Friend or Foe

Miles and Co swung through the streets of New York.

Their destination...Kingpin's Tower.

Landing on a nearby crane, the group examined the tower.

"Kingpin has a secret elevator that goes straight to the super collider," Peni said as SP//DR projected a red line to simulate the elevator. "We just have a way in."

"I wasn't expecting an audience," Noir said, pointing down to the street. They could see paparazzi in the front and people stepping out of limos as they made their way into the building.

"I say we take a closer look," Miles said, but at that moment, he felt his spider-sense alert him. But his body wasn't fast enough to react.

The only thing the others saw was a purple blur snatch Miles away.

"Miles!" Everyone exclaimed.

The purple blur landed on another rooftop, revealing the Prowler. He held Miles by his suit and had him dangling over the edge.

"You guys go on ahead! I'll handle this." Miles said, waving them away.

"You're pretty confident, kid." Prowler snorted, tightening his mechanic hand around MIles' neck.

Miles winced in pain before he webbed the Prowler's eyes. Losing his vision, his grip loosened allowing Miles to kick him away, freeing him from his grasp.

Landing on the edge of the roof, Miles groaned, massaging his neck. 'What is it with people choking me?'

"Hold on, kid! I'm coming to help!" Peter said, beginning to make his way over to him. He wasn't the only one as the rest were getting ready to assist, but Miles put his hand up to stop them. "What are you guys waiting for?! Get to the Super-Collider! Trust me, I got this!"

"Let's put our trust in Miles," Gwen said, putting her hand on Peter's shoulder. She also wanted to help Miles, but she knew that he had some sort of business with the Prowler. She just hoped he wouldn't do anything stupid.

"Right. Let's go." Peter nodded and the rest of them headed over to Kingpin's Tower. Peni hesitated a bit but followed after the others in the end.

"You shouldn't have told your friends to leave you," Prowler said, getting back up. He ripped the web off his face and threw it away.

"I'm more than enough to handle you," Miles responded, putting his fists up.

"Is that right...Miles?" Prowler said, removing his mask and revealing Aaron underneath.

"What?" Miles' eyes widened and he lowered his fists. "How do you know?"

"After you and your buddies busted out that Spider-Girl from Alcehmax, I trailed you back to that old lady's house," Aaron said, his eyes narrowing. "How come you ain't shocked about me being the Prowler?"

'Crap, I was so surprised at the fact that he knew I was Spider-Man that I forgot to act surprised.' Miles took a deep breath, removing his mask, he looked at Aaron. "I also found out a few days ago. I went to your place to talk, but instead of you, I saw the Prowler."

"Really? I should have noticed you."

"Heh, don't beat yourself up, Unc. Kinda hard to find me when I don't wanna be found." Miles said, turning invisible.

Aaron's eyes scanned the roof, but he couldn't find out where Miles had gone.

"Up here," Miles said, sticking to the side of a water tower.

"Neat trick," Aaron smirked before his face turned serious. "Listen, Miles. You may have gotten some new sweet powers, but that doesn't mean you can go around playing hero."

"I'm sorry unc, but I got people who put their trust in me and I ain't gonna let 'em down. That's not how my pops raised me."

"Hm, you're my brother's kid alright," Aaron muttered, putting on his mask. His gauntlets and boots began to power up, glowing a neon purple. "That's why I gotta stop you from putting your life in danger."

"You're free to try. But I ain't gonna make it easy," Miles replied, putting his mask back on.

Miles' spider sense rang and he jumped out of the way.

When he looked at where he was a second ago, he saw Aaron's claw-like gauntlet had punched through the water tower. He pulled his fist off and landed back on the roof.

'Damn, that looks dangerous.' Miles gulped, seeing the damage Aaron's gauntlet caused.

"Listen, Miles. I don't want to hurt you."

"Good, then you can call it a day and head home."

"Not without you," Aaron said, landing in front of Miles where he began to throw a flurry of attacks.

Miles managed to dodge most of them, but Aaron hit Miles with a feint during the last attack and delivered a haymaker which sent him tumbling back until his back hit the edge of the roof.

"Man, you pack a punch," Miles grumbled, standing back up.

Aaron landed in front of Miles and threw a punch. But Miles caught it with his hand, holding him back. Miles gritted his teeth as he held Aaron's fist. "Dammit, if I don't destroy that collider, all of Brooklyn will be destroyed. That includes my dad and my mom!"

"So you saying we'll be fine if we leave right now?" Aaron said as he used his other hand to attack him. Miles caught that one too, and the two were locked in a power struggle.

"You know that's not what I meant!" Miles yelled as he directed Aaron's fists away and kicked him back.

Aaron skidded back but remained on his feet. "Nothing you say will change my mind, Miles."

Miles didn't say anything, shooting two lines of webs from his wrists. The lines stuck to Aaron's chest which Miles pulled on with all his strength.

Aaron was surprised as he was pulled off his feet and yanked toward Miles. When Aaron was a few feet before him, Miles reeled his fist back, electricity flying out of it. He hit Aaron with an uppercut, shooting him up into the air.

In the air, Aaron turned his body upside down and used his boots to propel him back toward Miles. At the speed he was going, he managed to tackle Miles off the edge of the roof.

The two began to fall, but they remained entangled together, punching and kicking each other as they fell. The two separated with a kick from Aaron and crashed into different buildings.

"Man, this isn't going well," Miles groaned, shaking off the glass that was on his suit. As he looked ahead, he saw Aaron getting up to his feet, his body glowing a deep purple. "Fuck it...round two."

Miles jumped out and shot a web above him which he used to pull himself up toward the the side of the wall. 'Come on and chase me."

Aaron leaped from his building over to Miles, boring his fist into the wall. He then began climbing the wall like a maniac, trying to reach Miles. "Stop running, Miles!"

'There we go!' Miles smiled as he started running up the wall. As he reached the end, he shot a web and pulled himself over the edge.

Aaron saw that and used all his strength to leap up into the air. But as he did that, he noticed that Miles had disappeared. Aaron landed on the roof, leaving a crater below his feet. His infrared lenses scanned the roof trying to find Miles. "Come on, Miles. I didn't take you for a punk!"

There was no response.

"You gonna keep hiding, or are you gonna fight me like a man?!" As he said that, he reached out and grabbed onto Miles' neck and slammed him down into the roof, destroying it and making the two fall to the floor below.

Standing over Miles, Aaron leaned down and pointed at the lenses in his mask. "I got infrared, kid. Your little invisibility trick won't work."

"Damn, that would have been nice to know beforehand." Miles coughed in pain as he began to charge up his body with electricity. "How about now?"

Miles exploded in a ball of electricity, almost like an EMP blast, and Aaron's tech began to malfunction. The lenses in his eyes bugged out, making it hard for him to see. He removed his mask and looked around, but without the help of his mask, he couldn't find Miles.


Aaron felt a punch to the chest along with a jolt of electricity. His gauntlets began to malfunction, the light dying down. He growled in anger, punching the air. "Show yourself!" Aaron yelled before getting hit in the chest. Miles continued to attack him while staying invisible, making sure to use his electricity to disable Aaron's equipment.

Unable to move with his equipment, Aaron was a sitting duck. It was then that he felt himself get thrown up into the air. As he looked down, he saw Miles sling himself up to him, with his foot hitting him straight in the chest. The two broke through the ceiling and landed back on the roof.

Aaron tried to stand up, but his body gave up on him and he buckled back down. Miles appeared before Aaron, his hands releasing sparks of electricity, he stared him down. "Give up man, I don't want to keep hurting you."

Aaron looked at Miles weakly, before coughing with a smile on his face. "You've got hands, kid. I'll give you that."

"Rest up," Miles said, squatting beside Aaron. "I'm gotta go destroy that collider."

"Dammit, Miles. You're gonna get yourself killed." Aaron said, removing his gauntlet. He tried grabbing Miles' shoulder in an effort to hold him back, but there was barely any strength left in his body.

"Come on, Unc. Have some confidence in me." Miles pointed at himself with his thumb. "When your stuff's up and running again, I suggest you get out of here. It won't be long before the police arrive."

"Hell, I rather them find me than your Dad," Aaron smirked.

Miles smiled back, "Yeah, I'm sure Dad wouldn't be too happy to see you dressed up like that."

"You're a good kid, Miles. I know I let you down big time." Aaron sighed, shaking his head. "I just wanted you to look up to me."

"Hey, you still have time to make things right. I'm sure the Prowler could do some good for the world."

Aaron chuckled, pointing at himself. "Me, a superhero? I doubt that'd work, kid."

"Hey, you still got time to think it over, " Miles shrugged, dapping up Aaron. "I gotta get going."

"Right, go save the day." Aaron shooed Miles off.

"You know I will!" Miles spread his arms as he said that. Aaron watched as Miles swung away, making his way to Kingpin's tower, before lying down to rest.

"Go get 'em, kid."