An All Black Party

Miles returned to his dorm and saw Genki typing away on a laptop.

"Yo, I'm back," Miles said, entering through the window.

"Sup, Miles." Genki nodded, his gaze not leaving the screen. "I'm creating a two-way channel from my computer to an earpiece inside your mask. I'm also trying to figure out how to get a camera fitted into those lenses of yours so I can get eyes on what you're doing when you're out there."

"Man, you're really putting in the work."

Genki looked at Miles with a serious expression painted on his face. "I have to do at least this much if I plan on helping you out. You're out there risking your life to help the city."

"Look, you don't have to put so much pressure on your back, okay? Miles said as he patted Genki on the shoulder. "I appreciate the dedication and hard work you're putting in. I'm sure that you'll be able to figure it out, no problem."

"Nah man, it's nothing." Genki waved him off with his hand.

He said that but Miles knew what Genki was doing was no small feat. All this work he was doing got Miles thinking about Peter and how he had a whole bunch of tech back at his Spider Cave.

'Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm sure Genki could find some stuff to help him down there. I'm sure Aunt May wouldn't mind if we borrowed some of Peter's stuff to help us with Spider-Man work.' Miles thought before turning to Genki. "Hey, I may have a place where we could get the stuff you need. You free tomorrow?"

"Yeah, of course! I usually spend the weekends doing homework or reading comics." Genki replied.

"Alright, I'll see when the two of us can head to the spot." Miles hummed, turning to look at his pile of work on the edge of his desk. A feeling of dread filled his body, much more terrifying than anything he had done as Spider-Man had ever given him.

"You okay?" Genki asked, looking up at Miles."

"I just...really hate homework." Miles sighed, slumping his shoulders as he sat down at his desk.

"I can help you out with it if you want."

Miles thought about it for a bit. While it would be great for him, Miles knew that if he didn't do the work, he would end up getting screwed over in the end since he wouldn't be learning anything. "As much as I would love that, I need to do my own work."

"Okay, just gotta finish my report for English. After that, I'll take a quick nap before heading out for another patrol." Miles muttered, trying to hype himself up.

"My offer still stands." Genki shrugged before going back to work on his laptop.

"I can't hear you!" Miles exclaimed as he put on his headphones and started playing music on his phone.


Miles swung through the streets of Brooklyn. As of right now, it looked to be another peaceful night.

"I guess I'll head back for tonight," Miles muttered, but suddenly he felt his Spider Senses activate. 

Immediately, Miles found a place to land which happened to be on the edge of a rooftop. Peeking over the edge, Miles' eyes scanned through the street.

That was where he saw a group of people in nice suits moving crates out from a warehouse. Off to the side, he saw a group of workers tied up with a few men standing watch. For some strange reason, each one of them was wearing some sort of scary-looking Oni mask.

"What is this, an anime convention?" Miles muttered as he got up and leaped over to a closer position. As he landed closer, Miles noticed that the masked men were heavily armed. 

'Not even the police force is armed like this.' His eyes narrowed. If he had to guess, these were the guys who Uncle Aaron was talking about. 'I could go down and fight them, or I can wait until they leave and tail them. Whatever I do, I need to make sure those hostages get out safe.'

As Miles was thinking about his next steps, his Spider Senses tingled.

"Man Spider on the roof!" Miles heard someone yell in a thick Chinese accent. Turning his head to the side, he saw one of the Oni men dropping a walkie-talkie while also raising his rifle to shoot.

"Well, so much for being sneaky." Miles sighed, webbing the man. He pulled his body toward him where Miles swept him off his feet and threw him to the ground before delivering a punch strong enough to leave him unconscious. "And I'll have you know, it's Spider-Man!"

Looking back down at the warehouse, he saw that most of the men had begun to get into their cars and trucks as they drove out of the place while a few stayed back to take care of him.

"Had I known there was a dress code I would have brought my best suit!" Miles said leaping off the roof and landing in front of the Oni. "You guys got any spares in the back?"

The masked men yelled something in Japanese before they began to unload their rifles on Miles. 

"I'll take that as a no!" Moving out of the way and evading the gunfire, Miles turned invisible as he flanked behind them. Sneaking into the warehouse, he saw that there were a lot more guards inside than there were outside. 

'Boy, I haven't had any practice being sneaky.' Miles gulped, thinking about his previous encounters. Most of the time he would just let his presence be known and dealt with everything afterwards. But he doubted he would be able to do that now. 'No time like the present.'

Miles saw that over by where the lights hung, there was enough darkness for him to hide bodies. All he had to do was do a quick and silent takedown and boom, done deal. Sure it seemed like he was skipping over a few steps, but all that mattered was that he kept that go-getter attitude up, right?

Well, hopefully, these guys wouldn't mind as much. Who was he kidding? They probably won't remember a thing.