorused.

" You say the same"he sighed.

" I'll find a new reply"she said putting the cheque in her pocket.

"See you soon" she said leaving his office.

" Wait"he called out but she was gone already.

He forgot to kiss her cheeks!

The cool breeze hit her face, strands of her hair swept through the wind as she walked.

She felt happy, she didn't work today and then got to see her Mother.

Xavier watched her from his window, a smile lingering on his face, he really cared for this cute soul, he wished she could just give him a chance.

Hillary was pennyless, and it showed. She felt hungry and walked sluggishly. The cars were getting scarce on the road.

"Oh, God" she checked the time, 5:49pm.

She still has to go to the bank, enter a bus to  go home. Anderson had warned her.

Forgetting her hunger, she began to run.

Damien got into his Mercedes and sped off, he had planned to surprise Xavier by showing up as a customer/ client at the Taylor logistics, where Xavier was currently Managing today.

       He missed working, same time, he was scared of being a workaholic again. Three years ago, after his lovelife crashed he had thrown himself at work, working non-stop with so little rest. Three years ago he was at the brink of losing his sanity.

He was afraid of being that way again.

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A car appeared from a bend and with full speed, swerved,heading her direction.

Behind her a white Mercedes pulled up and the other car diverted,then died down by the side of the road.

Then the driver got out of the car, reeking of alcohol.

"Are you crazy!" He snarled at her,who was still in shock but he received a slap and another.

"You almost killed her" the Man voiced, slapping him severally. The driver who couldn't retaliate, stumbled and fell.

" That's enough" she whispered,then yelled pulling him from the Man before people began to gather., It may damage his reputation.

Damien was filled with rage,after his parents died in an accident caused by the recklessness of a lorry driver, he despised alcoholic drivers

His anger dissipated and he suddenly wondered what he was waiting for, the victim.

"Where was she??"

He saw her ahead, she was running again.