Wrecking Crew

After a few minutes, Miles arrived at the first location. Right off the bat, he could see that the place was riddled with Martin Li's thugs. "Would you look at that?"

[I can already see that the place is filled with people.]

"Well, it's never easy for lil ol' me." Miles sighed, doing a few stretches before swinging toward the warehouse.

Inside the warehouse, Martin Li's men were packing up the last weapon caches before heading out.

"Make sure this makes it to the boss." One of the thugs overlooking the rest said as he placed a crate down by his feet. Opening it up revealed a rocket launcher with a few rockets as ammunition. "And keep your eyes peeled! The Spider-Man could arrive at any moment."

As he finished saying that, the glass from the ceiling panels shattered and Miles landed in the middle of the room. 

Miles looked around as his feet landed on the ground and found himself surrounded by Martin Li's men. He rubbed the back of his head as he said, "Now wait a minute? This isn't the Comic-Con convention is it?"

"Get him!" The leader of the Demon masked men yelled, causing all of the other thugs to charge at Miles.

Miles zipped through the air as his foot pushed a thug toward the nearest wall.

"I gotta say, you guys sure know how to do a welcoming party! Woah!" Miles flipped backward as a sword stabbed into the ground where he was standing.

"Didn't your mom ever tell you not to play with sharp objects?" Miles asked, shooting a web at the sword and sticking it to the ground. No matter how hard the thug tried to pull it out, it wouldn't budge. With him preoccupied, Miles began to charge his electricity, Miles dashed toward the nearest thug and punched him straight in the chest. As his fist connected, the electric charge passed through the thug and began to chain to the people behind them creating a lighting chain that incapacitated them.

"Must have put a little too much sauce into that one," Miles smirked, turning his attention to the remaining thugs. "Now, I'm pretty busy trying to find your boss so I'm going to make this quick."

As he finished saying that, Miles turned invisible surprising everyone around him. Then one by one, each of the thugs was sent flying or slammed into the ground. To them, it was as if they were fighting a ghost.

"Die, Spider-Man!" The leader yelled before pulling out the rocket launcher from the crate below him. 

"You best have a permit for those fireworks, man!"

Fire burst from the back as the rocket blasted toward Miles. The spider senses in Miles' body were shouting like crazy as Miles stared at the incoming missile.

"I don't think that follows regulations!"

Quickly, Miles leaped up into the air and shot a web at the missile and with a pull, redirected it up toward the roof where it hit and caused an explosion with debris falling toward everyone below.

Now came the difficult part. Having to get all of the unconscious thugs and wrap them up for the police. 

"Ho, here we go!" Miles heaved as he grabbed one of the thugs and put him over his shoulder. With his free hand, he shot a web at a nearby thug who was lying on the ground and pulled him toward him.

Once he had gotten a good pile, Miles stuck them all with enough web to keep them from escaping.

After making a quick call to the police, Miles was preparing to leave the warehouse when he got a call. Checking it out, he saw that it was Aaron calling. "Yo, everything okay on your end?"

[I was about to ask you the same thing. I heard some action over by where you were at. Everything okay?]

"Everything's fine. Just had a meeting with a few of Martin Li's men."

[Funny, I just cleaned out a few of 'em just now.]

"Seems that whatever Martin Li is up to, he's got his guys working on bringing all of Kingpin's stuff somewhere. "Miles said, zipping out of the warehouse. "I'll do one more sweep around the city. We gotta stop him from finishing his plans. Whatever they are."

Aaron sighed before speaking. [Yeah, I guess I'll do the same. Stay safe, nephew.]

"I'll try my best."

As Miles swung through the city, he heard his phone ring and saw that it was his father.

"Boy, I sure am popular today." Finding a spot to land, Miles raised his mask, brought his phone out, and answered the call. "Yo, Dad, what's happening?"

[Hey, Miles. Are you free this weekend?]

"Yeah, I should be. Why?"

[Come on son, you can't forget your mother's birthday like that.]

"Is it that close already?"

[I was hoping you and I could go out and get her a gift during the weekend.]

"Sure, Dad. I'm free anytime"

[Alrighty, I'll-] As Jefferson tried to say his goodbye, Miles heard the sound of an explosion coming from the phone. Miles looked out to the city and saw a large explosion go off in the distance. "Dad?!"

[Argh...I'm fine Miles. I'll have to call you later.] Jefferson's voice sounded strained as he hung up on Miles.

[That was near Times Square!] Ganke exclaimed through Miles' earpiece.

"On it!" Miles narrowed his eyes. He brought his mask back down and leaped off toward the explosion. 'I ain't gonna let you take him, Martin.'


Jefferson coughed as he waved off the smoke from his face. He looked around the streets and saw mayhem incarnate. 

People ran away, not caring about anyone but themselves as they pushed each other away to get to safety. There were cars flipped over and on fire and the screens on the buildings were flickering on and off.

"What the hell happened here?" He muttered as he moved toward the center of the explosion. Jefferson raised his radio and started calling for backup and along the way he helped the civilians who needed it.

[Officer Davis? Please report on the situation in Times Square.] Jefferson's radio cracked with a voice coming from the other side.

"I'm thinking there might have been some sort of gas leak," Jefferson responded. "Thankfully I haven't found any casualties."

[Understood. Backup will arrive in a few minutes.]

"Copy that. I'll keep helping the people evacuate, over." As Jefferson put his radio away, another explosion rang through the streets, but this one was more contained.

Jefferson narrowed his eyes, placing a hand on his handgun, he walked over to the explosion. 

"What the hell?" Jefferson couldn't help but mutter as he saw a dark energy surround some of the civilians. Worse, the civilians were attacking each other with no regard at all.

One of the civilians turned to look at Jefferson. He started walking to him slowly. The only thing Jefferson could make out were grumbles and curses. 

"Stay back!" Jefferson warned, pulling the gun out and aiming it at the civilian. But the only response he got was a yell as the man charged at Jefferson. Using his better judgment, Jefferson holstered his handgun and instead dropped the civilian into a takedown where he cuffed him up before he could do any real damage.

"These guys are acting like zombies." Jefferson grumbled, "How come my job is never easy?"

"An officer playing hero?" Jefferson turned and saw Mister Negative standing before him. "Why don't you quit pretending and join in the mayhem?"

"Who the hell are you?" Jefferson asked,

"You don't have to worry about that any longer." Mister Negative smiled, slicing the front of the handgun clean off. His hand began to glow as he neared Jefferson. "Let's see just how corrupt you can be, officer."

(Author's Note)

Man, it seems like I haven't posted a chapter in like a year.

Jokes out of the way, hope you all had a nice New Year. It was pretty hectic for me. I started putting in more hours at work which leaves me less time to focus on anything else. Haven't even had that much time to game either, sadly.

Don't worry though, I'm still going to be releasing chapters on the schedule I made. Just need some time to get settled in.

As far as the story goes, this next chapter will be the final battle between Miles and Mister Negative. I'll try to do it justice as best I can. 

I'll see you all on Monday. Until then, have a good weekend.