End in Sight

"So you got a backup phone you can use in the meantime?" Ganke asked, turning to Miles who was changing into his school uniform.

"No, I do not."

"Thought so. Well, lucky for you, I happen to have a few." As he said that, Ganke pulled open one of the drawers on his desk revealing various phones. He grabbed one of them and handed it over to Miles, "Here."

"Why do you have so many?" Miles couldn't help but ask as he accepted the phone.

"Each one of them has a different use." Ganke said, his voice sounding a bit weird for some reason.

Miles raised a brow. "Oh,yeah? W-What was the use for this one?"

"Hm..." Ganke stayed quiet for a moment before turning away from Miles. "Don't worry about it. The phone's been cleaned out and I already put the sim card in."

"Ugh, dude. Now you're making me worry!" Miles winced, putting the phone in his pocket.

"Man, look at the time. I have to get to class." Ganke chuckled, getting up from his seat and heading out

"I should head to class as well. I'll check out my phone later." Miles said, fixing his tie. He'd make sure to wipe the phone down before he touched it any more.


Miles yawned, sitting in class. He looked around the classroom and saw that he wasn't the only one who was zoning in and out during class. 

It didn't help that the lights were off and a video was being played on a projector while the professor was busy looking at something on his phone.

Deciding to follow suit, Miles brought out his own phone and checked out what he had missed since he last used his phone.

Immediately, he noticed that he had a few unanswered text messages and a few missed calls from his parents.

'Damn, that's going to be one tough call to make later.' Miles winced, checking out the rest. 'Hm? A text from Uncle Aaron?'

A: [Yo, kid. Are you busy?]

M: [Sorry, Unc. Had some phone troubles. What's happening?]

Miles sent the message not expecting a response, but contrary to his thought, Aaron sent him 

A: [Where are you at right now?]

M: [I'm in class right now.]

A: [Damn, let me know when you get out.]

M: [For sure.]

Miles put his phone away. He was curious as to the reason Aaron wanted to see him. Guess he'd have to wait until classes were over. 


Miles waited on the edge of a building, looking at his phone. He was sending his parents a text letting them know that his phone had gotten messed up, giving them a fake story in the process.

A heavy thud sounded behind Miles. Turning to look, Miles saw Aaron standing beside him. 

"Yo, Uncle Aaron." Miles waved at him as he put his phone away.

[That's your Uncle?!] Miles heard Ganke through his earpiece.

"New suit?" Aaron asked, noticing the new patterns on his nephew's chest and head.

"Yeah, the last one got ruined," Miles said, showing off the new suit. "So, tell me it doesn't look nice."

Aaron snorted before slightly nodding. "Yeah, it looks nice, kid."

"Thanks," Miles said, standing up. "So, you needed me for something?"

"Hm." Aaron hummed, "I'm sure you've already met with Martin Li."

"You could say that."

"Well, according to a few contacts of mine, after Martin Li escaped police custody, he rounded up all the remaining members of his little organization and is planning on doing something, tonight."

Miles narrowed his eyes. He still didn't know what Martin Li was after but one thing was certain. This was starting to get serious.

"You have any idea where he could be?"

"No, but I'm betting that wherever he goes, it's going to be loud. We just have to wait for him to come out into the open."

"Nah," Miles shook his head. "We have to take him down before he puts his plans in motion. Innocent lives could be in danger if we let him do whatever it is he has planned."

"So, what do you have planned?"

"Yo, Ganke. Send me a picture of Martin Li's plans we took from his office."

[On it.]

Aaron tilted his head as he looked at Miles. "Who are you talking to?"

Just as fast as he said it, Miles received a photo from Ganke which he then shared with Aaron. "I got someone helping me out. I'll introduce you two later."


"You got the photo?"

Aaron looked down at his phone and replied, "Yeah."

"Good, Now how fast do you think you can check each one of those locations?"

"These are all across the city. It'll take me a minimum of two hours."

"That's fine, I'll take one half and you can take the other." Miles explained, "He was going after Kingpin's stashes for a reason. I doubt that he'll just let them go now that he's on the rope."

"Guess I'll get started. I'll let you know if I find anything."

"Same here."

Aaron nodded before leaping away.

"Alrighty," Miles sighed. "Ganke, mind telling me which spot is closest?"

[Dude, are we not going to talk about how your Uncle is some sort of masked vigilante?!]

"We can talk about it later. Right now we have to stop Martin Li."

[No, yeah, you're right.] Ganke cleared his throat. [The closest one to you is a few blocks away. I'll give you directions!]

"Thanks," Miles said, jumping off the building before zipping away.

This time for sure he was going to put Martin Li behind bars. Fortunately for him, he was going to have Aaron help him out. One thing was for certain. There wasn't going to be no third round.

'I'm finishing this tonight.'

(Author's Note)

Hey guys, sorry for the late upload. It's been a busy week, but that's to be expected during the week of Christmas.

I hope you all had a good Christmas or a Happy Holiday for those who don't celebrate Christmas. 

I'm still working on figuring out the pacing of the story, but I believe it's time to advance into the story forward. I'm going to write down one last showdown between Miles and Mister Negative. From there I'll begin the story for Miles' second and third year as Spider-Man. It's going to be an arc that connects the two years. I think it'll help me with the pacing so that it doesn't feel too dragged out.

Hell, I kinda feel like I've been dragging this arc out for a bit but that could just be my amatuer ah being too impatient and wanting to add a lot more to the story without wanting to build up to it.

But worry not, I'll try my best not to screw anything up.