...Comes Great Responsibility

"Who would have thought it would be this difficult?!" Miles cried out as he was thrown toward a building.

"Miles!" Gwen turned to look back at Doc Ock, taking a few deep breaths in an effort to regain her stamina. She didn't want to admit it but Doc Ock was putting in some work on the two of them. 

"Oh, what's the matter, Spiders? Is this getting too much to handle?" Doc Ock cackled as she looked down at Gwen.

Miles groaned, removing the debris that had landed on top of him. "I don't know what a broken rib feels like, but if what I'm feeling right now is anything similar, then it hurts like hell." 

"Come on, Miles! All we have to do is hold her back long enough for Peter to get the goober up and running."

"Don't worry about me. I'm still good to go." Miles gritted his teeth. Landing beside Gwen, he tried his best to ignore the pain he was feeling. 'The fight with Aaron is starting to take a toll on me.'

Doc Ock reached toward a floating vehicle and launched it toward the two. They managed to move out of the way, but Miles was a bit slower due to exhaustion. Gwen had already reached Doc Ock and was swinging from building to building, dodging each of her attacks before getting a hit in. But during her attack, Dock Ock managed to grab a nearby sign and smashed it on Gwen, swatting her toward a 

"Gwen!" Miles fought through the pain, jumping off the building and diving head first to save Gwen. There was all sorts of debris blocking his way but Miles did his best to evade and go around them.

Gwen saw as she was about to fall into the beam. When she looked up, she saw Miles' battered body diving in toward her. She closed her eyes, believing that he wouldn't make it.

But that was when she felt a hand grab onto her own. Opening her eyes, she saw Miles hanging by a web, holding onto her hand tightly.


"I got you...I got you." Miles heaved, looking at Gwen. Miles hissed as he tried to pull Gwen up, but his shoulder fell limp. "Argh...dammit!"

"Miles, your arm!" Gwen gasped looking at his arm. Miles had dislocated his shoulder when the web he shot toward a building had yanked on it hard. But all that mattered was that he had been able to get to her in time.

Miles groaned as he shook his head. "Nah, I'm fine...Hey, Gwen?"


"I've been meaning to ask...how did you sneak into Visions Academy? Hell, you even had a uniform and all!"

Gwen's eyes furrowed. "Really? You're going to ask me that now?!"

"It's been bugging me since I can remember!"

"Miles...you're an idiot." Gwen laughed, shaking her head. "If we make it out of here, I'll tell you!"

"I'll hold you to it."

"That's real cute, you two! Now let's finish this!" The two heard Peter say.

"Peter!" The two exclaimed. Miles felt as Peter webbed his back and pulled both him and Gwen back up.


"Hm, now that I've killed Spider-Man, I should think about what I should do next in life." Doc Ock hummed to herself. However, she who had already chalked them off as dead was surprised to see...






Three Spider-People swing past her, each one delivering a powerful attack, one after the other!

Doc Ock shook her head and looked ahead only to see two pair of fists land straight on her face, sending her rolling back through the buildings and toward the collider's beam. She growled, using her tentacles to stop her fall.

Wiping the blood from her lips, she stared at the three Spider-People. 

"Buckle up guys, this is going to take a while," Gwen said as the three got ready to fight again. But it was as Doc Ock leaped toward them that a semi-truck came and sidelined her. All three of them recoiled in pain as they watched the truck leave. "I guess not?" 

"Alright, guys. Let's end this!"

"Hold on, you guys wouldn't happen to know how to pop a muscle back in, would you?" Miles asked, staring at his limp arm. Peter and Gwen looked at each other. How could they not know how to do it? That was one of the skills you learned when you became Spider-Man.

"You want to do it?" Gwen asked.

Peter shrugged, "If you want me to."

"God, any one of you can do it!"

"Sheesh, fine, Miles. Don't get all flustered." Peter said, grabbing Miles' arm and popping it back into place. 

"Argh!" Miles gritted his teeth, trying to hold in the pain, but he realized after a while he stopped feeling it. Moving his arm, Miles nodded and looked at the two. "Alright, I'm all better."

"Good, let's go!" Peter jumped off with Miles and Gwen following behind them.

When they arrived at the panel, Miles was pleasantly surprised to see Peni still inside her mech. Noir and Spider-Pig were also hanging around. "You guys have any problem?" Miles asked, lifting his mask up to his forehead.

"With these chumps? Hardly." Noir replied.

"What tall and broody said," Spider-Pig chimed in, pointing toward Noir with his thumb.

"We've seen better days, but we'll live." Both Peni and SP//DR smiled at Miles.

Miles smiled back, tapping SP//DR's body, "Knowing you, you'll make SP//DR a much better chassis in no time."

Peni nodded, "You better believe it!"

"So, you guys ready to go home?" Miles asked, but he knew the answer. "The beam's under our control."

As he said that, a mechanical voice sounded through the building.

[Alert! Quantum Polarity has been reversed.]

"Kingpin won't be too happy about that." Miles chuckled, before turning to Peni. "Alrighty, the portal is open. You're up first, Peni."

"Hm, it was nice knowing you all. I hope we meet again." Peni said, before turning to Miles. "And Miles, thanks. From the both of us."

"What are friends for?" Miles put his fist up which SP//DR bumped. As she dapped Miles, both Peni and SP//DR jumped toward the beam.

"I don't want to sound like a wuss, but, uh...I love you all." Noir said, clearing his throat.

"Come on man, ain't nothing wrong with showing love," Miles replied.

Noir nodded, before pulling out a Rubix Cube. "I'm going to take this back with me. I don't understand it, but I will." With that, Noir tipped his hat and leaped toward the collider.

"Miles, I want you to have this," Spider-Pig said, pulling out his trusty hammer. "It'll fit in your pocket, I promise."

"Ah, thanks, man." Miles grabbed the hammer which surprisingly weighed a good bit.

Spider-Pig sniffled, stretching his arms wide. "I guess, that's all folks."

"Is he allowed to say that, legally?" Peter muttered from behind.

Miles turned toward the two who were still left. His gaze went toward Gwen. "So?"

Gwen chuckled, removing her mask. "You really want to know?"

"Hell yeah, I do."

"Right, well, I have my ways," Gwen said with a shrug.

Miles narrowed his eyes. "That's it? Really?!"

"A girl never reveals her secret." Gwen winked, causing Miles to shake his head.

"So you still keeping yourself closed off, or do you think there could be a spot for a friend in there?" Miles asked, putting his hand up.

Gwen pursed her lips in thought, before dapping Miles up with a smile. "I guess if and when I start having friends again, you wouldn't be the worst first choice."

"Wow, I'm already starting to question this friendship."

"Sorry, too late!" Gwen said before leaping off. 

Miles smiled, shaking his head at her antics. "Hey, the haircut is mad nice!"

"You still don't get to comment on it!" Gwen giggled as she entered the beam. 

Miles let out a sigh, looking over at Peter. But he wished he hadn't as Peter was looking at Miles while nodding his head with a thumbs up. "Good job, kid."

"Knock it off," Miles waved him off. "It's your turn."

Peter sighed, removing his mask. "Yeah, listen Miles-"

Peter couldn't finish his sentence as he felt his spider senses alert him. Miles felt it as well, and the two turned to look to the side and saw Kingpin standing on top of a building.

A water tower came flying toward him which Kingpin destroyed with a kick. "You're not going anywhere, Spider-Man!"

Both of them put their masks back on.

"Miles, I'll stop him while you press the green button and destroy the machine." Peter was already swinging toward Kingpin got tackled by Miles.

"Miles?!" Peter exclaimed, removing his mask.

Miles lifted his mask, walking over to Peter. "What you doing, man? You gotta go back to your world."

"This guy's too much for you to handle!"

"Who said that?"

Peter groaned, "Miles, stop playing around!"

Miles shook his head, "Who said I was playing?"

Peter grabbed Miles by his suit. "I can't let Spider-Man die, alright?"

"Funny, I can't either," Miles said as he pushed Peter off the building.

"Dammit Miles," Peter yelled as he grabbed onto Miles' arm.

"Go back to your universe, Peter. You have people who depend on you." Miles yelled at him.

"I'm scared, alright?!" Peter said, tightening his grip. "What if I mess it up again?"

"Hey, that's part of life, man. You may mess up again, but you always get back up. That's the one thing we Spider-People are good at. And hell, you don't got to worry about me. I had a pretty good mentor to teach me!"

"Heh, right..." Peter smiled, as he let go of Miles' arm. "Go get him, Spider-Man."

"You know I will."

With Peter gone, Miles started to run back toward the Collider. Unfortunately, he had someone he had to deal with first.

"Don't you dare!" Kingpin roared, landing in front of Miles.

"You're surprisingly agile for your build," Miles commented.

"You're not going to stop me from my goal!" 

"What? You think your 'new' family would love you?! If it didn't work the first time, why would it work again?" Miles laughed, charging toward Kingpin.

"Be quiet!" Kingpin roared, slamming his fist down, which caused the glass from the building to shatter like a wave toward Miles. With a spinning leap, Miles managed to go through the shards without taking any damage. 

Continuing his momentum, Miles ran toward Kingpin and delivered a heavy right hook. But to his surprise, Kingpin took it like it was nothing and retaliated with his own punch, straight toward Miles' chest.

Miles looked like a tumbleweed the way he got sent rolling back. The only reason why he didn't fall off the building was because Miles had grabbed onto the edge at the last second. Holding onto his chest, Miles heaved heavily. "Man, it feels like I got hit by a moving truck."

With a pained groan, Miles lifted himself back onto the building. Staring behind him, he saw that the collider was starting to overload. The space around him was turning dark and distorted. 'If I don't stop it now, this whole place will be destroyed.'

"Maximum effort!" Miles said, running toward Kingpin. Out of the corner of his eye, he noticed a car flying by. Swinging up to it, Miles leaped off the car before throwing it right at him.

Kingpin saw the car flying his way and as it crashed into him, he broke through it before grabbing one half and throwing it back at Miles.

'This guy's something else.' Miles clicked his tongue, dodging to the side. He thought about what to do next. That was when a train came crashing through the building. Swinging towards it, Miles landed on the side where he started looking around the distorted space, trying to find where the panel was.

That was when he saw it off in the distance, floating through the air. Aiming his webshooter at it, Miles tried to grab the panel but a hand grabbed him through the glass and pulled him into the train.

Miles jumped back as Kingpin slammed his fist on the ground. He looked at the narrow train and shot two webs at each end before slinging himself toward Kingpin.

His kick managed to push Kingpin back, but not by a lot.

However, it was just far enough for Miles to charge up some electricity. Jumping out of the train window, Miles wrapped around to get to Kingpin's blindside.

Kingpin looked around to see where Miles had gone, only for him to get kicked out of the train from behind. The two landed on a helipad where they faced each other once more. Miles' eyes scanned the scene and saw the panel right over Kingpin's head.

"It's now or never." Miles took a deep breath, charging up his body. 

"You think I'm going to let you?!" Kingpin yelled, charging at Miles.

Electricity began to flow throughout his body, creating an aura of lightning. "Nah, I don't need you to."

Almost in the blink of an eye, Miles propelled himself toward Kingpin and with all his strength, punched Kingpin right under his chin. Lightning surged from his fist as he used everything he had left to send Kingpin's body straight toward the panel. 

Kingpin shot up like a bullet, his entire body shocked by the electricity, he was unable to move. His body hit the panel but didn't end there as Kingpin continued going up until he crashed into the ceiling.

When his body made contact with the ceiling, the place began to shine a bright blue, dispelling the black distortion that was previously there. Then everything began to get sucked back into the collider. And by everything, that also meant Miles!

Miles quickly stuck himself to the ceiling and held on to dear life as the collider began to act like a black hole, sucking everything into it. It was at that moment when the entire place was getting consumed, that Miles got a chance to see it. Multiple universes, so massive, weaved by webs.

"This is more trippy than any drugs I could ever do," Miles muttered.

That was when he felt his entire body get pulled into the collider. His fingers tried to hold on but the black hole was much stronger. As Miles was pulled in, he shot a pair of webs to the ceiling and held on.

It was only after a few minutes that the collider stopped.

"Phew," Miles sighed, but he barely had any time to rest as out of nowhere the collider exploded. Miles was swung around the place by the shockwave of the explosion, but his webs proved to be strong enough to hold on.

Looking around, Miles saw the destruction left behind by the collider. The explosion had been so powerful that it had even reached the streets above.

"Man...what a night." Miles relaxed, finally done with the fight. He wanted nothing more than to head back to his dorm and knock out. 

But there were still a few things he had to take care of.

"It's never a dull night in New York."

(Author's Note)

Well, this is the end of the Into the Spider-Verse arc. From here on out, it's going to be straight AU as I build up Miles to become a better Spider-Man. After all, he's going to have to when he faces off against Miguel.

But that won't be until much later. As for everything else, I'll be sure to check the comments to see any suggestions. If I like them, I'll find a way to add them to the story in a seamless fashion.

If you guys forgot, I'll remind you again. I'm planning on doing a "phase" or "arc" lasting around three years where Miles is going to grow up and face off against Spider-Man's gallery of villains. As of right now, I made Miles to be 15 so when the three years are up, Miles will be an 18-year-old young adult. Again, I don't want to write anything while they're still kids. 

Hell, you don't know how many Spider-Man novels I've seen where they do that.


Anywho, I'll see you guys later!