Sticky Situation

A few minutes passed before Spider-Pig and Miles arrived at the stairway. "This is where we part ways, Miles," Spider-Pig said as he shot him a finger gun. 

"Good luck, Porky," Miles waved to Spider-Pig as the two separated at the stairways. 

Miles moved through the floor, checking every room carefully before moving on to the next. But as he moved down the halls, his spider senses tingled and he quickly made himself invisible before sticking to the ceiling. As he did that, a door was slammed open and a lady stomped out. Miles was able to identify who it was at a glance. "I don't want to be interrupted for the rest of the night!" She yelled before walking down the hall.

'Doc Ock.' Miles furrowed his brows as he began to trail behind her. 'Let's hope she knows where Gwen is.'

Miles followed behind her but as he crawled on the ceiling his 

After a bit of walking, Doc Ock arrived at a pair of metal doors which were locked by a security pad. She pulled out a card from her lab coat and swept the card on the pad and the door unlocked and opened automatically. 

As Doc Ock stepped inside, Miles followed behind her as the door shut off and locked itself again.

Miles looked around the inside of the room, finding it to be quite spacious. In the middle of the room, he saw Doc Ock standing before a holding cell, inside of it was...

'Gwen!' Miles' eyes widened as he found her standing inside the holding cell.

"Good, you're awake." Doc Ock smiled, putting her hands behind her back.

"I gotta say the reception leaves a lot to ask for. Might have to leave a bad review," Gwen said smugly, crossing her arms.

Doc Ock rolled her eyes. "You're just as insufferable as the Spider-Man I knew."

"Then you know that this won't end well for you."

"I don't know about that. Spider-Man has already died once. Killing another one won't make a difference." Doc Ock said, removing her lab coat which revealed a skin-tight green suit with four tentacles extending behind her.

"Killing you will make me the happiest lady in the world." With one of her tentacles, she pressed a button on the computer behind her which began to shock the ground beneath Gwen.

"Geez, you really need to go outside more." Gwen groaned in pain, buckling down to her knees.

"Alright, that's enough fun for you!"

"Huh?" Doc Ock looked around but didn't see anything. It wasn't until she was sent flying across the room that she reacted. Where she had been moments ago, MIles appeared as if he had popped in out of thin air.

Miles looked over to the terminal where Doc Ock had activated the electricity and shot a ball of web at the button, deactivating it.

"Great, another one?" She growled, wiping the blood from her mouth. Using her tentacles, Doc Ock raised herself up to her feet and began to charge at MIles. "No matter, I'll take care of you just like I did with the girl!"

"Oh, a swing and a miss!" Miles said as he twhipped out of the way and landed on top of the holding cell. As he looked at Gwen, he tapped the top of the cell. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here in no time."


"I think you mean, Spider-Man." Miles cleared his throat.

"Oh right, sorry!" Gwen winced at her mistake. It was obvious that each Spider-Person went through very difficult steps to keep their identity a secret. She was surprised to see him here but was glad that he was. If she was being honest, she wasn't exactly sure how she was going to get out of this sticky situation.

Unfortunately, their little reunion was going to be cut short as Gwen felt her spider senses tingle. "Watch out!"

Miles feeling the same thing that Gwen felt had already jumped out of the way, only to see a metal cabinet flung his way. "Hey, doc, this is your equipment. Should you really be throwing things around?"

As he said that, Doc Ock threw another thing inside the room toward Miles, who ducked beneath it.

"I'm starting to feel sorry now. Do you want me to let you get a free hit on me?"

"God, why are all of you so insufferable?!" Doc Ock roared before she used her tentacles to propel herself forward.

Miles tried to jump out of the way, but as he did, a tentacle wrapped around his foot.

"Oh, shit."

Miles was slammed to the ground forming a crater beneath him before Doc Ock chucked him toward a wall where he hit hard and bounced off of it to the ground.

Doc Ock landed in front of MIles and wrapped her tentacle around Miles' neck.

"Gah!" Miles clenched onto the tentacle which was currently taking his breath away.

"Not so talkative now, are ya?!" Doc Ock smirked, using her tentacles to raise herself.


Gwen felt worried and helpless when she saw this. If only she could get out of this holding cell, she could assist Miles.

She tried to destroy the glass shields holding the cell, but she couldn't make them crack even with her super strength.

'Dammit!' Gwen cursed, clenching her fists. Her eyes began to search around the room for a way 

That was when her eyes noticed something on the terminal in front of her. A cute animated Spider-Man logo appeared with a progress bar right below it.

'What the hell?'


Over by Miles, he was currently fading in and out of consciousness as Doc Ock's tentacle tightened around his neck.

'Fuck...this hurts so much!' Miles gritted his teeth under his mask. He had to do something soon, or else he was dead. It was at that moment that Miles felt a surge run through his body. Looking at his body, he noticed faint blue sparks of electricity crackling around him.

"What's this?" Doc Ock's brow raised in confusion.

Miles remained quiet, focusing on the electricity running inside of him. Channeling the electricity toward his hands, Miles grabbed the tentacle around his neck and discharged all the electricity he had into it.

As the electricity was released, the tentacle exploded into pieces, freeing Miles from Doc Ock's grasp. The explosion caused Doc Ock to recoil from the shock which caused her to fall back to the ground. 

Miles gasped, standing up and fighting through the pain. "I have to give it to you, that was really painful," He coughed, placing a hand on his neck. A few seconds passed before Miles let out a sigh. Clenching his fists, he stared Doc Ock down. 'It's time I take this seriously.'

Doc Ock growled as blood dripped from her forehead. She stared at the destroyed tentacle and glared at Miles. "You're going to pay for that!"

"Funny, I was about to say the same thing." Miles chuckled, electricity sparked across his body.

With this newfound power, Miles shot webs that stuck to the wall behind Doc Ock which he then used to sling himself toward her. Doc Ock used her tentacles to attack Miles but he had entered a point of focus enhanced by his spider senses which caused him to evade each one of her attacks. His body twisted and turned as each tentacle skimmed his body.

"Why are you so squirmy!" Doc Ock exclaimed in annoyance.

Reeling his fist back, Miles' electrified fist connected with Doc Ock, sending her flying toward the wall where she slid onto the ground and remained there, unconscious.

Miles heaved as his body slumped down onto the ground. That was the most intense fight he had ever been in. For a moment there he felt like he was going to die. Sadly for him, there was still someone who needed his help.

Making his way over to Gwen, he let out a sigh as he rested against the glass. 

"Miles, are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, I barely felt a thing," Miles said, waving her off. After he recovered some of his strength, he stood back on his own feet. "Alright, let's see how we're going to get you out?"

"I don't think you're going to have to worry about that," Gwen said, pointing at the screen behind Miles.

Following where she pointed, Miles saw what she was looking at. On the screen was Peni who was eating snacks. "Konnichiwa, Miles! Those were some pretty impressive moves!" 

"Thanks, Peni." Miles gave Peni a thumbs up. "You wouldn't happen to have any idea on how to get her out of there, would you?"

"Hai!" Peni smirked as she pressed a key on her keyboard. The holding cell began to unlock, freeing Gwen from inside. Gwen sighed in relief, stepping out of the holding cell. "I appreciate that, Peni, right?"

"Yup! It's an honor to meet you." Peni said with a bow.

"Name's Gwen, nice to meet ya."

Peni nodded before turning to look at Miles. "Miles, I suggest you two start heading out. The other three are currently fighting off Alchemax's guards and they could use your help." 

"Gwen, you ready to go?"

"As ready as I'll ever be. wouldn't happen to have any extra web fluid on you?"

'That's what she said,' Miles held the urge to laugh as he tossed her a few capsules of web fluid. "Load up. We got some Spider-People to save."

"Right behind ya, Miles!"