Fresh Paint

A young man ran through the crowded streets of Brooklyn. The people who saw him moved out of the way in a hurry, not wanting to get hurt. However, it was hard to blame them as the man was wearing an orange prison suit and had his hands cuffed.

"Get out of the way!" He yelled, pushing someone to the side as he continued running. His eyes scanned the streets where he found an alley he could cut through. Using the alleys, he could hide himself and wait for the heat to die down. With a determined expression on his face, he started running toward the alley.

But just as fast as he thought of running, he was off of his feet and being dragged by his collar. Turning his face, he saw the familiar masked superhero, Spider-Man swinging through the air while he stared back at him.

"Oh? Seems like a caught a big fish today!" Spider-Man quipped.

"Screw you, Spider-Man." The prisoner tried to struggle, grabbing Spider-Man's arm.

"Hey, man! You keep messing around and you might slip out of my hands."

He took a moment to look down at the ground and saw that he was around five stories high in the air. He grumbled something under his breath but stopped trying to struggle. 

The two remained in silence for a few minutes before he spoke up.

"Why you gotta do all this crap?" He asked Spider-Man. "I doubt you get anything out of this."

Spider-Man remained silent for a few seconds before responding. "What's your name?"


"Well, Marko. I ain't really got a reason for doing all of this. You could say that I'm doing this out of an obligation."

"If that's the case, why don't you quit? Ain't no one stopping you."

Spider-Man chuckled, "Yeah, I'm sure a lot of people would be happy if I quit. But I told myself that I wouldn't quit. Some people need me out here."

"Oh yeah, you're really making a difference out here." Marko snorted. "I heard the Avengers took out some alien dude a few weeks ago."

"Hey, I'm doing my job. They call me the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man, not the friendly intergalactic Spider-Man." Spider-Man replied. "As long as one person appreciates the work I do, then I think I'm doing good."

"Yeah, whatever."

After a few minutes passed, Mac was brought back to the police.

Before Mac was handed over to the police, Spider-Man spoke, "Listen, Marko, I don't know what you're in there for."

"Armed robbery." He responded.

"Well, if you don't get into trouble, you'll get out before you know it." Spider-Man looked at Marko through the mask. "Once you get out, how about you and I have another talk?"

"I guess, Spider-Man." Marko shrugged, stepping into a transport bus that was parked close by.


"Well, that should be the last of them." Miles sighed, rubbing his neck. While he had a bit of trouble finding all of the runaway prisoners, it wasn't anything he couldn't handle. But what drained Miles was having these heart-to-heart talks with people. "I'm still nowhere near as good as Peter when it comes to these things."

"Hey, Spider-Man!" One of the police officers called out to Miles, causing him to turn and look.

"What's up?"

"We managed to get all of the prisoners secured, except for Martin Li."

"Yeah, he didn't waste any time in escaping," Miles said, shaking his head. "You guys can take care of transporting the prisoners. I'll do another sweep around the area."

"Alright, good luck out there."

Miles nodded before he zipped out of there. 


"Damn...nothing." Miles cursed, sitting down on the edge of a building. He had scoured through the streets of Brooklyn for the last hour but he came out empty. Martin LI was starting to become a bigger problem by the day.

He was going to have to find a way to deal with him, the sooner the better.

"Guess I can head back for today." 

Swinging back to the dorms, Miles arrived but not after passing by an arts and crafts shop first.

Entering the room, Miles placed a bag on the table beside Ganke who was busy working on a phone, and a couple of pieces of cardboard on the ground.

"Yo, Ganke, how's the phone doing?"

"I gotta be honest, Miles. This shit is fried." Ganke said, putting the phone down. "I did manage to save some of your data onto my laptop. Like your contacts and your photos."

"Well, that's something at least."

"Yeah, and uh...I saw that you wrote my name down as Genki."

Miles raised a brow as he looked at Ganke. "Is that not how you write it?"

"No! It's G A N K E."

"Oh, Word? I thought it was like how the Japanese write it."

"Why would it be Japanese?"

"Are you not half-Japanese?"

"Dude?! I'm half-Korean."

"Shit...Was that racist of me?" Miles asked.

"No, that's just you being a dumbass."

Miles shrugged, "Yeah, well at least now, I know. Communication is key, right?"

"You're lucky I'm not bothered that much by it. But you gotta be careful around other people." Ganke sighed, looking at the bag. "What's in the bag?"

Miles pulled out some spray cans and placed them on the table before bringing out some pre-made stencils of spider webs. "I gotta fix up my suit."

"You gonna do that in here?"

"Relax, I got these low-odor ones. Plus, I brought some masks as well." Miles said, throwing Ganke one.

"So, you got a design in mind?" Ganke asked, putting the mask on his face.

"Well, I gotta make the suit all black for one. And I planned to add spider webs running from the chest to the mask."

"Cool, pass me one of those spray cans and the stencil."

"Here you go," Miles said, passing Ganke the stuff he asked for. "Make sure to put the suit over the cardboard."

"Yeah, I know what I'm doing."

Hours passed before the two finished preparing the suit. The two stared at it as they hung it out to dry.

"I gotta say, we did a pretty decent job," Miles said with a nod.

Ganke shrugged, "Yeah, well, as good as one could do with spray cans."

The more Miles looked at the suit, the more it reminded him of the suit Miles had in the comics, except that the one in front of him had a bit more of a graffiti style compared to the sleek version that the comics had. But to be honest it kinda fits Miles.

"Well, I guess we can call it for tonight. I'm tired as hell." Miles yawned, walking over to his bed."

"I still have to set up the system on your lenses."

"That's right," Miles sighed, looking at Ganke. "We gotta figure out a way for the chips to withstand the electricity currents that I can gather."

"I've been thinking about it, but there's not much we can do without having to rework the entire suit," Ganke said, sitting down at his desk.

"Damn," Miles said, lying down on his bed. "I guess I'll have to chill out on using my electric abilities in the meantime.

"Don't worry, man. We'll figure something out."

"Yeah, I know," Miles muttered. While he was tired, his brain was working on finding ways to get his equipment upgraded. He'd just have to pray that Peter had something they could use. If not then they would have to start from scratch. Thinking about it, Peter's lab had been a huge clutch for Miles, but could it perhaps start to become a crutch? 

Miles exhaustion got the better of him and he had no choice but to fall asleep. He'd leave tomorrow's problem for tomorrow