Returning To Normal

Sun broke through the window, shining on MIles' face. He let out a groan as he moved over to the other side, but a ringing brought him out of his beauty sleep.

Looking at the phone, he saw over a hundred calls from Rio and Jefferson with another one from Jefferson coming on right now. With a sigh, Miles answered the phone, "Hey, dad? What's happening?"

[Miles?! About time you answer! Do you know how worried we are?]

"About what?" Miles tried to sound as clueless as he could.

[You didn't hear? Fisk Towers blew up!]

"Nah, for real? I went to sleep early since I was getting ready for a test today and put my phone on airplane mode."

[You didn't feel all the earthquakes that were happening last night?]

"Damn, I guess not."

[All that matters is that you're safe. I still have some paperwork left at the precinct but if you want, you can come over during the weekend and we can share a meal.]

"That sounds good. I kinda missing ma's cooking."

[Speaking about your mom, make sure to call her right after she's worried sick about you.]

"Aight Dad, I'll make sure to call her."

[Take care, son.]

"You too, Dad." Miles sighed, putting the phone down.

"Dude, I don't know how the hell you can be such a bad liar," Genki said, looking at him from the top bunk. "Were they to actually look into it, they would find out that you're Spider-Man pretty easily."

Miles looked up at Denki and frowned. "I'll have you know I'm a pretty competent liar."

"Weird flex."

"Besides, it's easy for you since you already know I'm Spider-Man," Miles said, standing up.

Genki nodded with a goofy smile. "Yeah, it's still crazy to believe that my roommate is freaking Spider-Man!"

Miles couldn't help but frown. He still remembered how badly he had messed up last night. 


After Miles had wrapped up Kingpin and found Doc Ock in between the rubble, he brought the two over to Jefferson who was doing crowd control, and handed them in. And he didn't stay for long as news reporters began to snap tons of pictures of him and ask all sorts of questions. And after the beating he had taken that night, he wasn't feeling any of it.

"Alright, nice and quiet," Miles muttered to himself, cracking the window open. He looked around the room and noticed that Genki wasn't there. "Good thing Genki isn't here. I can relax without having to worry about him seeing me."

Miles let out a sigh, removing his mask, he threw it toward his bed. But that was when he heard a cry. Turning to look, he saw Genki lying on his bed while reading a comic book.

"Holy shit!"

"You're currently dreaming right now," Miles said, waving his hands around. "Go back to sleep."

Genki scoffed, shaking his head. "Yeah right! I just had like six energy drinks. I'm wide awake!"

"God dammit!" Miles cursed, "Well, get out of my bed. I had a long night and I want to rest."

"Come on, man! You can't expect me to keep quiet after finding out you're Spider-Man."

"Fine, what do you want to know?"

"Can you stick to walls?"

Miles slapped his face. He knew that he wasn't going to be getting any sleep tonight. 'Somebody kill me.'


And that led right to the two of them talking about it right now. 

Miles rolled his eyes as he stared at himself in the mirror. There were a few bruises here and there but overall his body had returned to peak physical condition. Too bad he couldn't say the same about his suit. Turning to the side, he saw his Spider suit which had rips and tears all over the place.

"Damn, I have to get this suit fixed." Miles pursed his lips. He had barely gotten the suit and it had already been ruined. But that was just how it was with these suits. Unless you were homies with Tony Stark. 'Be real nice if I could get one of Tony's nano suits. I wonder if Tom's ever going to use the one he has again.'

"Yo, can I try out your web shooters?" Genki's voice broke Miles out of his thoughts.

He turned to look at Genki. "Only if you promise to keep this a secret from everyone else," Miles said, pointing at him seriously.

Genki crossed his heart and raised two fingers. "Scout's honor!"

"You were in the Boy Scouts?"

"Never. But come on, I get to be roommates with Spider-Man. That by itself is the coolest thing that's ever happened in my life!"

'That's quite sad,' Miles wanted to say, but he kept that to himself as he didn't want to break Genki's poor heart. It felt like he really needed this win. Throwing Genki one of his web shooters, he began to marvel at it. Checking out every crevice on the device. When he went to press the button, a ball of web shot out and hit the wall. "Awesome!"

"Alright, keep it down. I have a phone call to make." Miles said, picking up the phone and making a call.

[Mijo! It's about time you answer my calls!]

"Sorry ma, I was busy cramming last night and fell asleep."

[All I care about is that you're safe. Gracias a Dios!]

"What about you? I heard what happened from Dad. Sounds kind of crazy." Miles commented. Had she known what Miles had been up to, she might have had a heart attack.

[I'm fine, sweetie. The hospital was having a few problems but everything is back to normal.]

"That's good to hear." Miles smiled. He was a little relieved that there hadn't been any casualties from their battle last night. Overall, it was a pretty good day for Spider-Man, which honestly, was kinda rare. "I talked with Dad a few minutes ago and I agreed to show up during the weekend."

[That's fine, Miles. I'll make sure to prepare something good.]

"Can't wait!"

[Okay, I have to go now to take care of some patients. Make sure you're paying attention in school, alright?]

"You got it ma." Ending the call, Miles turned to look at Genki who was still fidgeting with the web shooter. "Hey man, you better not mess with it!"

"I just want to see how it works!" As Genki said that, he popped out one of the capsules from the web shooter which was still full, creating a web bomb that stuck both Genki and Miles to the wall. "Oops?"

"Damnit Genki!" Miles growled, unable to move.

"How long do these last?"

"...Around two hours."

"Welp. guess we're skipping first and second period." Genki sighed, hitting his head on the wall.

Miles frowned, looking at Genki. "I wonder whose fault that is. Now we have to sit here until the webbing dissolves."

"Hey!" Genki perked up. "Let's play 21 questions!"

Miles thought about it for a few seconds before shrugging. "Eh, fuck it."

Genki cleared his throat before he started. "What's you're fetish?"

"Jesus, dude. That's how you start it off? I don't want to play anymore!" Miles cried, trying to free himself but the webbing was too strong.

"Sorry man, you're stuck in here with me for two hours."

" don't know how much I hate you right now."

"So...what's your answer?"

These next two hours were going to be the most uncomfortable for Miles, but maybe in some weird way, he and Genki would develop a stronger bond for it. Was it something Miles wanted? Well, he'd have to wait and see.

(Author's Note)

Here's a lil short chapter, kinda getting you guys settled into this new arc. I want it to be mostly a chill and kickback kinda phase for Miles where there won't be any universal threats. Sure he's going to face challenges as all Spider-People do, but I want to keep it street-level for now until the Spot eventually arrives and begins his reign of terror.

You guys can let me know who you want to be the first villain from Spider-Man's Gallery of Rouges. I've been thinking about the Sinister Six and which one of them I should use as Miles' first real villain. 

I've also been brewing about adding Black Cat, but I'm not sure if I should keep her around Peter's age (which is around 26 from what I could find on Google) or make her a bit younger, maybe around 17 or 18. I'd have to change a lot of stuff in the 'timeline' to make it work, but seeing as this is already an AU I'm not too worried about breaking any plot lines.

Perhaps I could make it so that Black Cat has a crush on Peter and is saddened by his death until she crosses paths with Miles. From there I'll write their interaction and see where that ends up. You guys let me know if it's something you guys are interested in.

Until next time!