Duty Calls

After Miles and Genki managed to free themselves from the spider webs, they headed to class, where the staff chewed them out for missing their first two periods.

The rest of the school day was uneventful. Miles struggled a bit with the school work but after a while, he started to understand the subjects the teachers were teaching. It made Miles glad to have the brain of a genius.

After the school day ended, Miles walked back to his dorm. Along the way, he met Genki, who decided to tag along.

"So, what do you plan to do today?"

Miles shrugged, taking off his uniform and putting the Spider suit on. "I'm planning on having a friend of mine fix the suit. Then I'll go out on patrol."

"Sweet!" Genki said, before clearing his throat. "By any chance, you wouldn't be looking for a 'sidekick' would you?"

"Not that I can think of. Besides, I rather you not put yourself in danger if I can help it."

Genki shook his head. "Oh, I didn't mean it like that. I know damn well I'm not in the shape to do any hero work. I was more thinking about being the guy behind the screen, giving you information through an earpiece. Not to brag, but I also happen to be a pretty decent coder."

Miles thought about it for a second. From what he had seen between the comics and media, Genki was a pretty big part of Miles' journey, so there wasn't any reason for him to decline his help. "You got any of the equipment on you?"

"Eh, not at the moment."

"Aight, get the stuff, and then we can talk," Miles said, patting Genki's shoulder. I'm going to head out. Oh, and don't worry. We'll both spend some time at the gym. Just because I got super strength doesn't mean I don't have to work out."

"Uh, yeah! I'm down."

Miles nodded before putting on his mask. "Good, I'll catch you later!"

Genki watched as Miles leaped out of the window before turning invisible. He let out a sigh of relief before pumping his fist in excitement. "Let's go!"


"Boy, you really did a number on it." Aunt May muttered, using a needle to repair the suit while Miles sat in the living room watching the news. "At least everyone managed to get home safely."

"Man, you don't even know. I was stressing during the whole thing." Miles sighed, leaning back on the couch.

"Hm, I don't doubt it." Aunt May chuckled. "Have you thought about what you're going to do next?"

"I'm going to continue my work as Spider-Man. I can't let Peter down by quitting."

"I meant, what is Miles Morales going to do?" She asked, taking a moment to look at him. "You have to make sure that you make time to focus on yourself. Perhaps, you could think about getting yourself a girlfriend." A teasing smile appeared on Aunt May's lips.

Miles chuckled, shaking his head. "I think it's way too early for me to be thinking about getting a girlfriend."

"Peter would say the same thing." Aunt May smiled. "I wonder what it is with you young men these days?"

Miles smiled back before thinking about her question. What should he do? To be honest, he hadn't thought about it. The only thing on his mind was how to be a better Spider-Man. It was true that he would need to have a plan for once he was done with school. While being a superhero was a good thing, it wasn't known for being a goldmine. Especially for Spider-Man.

"I guess I'll continue living my life normally. Well, as normal as someone with superpowers can have." Miles shrugged. "I'll keep up with my studies and later on, I'll probably get a job or something."

Aunt May hummed, "Peter used to work as a news reporter in the Daily Bugle. Perhaps you could get a part-time there."

Working with J. Jonah Jameson? Man, now that would be something. "I'll think about it."

"Well, I managed to fix your suit as best as I could. But I'm not a miracle worker. Sooner or later, you'll have to grab a new one from the basement." Aunt May said, passing Miles his suit back.

"Thanks, Aunt May. I don't know what I'd do without you." Miles thanked her, grabbing his suit from her. "I'm going to get going. Still need to go on patrol."

As he said that, Miles' eyes were attracted to the TV. 

[We're live here at the Heart of New York where a group of masked criminals are currently on the run inside an armored cash truck. Police are on the chase but we are unsure if they'll be able to stop the criminals with minimal damage.]

"Looks like duty calls," Miles said, turning to Aunt May. "Mind if I use your bathroom?"

"Go ahead." Aunt May agreed and after a few minutes, Miles came back out, fitted in his Spider Suit.

"I'll see you later."

"Take care of yourself, kid."

Miles chuckled, "I'll see what I can do."


An armored truck drove through the streets of New York, ramming every car off the road. Police cars chased after the truck as they evaded gunfire coming from the back of the truck.

On the edge of a roof, Miles looked down at the chaos that was being caused by the criminals.

"Boy, not even a day has passed since my fight with Kingpin." Miles sighed, leaping off the roof and swinging toward the armored truck.

Miles saw as the armored truck rammed a car off the road. Making his way over to the car, Miles used his webs to stop it from crashing into a nearby building. 

"Thank you, Spider-Man!" The driver said.

"Don't sweat it," Miles gave him a salute before going back on the chase.

Landing on the truck, Miles made his way to the back where he saw a masked man with a shotgun. With his web, he yanked the shotgun off the man's hands and threw it away. 


"I hope that wasn't too expensive. But you don't have to worry. Where you're going, it won't matter," Miles said before pulling him out of the car and throwing him toward a stoplight where he shot a few webs at the criminal, sticking him to it. 

With that taken care of, Miles crawled on the side of the driver where Miles knocked on the window, causing the criminal on the side to turn and look at him.

Miles waved before grabbing the side of the door and yanking it off the truck. "Sorry, is there any room for one more?"

The masked man responded by pulling a pistol out on Miles. "Die!"

Miles with his quick reaction, grabbed his wrist and pushed it up before the masked criminal could push the trigger. As his hand was pushed up, the masked man pulled the trigger which caused the bullet to hit the ceiling of the car causing everyone inside to wince at the ringing in their ears.

"Man, that hurt my ears!" Miles groaned, slamming the driver's head on the steering wheel, putting him out of commission. He grabbed his unconscious body and threw him out of the truck. "Alright, it's just as two left."

"You're dead, Spider-Man!" The masked man in the passenger seat yelled, shooting at MIles.

"Woah!" Miles pulled his body back as the bullets flew past him. "Not cool, man!"

'Alright, let's do this differently.' Miles jumped and swung straight through the side, kicking the masked criminal through the side door and out of the truck where he flew toward a hotdog stand and crashed into it. 

"Sorry about your hot dog stand!" Miles apologized before going after the vehicle which was now without a driver. As he gained on the truck, Miles saw it began to steer into oncoming traffic. "Really?!"

There was no time to get to the driver's seat so Miles shot a whole bunch of webs at the back. Landing on the street, Miles pulled hard on the webs, trying to stop the truck in its tracks. Miles' feet started skidding through the concrete as he groaned, straining all of his muscles. It was only after a few minutes passed that Miles was able to stop the truck completely.

Letting go of the webs, Miles took a deep breath, relieved that he was able to stop it before it could do any more damage. "Man, that was stressful."

The police cars stopped behind Miles and the officers stepped out of the car. 

Miles turned to look at them, though he was surprised when he happened to know who one of the officers was.

"Man, that was something else, Spider-Man." Jefferson whistled, walking over to him. "We appreciate the help."

"It's just another day for Spider-Man," Miles said, in a deeper voice trying to mask it as best he could. Though it just made Miles sound weird. Jefferson looked at Miles with a raised brow. "You okay, Spider-Man? Your voice sounds all weird."

"No." Miles coughed, "I should get going."

"Yeah don't worry, Spider-Man. We'll take it from here." Jefferson waved Miles off as he walked toward the armored truck.

"Right," Miles grunted before swinging away as fast as he could. 'Man, that was weird.' He sighed, swinging through the city. 'I don't know if I'm going to be able to keep this a secret from Jefferson and Rio for much longer.'

A part of Miles wanted to just come out clean, but he knew that there was always a risk for those who knew Spider-Man's identity. And the last thing he wants is for Miles' parents to get hurt, or worse...because of him.

"Eh, one day, maybe I'll tell them." Till then, Miles was going to do his best to keep his identity on the down low. "Now then, where's the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man needed next?"

(Author's Note)

Sorry for the slow upload. Been busy with work and I'm currently trying to come up with a storyboard for this arc. Trying to see what should go first and what I should keep toward the end. I'm sure once I have it set up, I'll be able to get into a rhythm, meaning faster uploads.