Everyday Life

A few weeks passed after Miles stopped the criminals from robbing the armored truck.

Since then everything has been...uneventful. 

Bringing a cat down from a tree.

Getting a balloon that flew away back to a kid. 

Helping an old lady cross the street.

Small things like that.

Don't get him wrong. It was good to know that the city had dropped its crime rate, but he couldn't help but find it boring.

But, while it was monotonous and nowhere near as important as saving the city from a supervillain dead set on destroying it, what he was doing was good for the community.

After all, there was a reason why he was called the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man. All that world-ending stuff could be handled by the other guys.

And oh yeah, they were there.

While Miles was swinging around the city one day, he saw the Avenger's Tower just standing there, towering over every other building in the area.

It made Miles ask why they hadn't come to help him when Kingpin was about to destroy all of Brooklyn with his collider. Perhaps it was below their radar and they had far more important things to do.

Putting that aside, Miles had to say, that doing all that stuff was good for the soul. It made him feel like he was doing something meaningful.

He wondered if that was how Peter felt all the time.

His work as Spider-Man wasn't the only thing in Miles' life.

Back at the academy, Miles was trying his best to focus in class and get good grades, and with the help of Genki, it wouldn't be long till he got there. Miles had also started thinking about college. For most of them, he'd have to get some sort of extracurricular.

At first, Miles had thought of joining the Basketball team since he was a big fan of the sport, but then he remembered that being Spider-Man made it so he couldn't really do any sports.

For one, he wouldn't really have to try thanks to his enhanced abilities which would ultimately become boring for Miles.

Most importantly, it was a huge time commitment that Miles didn't have.

Something could be happening while Miles was playing a game, and he'd have to leave to go be Spider-Man. This would make everyone who was watching either suspicious of him or angry that he had just up and left midgame.

So until then, Miles would have to keep looking for something he could do low-key.

"I could always do community service." Miles thought, before letting out a sigh. "No one's ever said being Spider-Man would be easy."

After finishing another patrol, Miles took a moment to eat some food on the top of a billboard sign.

He had decided to try out that one spot Peter kept raving about, Mick's Diner.

Raising his mask to his nose, Miles placed down two bags of food and brought out some french fries.

"Damn, Peter was right. These fries are good." Miles continued eating the rest of his food when he was stopped by the sound of his phone ringing. Taking a look, he saw that it was Aaron calling.

'What does he want?' The last time Miles had seen him was when the two fought outside of Kingpin's tower. Answering the call, Miles spoke first. "Hey, Uncle Aaron? It's been a while. Was starting to think you didn't want to talk to me no more."

Aaron let out a pained laugh through the phone. [Unlike you, I'm still normal. Hell, I'm still recovering from that ass beating you gave me.]

"I did try to tell you but you didn't listen."

[Well, stubbornness runs in the family.]

"I guess you're right," Miles smirked before his face turned serious. "So, are you calling me as my uncle, or as the Prowler?"

[I'm afraid this is all business.]

"Thought so."

[I'm sure you've noticed a drop in criminal activity.]


[From what I heard, there seems to be a new player in town. With Kingpin gone, there's a power vacuum and this guy's been taking over all of Kingpin's operations across the city.]

Miles frowned, trying to wonder who could be responsible for this.

'Damn, I don't remember this happening in the movies.' Miles thought to himself.

"Thanks for letting me know, Uncle Aaron. I'll make sure to check it out."

[Don't worry about it. I'll let you know if I come up with anything else. Take care, kid.] Aaron said before ending the call.

"Man, it seems like things are going to get crazier." Miles sighed, pulling his mask down.

Leaping off the billboard, Miles traversed through the streets, mixing in web-slinging with parkour. After a heavy meal, he liked to move around a bit to burn off the extra calories. Which if he had to be honest was pretty easy to do.

His work as Spider-Man burned through calories faster than he could make them. He could see why most Spider-People were so lean.

'I'm going to have to work out a diet to bulk up.' Miles thought as he dove through a concrete cylinder that was being raised by a nearby crane. 'I should also think about getting a new cut. Not a big fan of the fro. What should I get though?'

He saw what he would look like with braids and while it did look mad nice, Miles believed he should go with something different.

"I could go for some locs. Definitely not the Killmonger locs, though." While the cut goes hard, it has gotten overused to oblivion. "I could get some long locs going, Static Shock style."

He'd have to let his hair get longer if he did end up going for it. But that was a topic for another day.

"I should get back to the dorms. Still haven't finished that report for English." Miles grumbled.

No matter what world you were in, homework would always be a pain in the ass.

(Author's Note)

I was looking up some hairstyles and I saw one from Static Shock from his appearance in Young Justice. Specifically season 2 episode 14, The Runaways. I felt like it would be a pretty nice fit for Miles. You guys can let me know if you mess with it or not. 

And as for the first villain, I'm sure you guys could already guess, but I'm planning on having Mister Negative be the first big bad. I'm thinking of having it be similar to the game except with Miles being at the forefront. Of course, I'll have to give Martin Li a different reason for doing the stuff that he's doing since Norman is 'dead'. But that shouldn't be too difficult. And through Mister Negative, I'll be able to bring in other villains into the story.