With Great Power...

Miles found himself inside Kingpin's penthouse after sneaking in with his invisibility. He made his way to the elevator shaft which had already been left open by Peter and the others.

"Alright, time to help the guys-" Miles wasn't able to finish his sentence as he felt the entire building shake. He held onto the wall to keep himself from losing his balance. To make matters worse, the entire place looked like it was glitching in and out of place. "Damn, the collider got turned on."

Jumping down, Miles made his way to the last floor in the elevator. When he landed, Miles started to pick up speed as he didn't want to waste any more time than he had already. Swinging through the tall corridor, Miles started to see where the collider was.

Landing on the end of the collider, Miles could see that the guys were struggling. Noir was running behind cover as a whole firing squad shot at him. Gwen was weaving through bullet fire, but she couldn't get on the offensive. Peni and SP//DR were getting attacked by Scorpion and Spider-Pig was trying his best to take down some of the guards with his trusty hammer. It didn't help that they were all glitching every now and then.

But that was when he noticed Peter being wrapped up by Doc Ock, though she was wearing a different suit with both her suit and tentacles being made out of dark black metal.

'Don't worry Peter, I got you. Just like angry birds.' Miles narrowed his eyes as he shot two webs, one on each side of the wall. He started to pull back on the webs while also making sure to accumulate electricity. He stopped moving only when he reached full tension. That was when he slung himself forward and got launched straight toward the two like a bullet.

"Do you have any last words, Spider-Man?" Doc Ock asked as she began to tighten her grip on Peter.

"Can I get a minute to think about it?" Peter gasped as he grabbed onto the metal tentacle. "Oh, maybe you have a pen?"

"I got something even better!"

Both Doc Ock and Peter turned and saw as Miles, now radiating electricity, flew toward the two. As he reached Doc Ock, Miles blasted her with all the electricity he had built up, getting her off of Peter. 

Peter who was being held by Doc Ock was released, and while that was fine and all, he was now falling straight into the collider.

"Head's up!" Miles said, shooting a web toward Peter and pulling him back up toward the ceiling.

"Miles, you're okay! A little banged up, but still!" Peter grabbed Miles and hugged him. Hearing Peter, the rest turned to look at him.

"Miles!" Peni exclaimed while Gwen let out a sigh of relief. "Thank god you're okay."

Noir gave Miles a two-finger salute while Spider-Pig waved at him. "Look who decided to join us!"

"Sorry for the late arrival, y'all."

"Oh man, I love you, kid! I am so proud of you." Peter sighed contently, placing a hand on Miles' shoulder. Miles shrugged, pointing at himself with his hands. "Hey, come on, Pete. I had to learn something from you."

"Yeah..." Peter smiled under the mask, before turning to look away from Miles. "Damn...do I want kids?" He muttered to himself, but he didn't have enough time to answer his question as both their Spider Senses began to tingle.

"You!!!" Both Peter and Miles ducked as Doc Ock threw a ceiling tile at them. "I'm going to make you pay!"

"Ugh man, I forget about her." Peter groaned. He was going to swing toward her, but Miles stopped him. 

"You focus on getting control of the machine, I'll take care of her," Miles said swinging toward Doc Ock. 

"Hey, wait up!" Peter tried to stop Miles but he had already gone on ahead.

"Don't worry Peter," Gwen said, landing beside him. "I'll go help Miles."

"Okay, but be safe alright?"

"Sorry, but that's not in the job description!" Gwen chuckled before swinging after Miles.

"Right..." Peter nodded, making his way toward the control panel.


Miles spun and turned, dodging everything Doc Ock threw at him. This seemed to anger her as she began to charge at him.

Right below them, the Super Collider seemed to be charging up. A small lift began to rise until it was completely engulfed by the beam.

Miles focused his attention back on Doc Ock, who currently looked like a bull who had seen red. "I gotta say, Doc, the metal really brings out your eye." 

"You're going to pay for destroying my arms, Spider-Man!" Doc Ock yelled, splitting a tile in half before throwing the two pieces at him. Mile dodged the first one and swung the second one back at her.

"I feel like I did you a big favor! See-through plastic is so last week! Black is definitely the new orange!"

"I'm going to enjoy killing you, you annoying runt!" Doc Ock used her tentacles to block the debris before swinging one of her tentacles at him. Miles let go of the web he was holding and lowered himself, just narrowly missing the tentacle, performing a backflip. As he positioned himself, he aimed his web shooters toward Doc Ock's tentacles that were helping her hang from the ceiling. With those there, it'd be difficult for her to get out anytime soon.

Unfortunately, she still had quite a few left to use.

Miles tried to find an opening but couldn't find any cracks in her defense. To the surprise of the two, Gwen appeared out of nowhere, weaving through her tentacles with ease, she managed to kick Doc Ock in the face.

"Gah!" Doc Ock cried out in pain as she jolted in place, unable to move completely.


Gwen landed beside Miles, "Don't worry, I'm here to help."

"Sweet," Miles smiled as the two dapped each other up. 

When the two tried to move on Doc Ock, the supercollider began to grow in size, causing an earthquake that shook the entire place.

When they turned to look at the source of the problem, they noticed entire buildings began to rise from the beam turning into a kaleidoscope of sorts.

"Man, that is trippy." Miles whistled, twisting his head along with the changing landscape.

"That doesn't look good." Gwen narrowed her eyes. "We gotta end this once and for all."

As she said that, she turned to look at Miles who was still entranced by the spectacle. "Miles!"

"Right, sorry! I'm on the case!" Miles replied, swinging toward Doc Ock.

Gwen shook her head before chasing after Miles.

Due to the earthquake, Doc Ock had managed to free herself of the webs Miles had placed on her. She dropped down from the ceiling and landed on a spiraling building.

Both Gwen and Miles landed on the building as well, getting ready to fight.

They both knew this would more than likely take a while.


Peter was in the process of placing the goober into the panel when he heard Peni's cries. Turning to look, he saw Scorpion and Peni fighting on a floating building. 

"Put the goober in, then save the kid." Narrowing his eyes, Peter placed the goober into the panel and jumped off. Shooting a web, Peter began to swing toward Peni to help her. Along the way, he saw Noir take down Tombstone with a haymaker.

"I wouldn't even call that a fight," Noir scoffed, putting his hat back on his head.

"Hey, Peni needs our help!" Peter said, swinging past him.

"On it!" Noir nodded before jumping toward Peni's location. 

Peni began to panic as she tried to control SP//DR. Her screen flashed with countless warnings. Unfortunately, Scorpion had already pierced her right leg which made it hard to stay balanced, and ripped off her left arm.

"Come on, SP//DR! Don't fail me now!" Her eyes widened when she saw Scorpion pounce on top of her. His stinger getting ready to pierce through SP//DR and directly to her.

The stinger flew through the air, trying to pierce into the screen.

"Dammit!" Peni cursed, unable to do anything.

All of a sudden, a web stuck toward the stinger. "Que?" Scorpion turned to look at who had stopped him and saw Peter pulling on the stinger. "Oh, you want to play, little spider? Let's play!"

"Watch your head!"

"Hm?" Scorpion looked up only to be slammed with an anvil. "Que demonios?"

Shaking the ringing in his head, Scorpion turned and saw what appeared to be a cartoon pig wearing a Spider-Man suit. "What are you, some kind of silly cartoon character?"

"You got a problem with that?" Spider-Pig narrowed his eyes.

"How about you leave the kid alone?" Noir said landing on top of SP//DR. 

"Good, I will enjoy this cazeria!" Scorpion chortled, cracking his neck.

"The only hunting will be for scorpions." With those words, Spider-Pig pulled himself toward Scorpion, brandishing his trusty hammer, and slamming it toward him with such power that each hit made Scorpion recoil. Spider-Pig finished it off with an underhand swing which caused Scorpion to fall on his back.

Scorpion growled as he turned belly-side down, but as he went to get up, he felt himself get lifted. His vision began to spin as Noir spun Scorpion around until he threw him up into the air.

That was when Peter webbed up Scorpioin and did a frontward spin before slamming him down to the ground.

Beaten and bruised, Scorpion tried to get up, but he was met with the imposing figure of SP//DR. The mech raised its fist and drove it toward Scorpion's head, essentially knocking him out completely.

"If there's one thing I can't stand it's bullies," Spider-Pig said, dusting his hands off.

"Well said," Noir agreed with a nod.

Peter turned to look at Peni. "How are you holding up, kid?"

"We'll live, but we lost most of our combat capabilities," Peni said as SP//DR slumped down, mimicking sadness.

"That's fine. Listen, you guys go toward the panel and start setting it up. I'm going to go see if Miles and Gwen need help against Doc Ock."

The three agreed before making their way toward the panel where the goober had been placed, while Peter went on ahead, searching for Miles and Gwen. Hopefully, nothing bad had happened to the two.

"Where are you guys at?" Peter asked as he twhipped through the dimensional landscape.