Chapter 11: Collision Course

The roar of engines filled the night as Bumblebee shot through the streets, tearing toward the abandoned quarry with Barricade hot on their trail. The black-and-white police cruiser was relentless, its lights flashing ominously in the distance behind them. Sam's heart pounded in his chest, but his mind was already focused on what needed to be done.

"Alfred," Sam whispered, keeping his voice low enough so that only the AI in his ear could hear. "Cut all the cameras in the area."

A brief pause, and then Alfred's voice responded smoothly. "Done. No surveillance is active within a five-mile radius."

Sam exhaled in relief, but his brief moment of calm was shattered when Mikaela, sitting beside him, turned to him with wide, panicked eyes. "Sam, who are you talking to? And what the hell is going on?!"

Sam clenched his jaw, knowing there was no time to explain. Not now. "I'll tell you everything when we're safe. Just trust me, okay?"

Mikaela frowned, her fear still evident, but she nodded. "Okay, but this is insane."

The quarry loomed ahead, an empty expanse of rock and dirt lit only by the dim glow of the setting sun. Bumblebee swerved expertly, pulling off the main road and speeding through the desolate landscape. As they reached the heart of the quarry, Bumblebee suddenly slammed on the brakes, skidding to a halt in a cloud of dust. His doors swung open instantly.

" We need to get get out of the car," Sam said urgently, turning to Mikaela.

"What? Why?" Mikaela demanded, her voice rising in fear. "What's happening, Sam?"

"Just trust me!" Sam repeated, holding out his hand to her. He could see the terror in her eyes, but there was no time to explain everything now. "Please, Mikaela. Get out of the car."

For a moment, she hesitated, torn between her fear and the strange trust she had in Sam. Finally, she took his hand, her fingers trembling as she allowed him to help her out of Bumblebee.

As soon as they were both out, the ground beneath them seemed to tremble and a deafening screech filled the air. Barricade, in his police cruiser form, tore into the quarry at full speed, heading straight for Bumblebee. At the last second, the Camaro transformed, his mechanical body shifting and twisting into the towering form of an Autobot.

Barricade slammed into Bumblebee with a thunderous crash, both of them skidding across the rocky ground. They quickly recovered, standing tall, their metal bodies gleaming under the setting sun as they faced off.

Mikaela's scream of terror filled the air as the two titanic robots emerged from their car forms, towering over them.

"What the hell are those giant robot monsters ?!" Mikaela shouted, her voice full of panic as she clung to Sam. " Sam,What are they?!"

"They're not monsters," Sam said, his voice grim. "They're aliens."

Mikaela stared at him in disbelief, her face pale. "Aliens?!"

Before Sam could respond, Bumblebee and Barricade charged at each other, their massive metal bodies colliding with a sound like crashing thunder. The sheer force of their impact sent shockwaves through the ground, knocking Sam and Mikaela back a few steps. Bumblebee, quick and nimble despite his size, dodged a powerful punch from Barricade and countered with a swift uppercut that sent sparks flying from Barricade's chest.

As the two robots clashed, Sam spoke quietly into his earpiece. "Alfred, send in the drone. I need my plasma gun."

"On its way," Alfred replied smoothly. "ETA in thirty seconds."

Suddenly, a blur of metal shot out from the shadows. Frenzy, the small and vicious Decepticon, lunged at Sam and Mikaela with a screech, his spindly arms outstretched. Sam reacted instinctively, pulling Mikaela behind him as Frenzy's razor-sharp fingers slashed at the air where they had just been standing.

"You!" Frenzy snarled, his glowing red eyes narrowing as he pointed a blaster at Sam. "Are you Sam Witwicky?"

Sam's blood ran cold, but he forced himself to stay calm. "Yeah, I'm Sam. What do you want?"

Frenzy's metallic voice buzzed with malice. "Your grandfather's notes. The glasses! Where are they?!"

"What do you want with them?" calmly said Sam.

Frenzy's head jerked as he let out a sharp, maniacal laugh. "Not your concern. Hand them over, or I'll take them from your lifeless body."

Behind him, Mikaela, still shaken and confused, pulled out her phone, her fingers fumbling as she dialed 911. "There are giant robots—fighting—and we're—"

Before she could finish, Sam quickly snatched the phone from her and hung up. "Mikaela, stop!"

"What the hell, Sam?!" Mikaela cried, her voice cracking with fear. "That freaky robot knows your name! What's going on?!"

Sam turned to her, his expression serious but calm. "Everything's going to be okay, Mikaela. I promise. Just trust me."

As if on cue, Alfred's voice crackled in Sam's ear. "The drone has arrived."

Above them, a small, sleek drone flew in from the sky, dropping a metallic object into Sam's waiting hand. The weapon was futuristic and compact, humming with energy as Sam leveled it at Frenzy.

The Decepticon lunged at them again, but this time, Sam was ready. He sidestepped Frenzy's attack, raising the weapon and firing a single shot. The blaster erupted with a bright flash, the energy bolt hitting Frenzy square in the head.

Frenzy screeched in agony, his circuits sparking wildly as he stumbled backward, then collapsed to the ground, his body twitching before finally going still.

Sam let out a shaky breath, lowering the weapon. He turned to Mikaela, who was staring at Frenzy's lifeless form in stunned silence.

Mikaela gasped, her hand covering her mouth in shock. "Oh my god… What the hell is happening, Sam?"

"I'll explain everything when we get back," Sam said, his voice firm but reassuring. "Right now, we need to move."

Mikaela, though clearly terrified, nodded reluctantly. "Okay…"

Sam quickly gave Alfred new orders. "Send more drones to pick up Frenzy's body and any remaining parts. We can't leave anything behind."

"Understood," Alfred replied. "They're en route."

Meanwhile, the battle between Bumblebee and Barricade raged on. Barricade, fueled by rage and desperation, threw punch after punch at Bumblebee, but his attacks were ineffective. Thanks to Sam's upgrades, Bumblebee's armor had been reinforced with a special alloy, making him nearly impervious to Barricade's strikes. Each punch that landed on Bumblebee's metallic body barely left a scratch.

Bumblebee, however, was far more agile than Barricade had anticipated. His movements were sharp, precise, and calculated, dodging Barricade's wild swings and retaliating with powerful blows of his own. A well-placed kick from Bumblebee sent Barricade staggering back, his chestplate dented from the impact.

"Get out of my way you autobot scum!!!!," Barricade growled, his optics glowing with fury."

Bumblebee didn't respond with words. Instead, he raised his arm, a panel sliding back to reveal a new weapon Sam had installed: a plasma blaster. The barrel glowed with bright blue energy as it charged up.

Barricade barely had time to react before Bumblebee fired.

The plasma blast struck Barricade square in the chest, blowing a large chunk of his armor clean off. Barricade let out a metallic roar of pain as he staggered backward, his systems sparking and malfunctioning. Realizing he was outmatched, Barricade transformed back into his police cruiser form,"This isn't over, Autobot ,Lord Megatron shall rise !" he snarled, before speeding away, retreating into the night.

Bumblebee stood still for a moment, watching Barricade disappear into the horizon. Then, with a whir of gears and shifting metal, he transformed back into his Camaro form, rolling up to Sam and Mikaela.

Sam also watched as Barricade disappeared from view, then turned to Mikaela, who was still staring wide-eyed at the scene. "Come on," Sam said gently, taking her hand. "We need to go."

Mikaela didn't resist this time, too stunned to argue. Together, they walked back toward Bumblebee, who had already transformed back into his Camaro form and was waiting for them with his doors open.

"You okay Sam?" Bumblebee asked.

 "Yeah, we're fine, but are You okay, Bee?" Sam asked as they approached.

Bumblebee's voice crackled through the car speakers. "All good, Sam he didn't even leave a scratch on me ."

Mikaela, still shaken, glanced nervously at Sam. "Are we… safe now?"

Sam squeezed her hand reassuringly. "For now. But we need to keep moving, so please get in the car."

Mikaela hesitated for a moment, her eyes still filled with fear and uncertainty. But after a moment, she nodded, climbing into the passenger seat. Sam followed, and as Bumblebee's doors closed behind them, they sped off into the night, leaving the chaos of the quarry behind.

thanks for the 100 power stones so hear is an extra chap for the day readers !!!!

autobots that will be in this first part of the story are 

Optimus, Ratchet, Ironhide, Arcee, Jazz, Cliffjumber, Sideswipe and Elita one 

if you have anymore recommendations let me know