Chapter 37: The Stranger


Lena had been on edge for days. I’d caught her turning around more than once, her sharp blue eyes narrowing as if she expected someone to leap out from the shadows at any moment. At first, I thought she was just being cautious, maybe hyper-aware because of everything we’d been through recently.

But after the third, fourth, and fifth time I saw her do it, I couldn’t shake the feeling that something was gnawing at her, something more than just lingering fear from the transformations or the pregnancy.

Every time I caught her looking back, my stomach twisted into a knot. This wasn’t like her. She wasn’t paranoid by nature. Normally, Lena was grounded, and calm in ways I admired—someone who could face unimaginable things and still keep her head clear. She didn’t get rattled by shadows or whispering fears. I’d always counted on that steadiness to help me through my doubts.